792 research outputs found

    The linearization problem of a binary quadratic problem and its applications

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    We provide several applications of the linearization problem of a binary quadratic problem. We propose a new lower bounding strategy, called the linearization-based scheme, that is based on a simple certificate for a quadratic function to be non-negative on the feasible set. Each linearization-based bound requires a set of linearizable matrices as an input. We prove that the Generalized Gilmore-Lawler bounding scheme for binary quadratic problems provides linearization-based bounds. Moreover, we show that the bound obtained from the first level reformulation linearization technique is also a type of linearization-based bound, which enables us to provide a comparison among mentioned bounds. However, the strongest linearization-based bound is the one that uses the full characterization of the set of linearizable matrices. Finally, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the linearization problem of the quadratic shortest path problem on directed acyclic graphs. Our algorithm gives a complete characterization of the set of linearizable matrices for the quadratic shortest path problem

    The Quadratic Cycle Cover Problem: special cases and efficient bounds

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    The quadratic cycle cover problem is the problem of finding a set of node-disjoint cycles visiting all the nodes such that the total sum of interaction costs between consecutive arcs is minimized. In this paper we study the linearization problem for the quadratic cycle cover problem and related lower bounds. In particular, we derive various sufficient conditions for the quadratic cost matrix to be linearizable, and use these conditions to compute bounds. We also show how to use a sufficient condition for linearizability within an iterative bounding procedure. In each step, our algorithm computes the best equivalent representation of the quadratic cost matrix and its optimal linearizable matrix with respect to the given sufficient condition for linearizability. Further, we show that the classical Gilmore-Lawler type bound belongs to the family of linearization based bounds, and therefore apply the above mentioned iterative reformulation technique. We also prove that the linearization vectors resulting from this iterative approach satisfy the constant value property. The best among here introduced bounds outperform existing lower bounds when taking both quality and efficiency into account

    A Level-2 Reformulation–Linearization Technique Bound for the Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    This paper studies polyhedral methods for the quadratic assignment problem. Bounds on the objective value are obtained using mixed 0–1 linear representations that result from a reformulation–linearization technique (rlt). The rlt provides different “levels” of representations that give increasing strength. Prior studies have shown that even the weakest level-1 form yields very tight bounds, which in turn lead to improved solution methodologies. This paper focuses on implementing level-2. We compare level-2 with level-1 and other bounding mechanisms, in terms of both overall strength and ease of computation. In so doing, we extend earlier work on level-1 by implementing a Lagrangian relaxation that exploits block-diagonal structure present in the constraints. The bounds are embedded within an enumerative algorithm to devise an exact solution strategy. Our computer results are notable, exhibiting a dramatic reduction in nodes examined in the enumerative phase, and allowing for the exact solution of large instances

    An Algorithm for the Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    This paper reports on a new algorithm for the Generalized Quadratic Assignment problem (GQAP). The GQAP describes a broad class of quadratic integer programming problems, wherein M pair-wise related entities are assigned to N destinations constrained by the destinations’ ability to accommodate them. This new algorithm is based on a Reformulation Linearization Technique (RLT) dual ascent procedure. Experimental results show that the runtime of this algorithm is as good or better than other known exact solution methods for problems as large as M=20 and N=15

    Characterizing Linearizable QAPs by the Level-1 Reformulation-Linearization Technique

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is an extremely challenging NP-hard combinatorial optimization program. Due to its difficulty, a research emphasis has been to identify special cases that are polynomially solvable. Included within this emphasis are instances which are linearizable; that is, which can be rewritten as a linear assignment problem having the property that the objective function value is preserved at all feasible solutions. Various known sufficient conditions for identifying linearizable instances have been explained in terms of the continuous relaxation of a weakened version of the level-1 reformulation-linearization-technique (RLT) form that does not enforce nonnegativity on a subset of the variables. Also, conditions that are both necessary and sufficient have been given in terms of decompositions of the objective coefficients. The main contribution of this paper is the identification of a relationship between polyhedral theory and linearizability that promotes a novel, yet strikingly simple, necessary and sufficient condition for identifying linearizable instances; specifically, an instance of the QAP is linearizable if and only if the continuous relaxation of the same weakened RLT form is bounded. In addition to providing a novel perspective on the QAP being linearizable, a consequence of this study is that every linearizable instance has an optimal solution to the (polynomially-sized) continuous relaxation of the level-1 RLT form that is binary. The converse, however, is not true so that the continuous relaxation can yield binary optimal solutions to instances of the QAP that are not linearizable. Another consequence follows from our defining a maximal linearly independent set of equations in the lifted RLT variable space; we answer a recent open question that the theoretically best possible linearization-based bound cannot improve upon the level-1 RLT form

    Symmetry in RLT cuts for the quadratic assignment and standard quadratic optimization problems

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    The reformulation-linearization technique (RLT), introduced in [W.P. Adams, H.D. Sher-ali, A tight linearization and an algorithm for zero-one quadratic programming problems, Management Science, 32(10):1274{1290, 1986], provides a way to compute linear program-ming bounds on the optimal values of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper we show that, in the presence of suitable algebraic symmetry in the original problem data, it is sometimes possible to compute level two RLT bounds with additional linear matrix inequality constraints. As an illustration of our methodology, we compute the best-known bounds for certain graph partitioning problems on strongly regular graphs

    An LP-based Characterization of Solvable QAP Instances with Chess-board and Graded Structures

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    The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is perhaps the most widely studied nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem. It has many applications in various fields, yet has proven to be extremely difficult to solve. This difficulty has motivated researchers to identify special objective function structures that permit an optimal solution to be found efficiently. Previous work has shown that certain such structures can be explained in terms of a mixed 0-1 linear reformulation of the QAP known as the level-1 reformulation-linearization-technique (RLT) form. Specifically, the objective function structures were shown to ensure that a binary optimal extreme point solution exists to the continuous relaxation. This paper extends that work by considering classes of solvable cases in which the objective function coefficients have special chess-board and graded structures, and similarly characterizing them in terms of the level-1 RLT form. As part of this characterization, we develop a new relaxed version of the level-1 RLT form, the structure of which can be readily exploited to study the special instances under consideration
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