13,996 research outputs found

    Analytic Regularity and GPC Approximation for Control Problems Constrained by Linear Parametric Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs

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    This paper deals with linear-quadratic optimal control problems constrained by a parametric or stochastic elliptic or parabolic PDE. We address the (difficult) case that the state equation depends on a countable number of parameters i.e., on σj\sigma_j with jNj\in\N, and that the PDE operator may depend non-affinely on the parameters. We consider tracking-type functionals and distributed as well as boundary controls. Building on recent results in [CDS1, CDS2], we show that the state and the control are analytic as functions depending on these parameters σj\sigma_j. We establish sparsity of generalized polynomial chaos (gpc) expansions of both, state and control, in terms of the stochastic coordinate sequence σ=(σj)j1\sigma = (\sigma_j)_{j\ge 1} of the random inputs, and prove convergence rates of best NN-term truncations of these expansions. Such truncations are the key for subsequent computations since they do {\em not} assume that the stochastic input data has a finite expansion. In the follow-up paper [KS2], we explain two methods how such best NN-term truncations can practically be computed, by greedy-type algorithms as in [SG, Gi1], or by multilevel Monte-Carlo methods as in [KSS]. The sparsity result allows in conjunction with adaptive wavelet Galerkin schemes for sparse, adaptive tensor discretizations of control problems constrained by linear elliptic and parabolic PDEs developed in [DK, GK, K], see [KS2]

    Fully discrete finite element data assimilation method for the heat equation

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    We consider a finite element discretization for the reconstruction of the final state of the heat equation, when the initial data is unknown, but additional data is given in a sub domain in the space time. For the discretization in space we consider standard continuous affine finite element approximation, and the time derivative is discretized using a backward differentiation. We regularize the discrete system by adding a penalty of the H1H^1-semi-norm of the initial data, scaled with the mesh-parameter. The analysis of the method uses techniques developed in E. Burman and L. Oksanen, Data assimilation for the heat equation using stabilized finite element methods, arXiv, 2016, combining discrete stability of the numerical method with sharp Carleman estimates for the physical problem, to derive optimal error estimates for the approximate solution. For the natural space time energy norm, away from t=0t=0, the convergence is the same as for the classical problem with known initial data, but contrary to the classical case, we do not obtain faster convergence for the L2L^2-norm at the final time

    Optimal Control of the Thermistor Problem in Three Spatial Dimensions

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    This paper is concerned with the state-constrained optimal control of the three-dimensional thermistor problem, a fully quasilinear coupled system of a parabolic and elliptic PDE with mixed boundary conditions. This system models the heating of a conducting material by means of direct current. Local existence, uniqueness and continuity for the state system are derived by employing maximal parabolic regularity in the fundamental theorem of Pr\"uss. Global solutions are addressed, which includes analysis of the linearized state system via maximal parabolic regularity, and existence of optimal controls is shown if the temperature gradient is under control. The adjoint system involving measures is investigated using a duality argument. These results allow to derive first-order necessary conditions for the optimal control problem in form of a qualified optimality system. The theoretical findings are illustrated by numerical results

    Relaxation Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations

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    We consider integer-restricted optimal control of systems governed by abstract semilinear evolution equations. This includes the problem of optimal control design for certain distributed parameter systems endowed with multiple actuators, where the task is to minimize costs associated with the dynamics of the system by choosing, for each instant in time, one of the actuators together with ordinary controls. We consider relaxation techniques that are already used successfully for mixed-integer optimal control of ordinary differential equations. Our analysis yields sufficient conditions such that the optimal value and the optimal state of the relaxed problem can be approximated with arbitrary precision by a control satisfying the integer restrictions. The results are obtained by semigroup theory methods. The approach is constructive and gives rise to a numerical method. We supplement the analysis with numerical experiments

    Constrained Hyperbolic Divergence Cleaning for Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics

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    We present a constrained formulation of Dedner et al's hyperbolic/parabolic divergence cleaning scheme for enforcing the \nabla\dot B = 0 constraint in Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics (SPMHD) simulations. The constraint we impose is that energy removed must either be conserved or dissipated, such that the scheme is guaranteed to decrease the overall magnetic energy. This is shown to require use of conjugate numerical operators for evaluating \nabla\dot B and \nabla{\psi} in the SPMHD cleaning equations. The resulting scheme is shown to be stable at density jumps and free boundaries, in contrast to an earlier implementation by Price & Monaghan (2005). Optimal values of the damping parameter are found to be {\sigma} = 0.2-0.3 in 2D and {\sigma} = 0.8-1.2 in 3D. With these parameters, our constrained Hamiltonian formulation is found to provide an effective means of enforcing the divergence constraint in SPMHD, typically maintaining average values of h |\nabla\dot B| / |B| to 0.1-1%, up to an order of magnitude better than artificial resistivity without the associated dissipation in the physical field. Furthermore, when applied to realistic, 3D simulations we find an improvement of up to two orders of magnitude in momentum conservation with a corresponding improvement in numerical stability at essentially zero additional computational expense.Comment: 28 pages, 25 figures, accepted to J. Comput. Phys. Movies at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL215D649FD0BDA466 v2: fixed inverted figs 1,4,6, and several color bar