26,093 research outputs found

    A Language-Independent Proof System for Mutual Program Equivalence

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    International audienceTwo programs are mutually equivalent if they both diverge or they end up in similar states. Mutual equivalence is an adequate notion of equivalence for programs written in deterministic languages. It is useful in many contexts, such as capturing the correctness of, program transformations within the same language, or capturing the correctness of compilers between two different languages. In this paper we introduce a language-independent proof system for mutual equivalence, which is parametric in the operational semantics of two languages and in a state-similarity relation. The proof system is sound: if it terminates then it establishes the mutual equivalence of the programs given to it as input. We illustrate it on two programs in two different languages (an imperative one and a functional one), that both compute the Collatz sequence.Deux programmes sont en équivalence mutuelle s'ils divergent tous les deux ou s'ils terminent dans des états similaires. L'équivalence mutuelle est une notion adéquate d'équivalence pour les programmes déterministes. Elle est utile dans divers contextes, parmi lesquels on peut citer la preuve de transformations de programmes dans un langage donné, et la preuve de compilateurs entre deux langages. Dans cet article nous introduisons un système déductif pour l'équivalence mutuelle, qui a comme paramètres les sémantiques opérationnelles de deux langages ainsi qu'une relation de similitude entre états des programmes. Le système déductif est correct: lorsqu'il termine, il démontre l'équivalence des programmes qui lui sont donnés en entrée. Nous l'illustrons sur deux programmes, appartenant à des langages différents : l'un impératif, l'autre fonctionnel, qui calculent la séquence de Collatz de deux manières différentes

    Putting time into proof outlines

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    A logic for reasoning about timing of concurrent programs is presented. The logic is based on proof outlines and can handle maximal parallelism as well as resource-constrained execution environments. The correctness proof for a mutual exclusion protocol that uses execution timings in a subtle way illustrates the logic in action

    A static analysis for quantifying information flow in a simple imperative language

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    We propose an approach to quantify interference in a simple imperative language that includes a looping construct. In this paper we focus on a particular case of this definition of interference: leakage of information from private variables to public ones via a Trojan Horse attack. We quantify leakage in terms of Shannon's information theory and we motivate our definition by proving a result relating this definition of leakage and the classical notion of programming language interference. The major contribution of the paper is a quantitative static analysis based on this definition for such a language. The analysis uses some non-trivial information theory results like Fano's inequality and L1 inequalities to provide reasonable bounds for conditional statements. While-loops are handled by integrating a qualitative flow-sensitive dependency analysis into the quantitative analysis

    An Effective Fixpoint Semantics for Linear Logic Programs

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    In this paper we investigate the theoretical foundation of a new bottom-up semantics for linear logic programs, and more precisely for the fragment of LinLog that consists of the language LO enriched with the constant 1. We use constraints to symbolically and finitely represent possibly infinite collections of provable goals. We define a fixpoint semantics based on a new operator in the style of Tp working over constraints. An application of the fixpoint operator can be computed algorithmically. As sufficient conditions for termination, we show that the fixpoint computation is guaranteed to converge for propositional LO. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to define an effective fixpoint semantics for linear logic programs. As an application of our framework, we also present a formal investigation of the relations between LO and Disjunctive Logic Programming. Using an approach based on abstract interpretation, we show that DLP fixpoint semantics can be viewed as an abstraction of our semantics for LO. We prove that the resulting abstraction is correct and complete for an interesting class of LO programs encoding Petri Nets.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin

    How to prove similarity a precongruence in non-deterministic call-by-need lambda calculi

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    Extending the method of Howe, we establish a large class of untyped higher-order calculi, in particular such with call-by-need evaluation, where similarity, also called applicative simulation, can be used as a proof tool for showing contextual preorder. The paper also demonstrates that Mann’s approach using an intermediate “approximation” calculus scales up well from a basic call-by-need non-deterministic lambdacalculus to more expressive lambda calculi. I.e., it is demonstrated, that after transferring the contextual preorder of a non-deterministic call-byneed lambda calculus to its corresponding approximation calculus, it is possible to apply Howe’s method to show that similarity is a precongruence. The transfer is not treated in this paper. The paper also proposes an optimization of the similarity-test by cutting off redundant computations. Our results also applies to deterministic or non-deterministic call-by-value lambda-calculi, and improves upon previous work insofar as it is proved that only closed values are required as arguments for similaritytesting instead of all closed expressions

    Model Checking Linear Logic Specifications

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    The overall goal of this paper is to investigate the theoretical foundations of algorithmic verification techniques for first order linear logic specifications. The fragment of linear logic we consider in this paper is based on the linear logic programming language called LO enriched with universally quantified goal formulas. Although LO was originally introduced as a theoretical foundation for extensions of logic programming languages, it can also be viewed as a very general language to specify a wide range of infinite-state concurrent systems. Our approach is based on the relation between backward reachability and provability highlighted in our previous work on propositional LO programs. Following this line of research, we define here a general framework for the bottom-up evaluation of first order linear logic specifications. The evaluation procedure is based on an effective fixpoint operator working on a symbolic representation of infinite collections of first order linear logic formulas. The theory of well quasi-orderings can be used to provide sufficient conditions for the termination of the evaluation of non trivial fragments of first order linear logic.Comment: 53 pages, 12 figures "Under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming