1,492 research outputs found

    Approximation Schemes for Partitioning: Convex Decomposition and Surface Approximation

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    We revisit two NP-hard geometric partitioning problems - convex decomposition and surface approximation. Building on recent developments in geometric separators, we present quasi-polynomial time algorithms for these problems with improved approximation guarantees.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    On a Linear Program for Minimum-Weight Triangulation

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    Minimum-weight triangulation (MWT) is NP-hard. It has a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation algorithm, and a variety of effective polynomial- time heuristics that, for many instances, can find the exact MWT. Linear programs (LPs) for MWT are well-studied, but previously no connection was known between any LP and any approximation algorithm or heuristic for MWT. Here we show the first such connections: for an LP formulation due to Dantzig et al. (1985): (i) the integrality gap is bounded by a constant; (ii) given any instance, if the aforementioned heuristics find the MWT, then so does the LP.Comment: To appear in SICOMP. Extended abstract appeared in SODA 201

    Minimum-weight triangulation is NP-hard

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    A triangulation of a planar point set S is a maximal plane straight-line graph with vertex set S. In the minimum-weight triangulation (MWT) problem, we are looking for a triangulation of a given point set that minimizes the sum of the edge lengths. We prove that the decision version of this problem is NP-hard. We use a reduction from PLANAR-1-IN-3-SAT. The correct working of the gadgets is established with computer assistance, using dynamic programming on polygonal faces, as well as the beta-skeleton heuristic to certify that certain edges belong to the minimum-weight triangulation.Comment: 45 pages (including a technical appendix of 13 pages), 28 figures. This revision contains a few improvements in the expositio

    New results on stabbing segments with a polygon

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    We consider a natural variation of the concept of stabbing a set of segments with a simple polygon: a segment s is stabbed by a simple polygon P if at least one endpoint of s is contained in P, and a segment set S is stabbed by P if P stabs every element of S. Given a segment set S, we study the problem of finding a simple polygon P stabbing S in a way that some measure of P (such as area or perimeter) is optimized. We show that if the elements of S are pairwise disjoint, the problem can be solved in polynomial time. In particular, this solves an open problem posed by Loftier and van Kreveld [Algorithmica 56(2), 236-269 (2010)] [16] about finding a maximum perimeter convex hull for a set of imprecise points modeled as line segments. Our algorithm can also be extended to work for a more general problem, in which instead of segments, the set S consists of a collection of point sets with pairwise disjoint convex hulls. We also prove that for general segments our stabbing problem is NP-hard. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Cutting Polygons into Small Pieces with Chords: Laser-Based Localization

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    Motivated by indoor localization by tripwire lasers, we study the problem of cutting a polygon into small-size pieces, using the chords of the polygon. Several versions are considered, depending on the definition of the "size" of a piece. In particular, we consider the area, the diameter, and the radius of the largest inscribed circle as a measure of the size of a piece. We also consider different objectives, either minimizing the maximum size of a piece for a given number of chords, or minimizing the number of chords that achieve a given size threshold for the pieces. We give hardness results for polygons with holes and approximation algorithms for multiple variants of the problem

    Flip Distance Between Triangulations of a Simple Polygon is NP-Complete

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    Let T be a triangulation of a simple polygon. A flip in T is the operation of removing one diagonal of T and adding a different one such that the resulting graph is again a triangulation. The flip distance between two triangulations is the smallest number of flips required to transform one triangulation into the other. For the special case of convex polygons, the problem of determining the shortest flip distance between two triangulations is equivalent to determining the rotation distance between two binary trees, a central problem which is still open after over 25 years of intensive study. We show that computing the flip distance between two triangulations of a simple polygon is NP-complete. This complements a recent result that shows APX-hardness of determining the flip distance between two triangulations of a planar point set.Comment: Accepted versio

    Approximate Euclidean shortest paths in polygonal domains

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    Given a set P\mathcal{P} of hh pairwise disjoint simple polygonal obstacles in R2\mathbb{R}^2 defined with nn vertices, we compute a sketch Ω\Omega of P\mathcal{P} whose size is independent of nn, depending only on hh and the input parameter ϵ\epsilon. We utilize Ω\Omega to compute a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate geodesic shortest path between the two given points in O(n+h((lgn)+(lgh)1+δ+(1ϵlghϵ)))O(n + h((\lg{n}) + (\lg{h})^{1+\delta} + (\frac{1}{\epsilon}\lg{\frac{h}{\epsilon}}))) time. Here, ϵ\epsilon is a user parameter, and δ\delta is a small positive constant (resulting from the time for triangulating the free space of P\cal P using the algorithm in \cite{journals/ijcga/Bar-YehudaC94}). Moreover, we devise a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm to answer two-point Euclidean distance queries for the case of convex polygonal obstacles.Comment: a few updates; accepted to ISAAC 201