107 research outputs found

    Let Opportunistic Crowdsensors Work Together for Resource-efficient, Quality-aware Observations

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    International audienceOpportunistic crowdsensing empowers citizens carrying hand-held devices to sense physical phenomena of common interest at a large and fine-grained scale without requiring the citizens' active involvement. However, the resulting uncontrolled collection and upload of the massive amount of contributed raw data incur significant resource consumption, from the end device to the server, as well as challenge the quality of the collected observations. This paper tackles both challenges raised by opportunistic crowdsensing, that is, enabling the resource-efficient gathering of relevant observations. To achieve so, we introduce the BeTogether middleware fostering context-aware, collaborative crowdsensing at the edge so that co-located crowdsensors operating in the same context, group together to share the work load in a cost- and quality-effective way. We evaluate the proposed solution using an implementation-driven evaluation that leverages a dataset embedding nearly 1 million entries contributed by 550 crowdsensors over a year. Results show that BeTogether increases the quality of the collected data while reducing the overall resource cost compared to the cloud-centric approach

    A Collaborative Mobile Crowdsensing System for Smart Cities

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    Nowadays words like Smart City, Internet of Things, Environmental Awareness surround us with the growing interest of Computer Science and Engineering communities. Services supporting these paradigms are definitely based on large amounts of sensed data, which, once obtained and gathered, need to be analyzed in order to build maps, infer patterns, extract useful information. Everything is done in order to achieve a better quality of life. Traditional sensing techniques, like Wired or Wireless Sensor Network, need an intensive usage of distributed sensors to acquire real-world conditions. We propose SenSquare, a Crowdsensing approach based on smartphones and a central coordination server for time-and-space homogeneous data collecting. SenSquare relies on technologies such as CoAP lightweight protocol, Geofencing and the Military Grid Reference System

    Delivering IoT Services in Smart Cities and Environmental Monitoring through Collective Awareness, Mobile Crowdsensing and Open Data

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the paradigm that allows us to interact with the real world by means of networking-enabled devices and convert physical phenomena into valuable digital knowledge. Such a rapidly evolving field leveraged the explosion of a number of technologies, standards and platforms. Consequently, different IoT ecosystems behave as closed islands and do not interoperate with each other, thus the potential of the number of connected objects in the world is far from being totally unleashed. Typically, research efforts in tackling such challenge tend to propose a new IoT platforms or standards, however, such solutions find obstacles in keeping up the pace at which the field is evolving. Our work is different, in that it originates from the following observation: in use cases that depend on common phenomena such as Smart Cities or environmental monitoring a lot of useful data for applications is already in place somewhere or devices capable of collecting such data are already deployed. For such scenarios, we propose and study the use of Collective Awareness Paradigms (CAP), which offload data collection to a crowd of participants. We bring three main contributions: we study the feasibility of using Open Data coming from heterogeneous sources, focusing particularly on crowdsourced and user-contributed data that has the drawback of being incomplete and we then propose a State-of-the-Art algorith that automatically classifies raw crowdsourced sensor data; we design a data collection framework that uses Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) and puts the participants and the stakeholders in a coordinated interaction together with a distributed data collection algorithm that prevents the users from collecting too much or too less data; (3) we design a Service Oriented Architecture that constitutes a unique interface to the raw data collected through CAPs through their aggregation into ad-hoc services, moreover, we provide a prototype implementation

    Let Opportunistic Crowdsensors Work Together for Resource-efficient, Quality-aware Observations

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    International audienceOpportunistic crowdsensing empowers citizens carrying hand-held devices to sense physical phenomena of common interest at a large and fine-grained scale without requiring the citizens' active involvement. However, the resulting uncontrolled collection and upload of the massive amount of contributed raw data incur significant resource consumption, from the end device to the server, as well as challenge the quality of the collected observations. This paper tackles both challenges raised by opportunistic crowdsensing, that is, enabling the resource-efficient gathering of relevant observations. To achieve so, we introduce the BeTogether middleware fostering context-aware, collaborative crowdsensing at the edge so that co-located crowdsensors operating in the same context, group together to share the work load in a cost- and quality-effective way. We evaluate the proposed solution using an implementation-driven evaluation that leverages a dataset embedding nearly 1 million entries contributed by 550 crowdsensors over a year. Results show that BeTogether increases the quality of the collected data while reducing the overall resource cost compared to the cloud-centric approach

    Data Collection and Aggregation in Mobile Sensing

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    Nowadays, smartphones have become ubiquitous and are playing a critical role in key aspects of people\u27s daily life such as communication, entertainment and social activities. Most smartphones are equipped with multiple embedded sensors such as GPS (Global Positioning System), accelerometer, camera, etc, and have diverse sensing capacity. Moreover, the emergence of wearable devices also enhances the sensing capabilities of smartphones since most wearable devices can exchange sensory data with smartphones via network interfaces. Therefore, mobile sensing have led to numerous innovative applications in various fields including environmental monitoring, transportation, healthcare, safety and so on. While all these applications are based on two critical techniques in mobile sensing, which are data collection and data aggregation, respectively. Data collection is to collect all the sensory data in the network while data aggregation is any process in which information is gathered and expressed in a summary form such as SUM or AVERAGE. Obviously, the above two problems can be solved by simply collect all the sensory data in the whole network. But that will lead to huge communication cost. This dissertation is to reduce the huge communication cost in data collection and data aggregation in mobile sensing where the following two technical routes are applied. The first technical route is to use sampling techniques such as uniform sampling or Bernoulli sampling. In this way, an aggregation result with acceptable error can be can be calculate while only a small part of mobile phones need to submit their sensory data. The second technical rout is location-based sensing in which every mobile phone submits its geographical position and the mobile sensing platform will use the submitted positions to filter useless sensory data. The experiment results indicate the proposed methods have high performance

    Efficient Discovery and Utilization of Radio Information in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous 3D Wireless Networks

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    Emergence of new applications, industrial automation and the explosive boost of smart concepts have led to an environment with rapidly increasing device densification and service diversification. This revolutionary upward trend has led the upcoming 6th-Generation (6G) and beyond communication systems to be globally available communication, computing and intelligent systems seamlessly connecting devices, services and infrastructure facilities. In this kind of environment, scarcity of radio resources would be upshot to an unimaginably high level compelling them to be very efficiently utilized. In this case, timely action is taken to deviate from approximate site-specific 2-Dimensional (2D) network concepts in radio resource utilization and network planning replacing them with more accurate 3-Dimensional (3D) network concepts while utilizing spatially distributed location-specific radio characteristics. Empowering this initiative, initially a framework is developed to accurately estimate the location-specific path loss parameters under dynamic environmental conditions in a 3D small cell (SC) heterogeneous networks (HetNets) facilitating efficient radio resource management schemes using crowdsensing data collection principle together with Linear Algebra (LA) and machine learning (ML) techniques. According to the results, the gradient descent technique is with the highest path loss parameter estimation accuracy which is over 98%. At a latter stage, receive signal power is calculated at a slightly extended 3D communication distances from the cluster boundaries based on already estimated propagation parameters with an accuracy of over 74% for certain distances. Coordination in both device-network and network-network interactions is also a critical factor in efficient radio resource utilization while meeting Quality of Service (QoS) requirements in heavily congested future 3D SCs HetNets. Then, overall communication performance enhancement through better utilization of spatially distributed opportunistic radio resources in a 3D SC is addressed with the device and network coordination, ML and Slotted-ALOHA principles together with scheduling, power control and access prioritization schemes. Within this solution, several communication related factors like 3D spatial positions and QoS requirements of the devices in two co-located networks operated in licensed band (LB) and unlicensed band (UB) are considered. To overcome the challenge of maintaining QoS under ongoing network densification and with limited radio resources cellular network traffic is offloaded to UB. Approximately, 70% better overall coordination efficiency is achieved at initial network access with the device network coordinated weighting factor based prioritization scheme powered with the Q-learning (QL) principle over conventional schemes. Subsequently, coverage information of nearby dense NR-Unlicensed (NR-U) base stations (BSs) is investigated for better allocation and utilization of common location-specific spatially distributed radio resources in UB. Firstly, the problem of determining the receive signal power at a given location due to a transmission done by a neighbor NR-U BS is addressed with a solution based on a deep regression neural network algorithm enabling to predict receive signal or interference power of a neighbor BS at a given location of a 3D cell. Subsequently, the problem of efficient radio resource management is considered while dynamically utilizing UB spectrum for NR-U transmissions through an algorithm based on the double Q-learning (DQL) principle and device collaboration. Over 200% faster algorithm convergence is achieved by the DQL based method over conventional solutions with estimated path loss parameters


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications

    CrowdPower: A Novel Crowdsensing-as-a-Service Platform for Real-Time Incident Reporting

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    Crowdsensing using mobile phones is a novel addition to the Internet of Things applications suite. However, there are many challenges related to crowdsensing, including (1) the ability to manage a large number of mobile users with varying devices’ capabilities; (2) recruiting reliable users available in the location of interest at the right time; (3) handling various sensory data collected with different requirements and at different frequencies and scales; (4) brokering the relationship between data collectors and consumers in an efficient and scalable manner; and (5) automatically generating intelligence reports after processing the collected sensory data. No comprehensive end-to-end crowdsensing platform has been proposed despite a few attempts to address these challenges. In this work, we aim at filling this gap by proposing and describing the practical implementation of an end-to-end crowdsensing-as-a-service system dubbed CrowdPower. Our platform offers a standard interface for the management and brokerage of sensory data, enabling the transformation of raw sensory data into valuable smart city intelligence. Our solution includes a model for selecting participants for sensing campaigns based on the reliability and quality of sensors on users’ devices, then subsequently analysing the quality of the data provided using a clustering approach to predict user reputation and identify outliers. The platform also has an elaborate administration web portal developed to manage and visualize sensing activities. In addition to the architecture, design, and implementation of the backend platform capabilities, we also explain the creation of CrowdPower’s sensing mobile application that enables data collectors and consumers to participate in various sensing activities


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    Volume 3 describes how resource-aware machine learning methods and techniques are used to successfully solve real-world problems. The book provides numerous specific application examples: in health and medicine for risk modelling, diagnosis, and treatment selection for diseases in electronics, steel production and milling for quality control during manufacturing processes in traffic, logistics for smart cities and for mobile communications
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