45,372 research outputs found

    Granular computing and optimization model-based method for large-scale group decision-making and its application

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    In large-scale group decision-making process, some decision makers hesitate among several linguistic terms and cannot compare some alternatives, so they often express evaluation information with incomplete hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations. How to obtain suitable large-scale group decision-making results from incomplete preference information is an important and interesting issue to concern about. After analyzing the existing researches, we find that: i) the premise that complete preference relation is perfectly consistent is too strict, ii) deleting all incomplete linguistic preference relations that cannot be fully completed will lose valid assessment information, iii) semantics given by decision makers are greatly possible to be changed during the consistency improving process. In order to solve these issues, this work proposes a novel method based on Granular computing and optimization model for large-scale group decision-making, considering the original consistency of incomplete hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relation and improving its consistency without changing semantics during the completion process. An illustrative example and simulation experiments demonstrate the rationality and advantages of the proposed method: i) semantics are not changed during the consistency improving process, ii) completion process does not significantly alter the inherent quality of information, iii) complete preference relations are globally consistent, iv) final large-scale group decision-making result is acquired by fusing complete preference relations with different weights

    An optimal feedback model to prevent manipulation behaviours in consensus under social network group decision making

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.A novel framework to prevent manipulation behaviour in consensus reaching process under social network group decision making is proposed, which is based on a theoretically sound optimal feedback model. The manipulation behaviour classification is twofold: (1) ‘individual manipulation’ where each expert manipulates his/her own behaviour to achieve higher importance degree (weight); and (2) ‘group manipulation’ where a group of experts force inconsistent experts to adopt specific recommendation advices obtained via the use of fixed feedback parameter. To counteract ‘individual manipulation’, a behavioural weights assignment method modelling sequential attitude ranging from ‘dictatorship’ to ‘democracy’ is developed, and then a reasonable policy for group minimum adjustment cost is established to assign appropriate weights to experts. To prevent ‘group manipulation’, an optimal feedback model with objective function the individual adjustments cost and constraints related to the threshold of group consensus is investigated. This approach allows the inconsistent experts to balance group consensus and adjustment cost, which enhances their willingness to adopt the recommendation advices and consequently the group reaching consensus on the decision making problem at hand. A numerical example is presented to illustrate and verify the proposed optimal feedback model

    Algorithms to Detect and Rectify Multiplicative and Ordinal Inconsistencies of Fuzzy Preference Relations

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Consistency, multiplicative and ordinal, of fuzzy preference relations (FPRs) is investigated. The geometric consistency index (GCI) approximated thresholds are extended to measure the degree of consistency for an FPR. For inconsistent FPRs, two algorithms are devised (1) to find the multiplicative inconsistent elements, and (2) to detect the ordinal inconsistent elements. An integrated algorithm is proposed to improve simultaneously the ordinal and multiplicative consistencies. Some examples, comparative analysis, and simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Face Validation Method Alternatives for Shiphandling Fuzzy Logic Difficulty Model

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    The development of shiphandling difficulty model for ferry is based on the empirical experience through the Master of Ro-Ro ferries. The SHDMF is consisted from two parts which are the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Inference System. Both parts had been validated through internal validation in the form of consistency test for the first part and robustness test for the second part. Further, the external/face validation is required to compare the proposed model with similar model through benchmarking approach. The benchmarking approaches are elaborated for the reliability, validity, possibility, efficiency and effectiveness. Through fuzzy group decision making method, the questionnaire survey is performed to verify the most appropriate approach based on the shiphandling simulator as the most preferred benchmarking tool by experts. Next, the proposed scenario is overviewed and discussed especially related to the advantages and drawbacks of shiphandling simulator. Keywords: shiphandling difficulty, fuzzy group decision making, internal validation Model pengukuran kesulitan pengendalian feri didasarkan pada pengalaman empiris melalui pernyataan nahkoda kapal feri Ro-Ro. SHDMF terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu Analytic Hierarchy Process dan Fuzzy Inference System. Kedua bagian ini telah divalidasi melalui validasi internal dalam bentuk uji konsistensi untuk bagian pertama dan uji kehandalan untuk bagian kedua. Selanjutnya validasi atau wajah eksternal diperlukan untuk membandingkan model yang diusulkan dengan model yang diperoleh dari benchmarking. Pendekatan benchmarking dijabarkan untuk kehandalan, validitas, kemungkinan, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. Melalui metode fuzzy kelompok pembuatan keputusan, survei kuesioner dilakukan untuk memverifikasi pendekatan yang paling tepat dengan simulator pengendalian kapal sebagai alat yang paling disukai oleh para ahli untuk benchmarking. Selanjutnya skenario yang ditinjau-ulang dan dibahas terutama terkait dengan keuntungan dan kelemahan simulator pengendalian kapal. Kata

    On the priority vector associated with a fuzzy preference relation and a multiplicative preference relation.

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    We propose two straightforward methods for deriving the priority vector associated with a fuzzy preference relation. Then, using transformations between multiplicative preference relations and fuzzy preference relations, we study the relationships between the priority vectors associated with these two types of preference relations.pairwise comparison matrix; fuzzy preference relation; priority vector

    Methods For Fuzzy Demand Assessment For IT Specialties

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    The rapid development of information technologies and their penetration into various spheres of human activity cause a sharply increased demand for IT specialists, in many countries of the world far exceeding the supply on them. High rates of technological transformation contribute to the diversification of the IT segment of the labor market, on the one hand, stimulate the disappearance of some and the emergence of new IT specialties, on the other. This creates a discrepancy between the structure of IT-related education and the labor market demand for IT specialists of the required profile and determines the relevance of developing methods for assessing the demand for IT specialties.This article is devoted to the study and solution of the problem of identifying the demand for IT specialties in the absence of accurate and complete information about the situation in the IT market segment. For the assessment of IT specialties and their ranking by the degree of demand in the labor market, the tasks of making individual and group decisions in the context of fuzzy initial information are formulated and solved. The methodological basis of the tasks posed is multi-criteria decision support methods based on fuzzy relations of expert preferences.The proposed approach as a mathematical tool for minimizing the structural imbalance of supply and demand for IT specialties is one of the components of the system of intellectual management of the labor market of IT specialists. The latter is designed to support the adoption of scientifically based management decisions to eliminate the mismatch of supply and demand in the IT segment of the labor market in professional, quantitative and qualitative sections
