4,052 research outputs found

    Flexible modelling in statistics: past, present and future

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    In times where more and more data become available and where the data exhibit rather complex structures (significant departure from symmetry, heavy or light tails), flexible modelling has become an essential task for statisticians as well as researchers and practitioners from domains such as economics, finance or environmental sciences. This is reflected by the wealth of existing proposals for flexible distributions; well-known examples are Azzalini's skew-normal, Tukey's gg-and-hh, mixture and two-piece distributions, to cite but these. My aim in the present paper is to provide an introduction to this research field, intended to be useful both for novices and professionals of the domain. After a description of the research stream itself, I will narrate the gripping history of flexible modelling, starring emblematic heroes from the past such as Edgeworth and Pearson, then depict three of the most used flexible families of distributions, and finally provide an outlook on future flexible modelling research by posing challenging open questions.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Multivariate regime–switching GARCH with an application to international stock markets

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    We develop a multivariate generalization of the Markov–switching GARCH model introduced by Haas, Mittnik, and Paolella (2004b) and derive its fourth–moment structure. An application to international stock markets illustrates the relevance of accounting for volatility regimes from both a statistical and economic perspective, including out–of–sample portfolio selection and computation of Value–at–Risk

    A semiparametric Bayesian approach to the analysis of financial time series with applications to value at risk estimation

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    Financial time series analysis deals with the understanding of data collected on financial markets. Several parametric distribution models have been entertained for describing, estimating and predicting the dynamics of financial time series. Alternatively, this article considers a Bayesian semiparametric approach. In particular, the usual parametric distributional assumptions of the GARCH-type models are relaxed by entertaining the class of location-scale mixtures of Gaussian distributions with a Dirichlet process prior on the mixing distribution, leading to a Dirichlet process mixture model. The proposed specification allows for a greater exibility in capturing both the skewness and kurtosis frequently observed in financial returns. The Bayesian model provides statistical inference with finite sample validity. Furthermore, it is also possible to obtain predictive distributions for the Value at Risk (VaR), which has become the most widely used measure of market risk for practitioners. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed semiparametric method and compare results with the ones from a normal distribution assumption. We also demonstrate the superiority of our proposed semiparametric method using real data from the Bombay Stock Exchange Index (BSE-30) and the Hang Seng Index (HSI).Bayesian estimation, Deviance information criterion, Dirichlet process mixture, Financial time series, Location-scale Gaussian mixture, Markov chain Monte Carlo

    Semi-supervised model-based clustering with controlled clusters leakage

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    In this paper, we focus on finding clusters in partially categorized data sets. We propose a semi-supervised version of Gaussian mixture model, called C3L, which retrieves natural subgroups of given categories. In contrast to other semi-supervised models, C3L is parametrized by user-defined leakage level, which controls maximal inconsistency between initial categorization and resulting clustering. Our method can be implemented as a module in practical expert systems to detect clusters, which combine expert knowledge with true distribution of data. Moreover, it can be used for improving the results of less flexible clustering techniques, such as projection pursuit clustering. The paper presents extensive theoretical analysis of the model and fast algorithm for its efficient optimization. Experimental results show that C3L finds high quality clustering model, which can be applied in discovering meaningful groups in partially classified data

    Multivariate Regime–Switching GARCH with an Application to International Stock Markets

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    We develop a multivariate generalization of the Markov–switching GARCH model introduced by Haas, Mittnik, and Paolella (2004b) and derive its fourth–moment structure. An application to international stock markets illustrates the relevance of accounting for volatility regimes from both a statistical and economic perspective, including out–of–sample portfolio selection and computation of Value–at–Risk.Conditional Volatility, Markov–Switching, Multivariate GARCH

    Modeling and predicting market risk with Laplace-Gaussian mixture distributions

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    While much of classical statistical analysis is based on Gaussian distributional assumptions, statistical modeling with the Laplace distribution has gained importance in many applied fields. This phenomenon is rooted in the fact that, like the Gaussian, the Laplace distribution has many attractive properties. This paper investigates two methods of combining them and their use in modeling and predicting financial risk. Based on 25 daily stock return series, the empirical results indicate that the new models offer a plausible description of the data. They are also shown to be competitive with, or superior to, use of the hyperbolic distribution, which has gained some popularity in asset-return modeling and, in fact, also nests the Gaussian and Laplace. Klassifikation: C16, C50 . March 2005