103 research outputs found

    A Kernel Mean Embedding Approach to Reducing Conservativeness in Stochastic Programming and Control

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    We apply kernel mean embedding methods to sample-based stochastic optimization and control. Specifically, we use the reduced-set expansion method as a way to discard sampled scenarios. The effect of such constraint removal is improved optimality and decreased conservativeness. This is achieved by solving a distributional-distance-regularized optimization problem. We demonstrated this optimization formulation is well-motivated in theory, computationally tractable and effective in numerical algorithms

    An Offline-Sampling SMPC Framework with Application to Automated Space Maneuvers

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    In this paper, a sampling-based Stochastic Model Predictive Control algorithm is proposed for discrete-time linear systems subject to both parametric uncertainties and additive disturbances. One of the main drivers for the development of the proposed control strategy is the need of real-time implementability of guidance and control strategies for automated rendezvous and proximity operations between spacecraft. The paper presents considers the validation of the proposed control algorithm on an experimental testbed, showing how it may indeed be implemented in a realistic framework. Parametric uncertainties due to the mass variations during operations, linearization errors, and disturbances due to external space environment are simultaneously considered. The approach enables to suitably tighten the constraints to guarantee robust recursive feasibility when bounds on the uncertain variables are provided, and under mild assumptions, asymptotic stability in probability of the origin can be established. The offline sampling approach in the control design phase is shown to reduce the computational cost, which usually constitutes the main limit for the adoption of Stochastic Model Predictive Control schemes, especially for low-cost on-board hardware. These characteristics are demonstrated both through simulations and by means of experimental results


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    Over the last decade, large scale renewable energy generation has been integrated into power systems. Wind power generation is known as a widely-used and interesting kind of renewable energy generation around the world. However, the high uncertainty of wind power generation leads to some unavoidable error in wind power prediction process; consequently, it makes the optimal operation and control of power systems very challenging. Since wind power prediction error cannot be entirely removed, providing accurate models for wind power uncertainty can assist power system operators in mitigating its negative effects on decision making conditions. There are efficient ways to show the wind power uncertainty, (i) accurate wind power prediction error probability distribution modeling in the form of probability density functions and (ii) construction of reliable and sharp prediction intervals. Construction of accurate probability density functions and high-quality prediction intervals are difficult because wind power time series is non-stationary. In addition, incorporation of probability density functions and prediction intervals in power systems’ decision-making problems are challenging. In this thesis, the goal is to propose comprehensive frameworks for wind power uncertainty modeling in the form of both probability density functions and prediction intervals and incorporation of each model in power systems’ decision-making problems such as look-ahead economic dispatch. To accurately quantify the uncertainty of wind power generation, different approaches are studied, and a comprehensive framework is then proposed to construct the probability density functions using a mixture of beta kernels. The framework outperforms benchmarks because it can validly capture the actual features of wind power probability density function such as main mass, boundaries, high skewness, and fat tails from the wind power sample moments. Also, using the proposed framework, a generic convex model is proposed for chance-constrained look-ahead economic dispatch problems. It allows power system operators to use piecewise linearization techniques to convert the problem to a mixed-integer linear programming problem. Numerical simulations using IEEE 118-bus test system show that compared with widely used sequential linear programming approaches, the proposed mixed-integer linear programming model leads to less system’s total cost. A framework based on the concept of bandwidth selection for a new and flexible kernel density estimator is proposed for construction of prediction intervals. Unlike previous related works, the proposed framework uses neither a cost function-based optimization problem nor point prediction results; rather, a diffusion-based kernel density estimator is utilized to achieve high-quality prediction intervals for non-stationary wind power time series. The proposed prediction interval construction framework is also founded based on a parallel computing procedure to promote the computational efficiency for practical applications in power systems. Simulation results demonstrate the high performance of the proposed framework compared to well-known conventional benchmarks such as bootstrap extreme learning machine, lower upper bound estimation, quantile regression, auto-regressive integrated moving average, and linear programming-based quantile regression. Finally, a new adjustable robust optimization approach is used to incorporate the constructed prediction intervals with the proposed fuzzy and adaptive diffusion estimator-based prediction interval construction framework. However, to accurately model the correlation and dependence structure of wind farms, especially in high dimensional cases, C-Vine copula models are used for prediction interval construction. The simulation results show that uncertainty modeling using C-Vine copula can lead the system operators to get more realistic sense about the level of overall uncertainty in the system, and consequently more conservative results for energy and reserve scheduling are obtained

    Increasing the Reliability of Power and Communication Networks via Robust Optimization

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    Uncertainty plays an increasingly significant role in the planning and operation of complex networked infrastructure. The inclusion of variable renewable energy in power systems makes ensuring basic grid requirements such as transmission line constraints and the power balance between supply and demand more involved. Likewise, data traffic in communication networks varies greatly with user preferences and service availability, and with communication networks carrying more traffic than ever due to the surge in network-enabled devices, coping with the highly variable data flows between server and end-users becomes more crucial for the network's overall stability. Within this context, we propose in this thesis new adaptable methods for optimizing flows in power and communication systems that explicitly consider the growing variability in these systems to guarantee optimal operation with a flexible degree of reliability. The proposed methods use a robust optimization framework, making constraints dependent on uncertain factors tractable by replacing originally stochastic conditions with deterministic counterparts. The primary benefit of robust methods is that they ensure the system is feasible for any values of the uncertain variables within a given continuous set of possible realizations. This, however, can lead to excessively conservative solutions. Therefore, we also investigate how to reduce the conservativeness of the proposed algorithms. This thesis focuses on two classes of problems in power and communication systems, flow control and the placement of flow-controlling devices. In power systems, flow control refers to actions that induce changes in the power carried by transmission lines to minimize or maximize a specific objective value while considering the electrical grid's physical constraints. Some examples of power flow control actions are the change of switching equipment's state, regulation of generators' set points, and the management of the so-called Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices. For the last two action types, we propose a robust approach to optimize the corresponding control policies. As for communication networks, (data) flow control is implemented at each router in the network. These routers define the path and the rate data is forwarded using routing tables. We show that it is possible to robustly design policies to adapt these routing tables that optimize the data flows in the network depending on the instantaneous rate of the system's exogenous inputs. For both flow problems, we employ a robust optimization framework where affine-linear functions parametrize the flow control policies. The parametrized policies can be efficiently computed via linear or quadratic programming, depending on the system's constraints. Furthermore, we consider the placement problems in the form of FACTS placement and the embedding of virtual networks in an existing communication network to improve the reliability of the network systems. Both problems are formulated as robust Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILP). However, because finding provable optimal solutions in large networks is computationally challenging, we also develop approximate algorithms that can yield near-optimal results while being several times faster to solve than the original MILP. In the proposed robust framework, the flow control and the placement of controlling-devices problems are solved together to take into account the coupling effects of the two optimization measures. We demonstrate the proposed methodology in a series of use cases in power and communication systems. We also consider applications in Smart Grids, where communication and electric networks are closely interlinked. E.g., communication infrastructure enables real-time monitoring of the status of power grids and sending timely control signals to devices controlling the electric flow. Due to the increasing number of renewable energy resources, Smart Grids must adapt to fast changes in operating conditions while meeting application-dependent reliability requirements. The robust optimization methods introduced in this thesis can thus use the synergy between flexible power and communication systems to provide secure and efficient Smart Grid operation

    Model Selection via Racing

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    Model Selection (MS) is an important aspect of machine learning, as necessitated by the No Free Lunch theorem. Briefly speaking, the task of MS is to identify a subset of models that are optimal in terms of pre-selected optimization criteria. There are many practical applications of MS, such as model parameter tuning, personalized recommendations, A/B testing, etc. Lately, some MS research has focused on trading off exactness of the optimization with somewhat alleviating the computational burden entailed. Recent attempts along this line include metaheuristics optimization, local search-based approaches, sequential model-based methods, portfolio algorithm approaches, and multi-armed bandits. Racing Algorithms (RAs) are an active research area in MS, which trade off some computational cost for a reduced, but acceptable likelihood that the models returned are indeed optimal among the given ensemble of models. All existing RAs in the literature are designed as Single-Objective Racing Algorithm (SORA) for Single-Objective Model Selection (SOMS), where a single optimization criterion is considered for measuring the goodness of models. Moreover, they are offline algorithms in which MS occurs before model deployment and the selected models are optimal in terms of their overall average performances on a validation set of problem instances. This work aims to investigate racing approaches along two distinct directions: Extreme Model Selection (EMS) and Multi-Objective Model Selection (MOMS). In EMS, given a problem instance and a limited computational budget shared among all the candidate models, one is interested in maximizing the final solution quality. In such a setting, MS occurs during model comparison in terms of maximum performance and involves no model validation. EMS is a natural framework for many applications. However, EMS problems remain unaddressed by current racing approaches. In this work, the first RA for EMS, named Max-Race, is developed, so that it optimizes the extreme solution quality by automatically allocating the computational resources among an ensemble of problem solvers for a given problem instance. In Max-Race, significant difference between the extreme performances of any pair of models is statistically inferred via a parametric hypothesis test under the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) assumption. Experimental results have confirmed that Max-Race is capable of identifying the best extreme model with high accuracy and low computational cost. Furthermore, in machine learning, as well as in many real-world applications, a variety of MS problems are multi-objective in nature. MS which simultaneously considers multiple optimization criteria is referred to as MOMS. Under this scheme, a set of Pareto optimal models is sought that reflect a variety of compromises between optimization objectives. So far, MOMS problems have received little attention in the relevant literature. Therefore, this work also develops the first Multi-Objective Racing Algorithm (MORA) for a fixed-budget setting, namely S-Race. S-Race addresses MOMS in the proper sense of Pareto optimality. Its key decision mechanism is the non-parametric sign test, which is employed for inferring pairwise dominance relationships. Moreover, S-Race is able to strictly control the overall probability of falsely eliminating any non-dominated models at a user-specified significance level. Additionally, SPRINT-Race, the first MORA for a fixed-confidence setting, is also developed. In SPRINT-Race, pairwise dominance and non-dominance relationships are established via the Sequential Probability Ratio Test with an Indifference zone. Moreover, the overall probability of falsely eliminating any non-dominated models or mistakenly retaining any dominated models is controlled at a prescribed significance level. Extensive experimental analysis has demonstrated the efficiency and advantages of both S-Race and SPRINT-Race in MOMS

    Forecasting Models for Integration of Large-Scale Renewable Energy Generation to Electric Power Systems

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    Amid growing concerns about climate change and non-renewable energy sources deple¬tion, vari¬able renewable energy sources (VRESs) are considered as a feasible substitute for conventional environment-polluting fossil fuel-based power plants. Furthermore, the transition towards clean power systems requires additional transmission capacity. Dynamic thermal line rating (DTLR) is being considered as a potential solution to enhance the current transmission line capacity and omit/postpone transmission system expansion planning, while DTLR is highly dependent on weather variations. With increasing the accommodation of VRESs and application of DTLR, fluctuations and variations thereof impose severe and unprecedented challenges on power systems operation. Therefore, short-term forecasting of large-scale VERSs and DTLR play a crucial role in the electric power system op¬eration problems. To this end, this thesis devotes on developing forecasting models for two large-scale VRESs types (i.e., wind and tidal) and DTLR. Deterministic prediction can be employed for a variety of power system operation problems solved by deterministic optimization. Also, the outcomes of deterministic prediction can be employed for conditional probabilistic prediction, which can be used for modeling uncertainty, used in power system operation problems with robust optimization, chance-constrained optimization, etc. By virtue of the importance of deterministic prediction, deterministic prediction models are developed. Prevalently, time-frequency decomposition approaches are adapted to decompose the wind power time series (TS) into several less non-stationary and non-linear components, which can be predicted more precisely. However, in addition to non-stationarity and nonlinearity, wind power TS demonstrates chaotic characteristics, which reduces the predictability of the wind power TS. In this regard, a wind power generation prediction model based on considering the chaosity of the wind power generation TS is addressed. The model consists of a novel TS decomposition approach, named multi-scale singular spectrum analysis (MSSSA), and least squares support vector machines (LSSVMs). Furthermore, deterministic tidal TS prediction model is developed. In the proposed prediction model, a variant of empirical mode decomposition (EMD), which alleviates the issues associated with EMD. To further improve the prediction accuracy, the impact of different components of wind power TS with different frequencies (scales) in the spatiotemporal modeling of the wind farm is assessed. Consequently, a multiscale spatiotemporal wind power prediction is developed, using information theory-based feature selection, wavelet decomposition, and LSSVM. Power system operation problems with robust optimization and interval optimization require prediction intervals (PIs) to model the uncertainty of renewables. The advanced PI models are mainly based on non-differentiable and non-convex cost functions, which make the use of heuristic optimization for tuning a large number of unknown parameters of the prediction models inevitable. However, heuristic optimization suffers from several issues (e.g., being trapped in local optima, irreproducibility, etc.). To this end, a new wind power PI (WPPI) model, based on a bi-level optimization structure, is put forward. In the proposed WPPI, the main unknown parameters of the prediction model are globally tuned based on optimizing a convex and differentiable cost function. In line with solving the non-differentiability and non-convexity of PI formulation, an asymmetrically adaptive quantile regression (AAQR) which benefits from a linear formulation is proposed for tidal uncertainty modeling. In the prevalent QR-based PI models, for a specified reliability level, the probabilities of the quantiles are selected symmetrically with respect the median probability. However, it is found that asymmetrical and adaptive selection of quantiles with respect to median can provide more efficient PIs. To make the formulation of AAQR linear, extreme learning machine (ELM) is adapted as the prediction engine. Prevalently, the parameters of activation functions in ELM are selected randomly; while different sets of random values might result in dissimilar prediction accuracy. To this end, a heuristic optimization is devised to tune the parameters of the activation functions. Also, to enhance the accuracy of probabilistic DTLR, consideration of latent variables in DTLR prediction is assessed. It is observed that convective cooling rate can provide informative features for DTLR prediction. Also, to address the high dimensional feature space in DTLR, a DTR prediction based on deep learning and consideration of latent variables is put forward. Numerical results of this thesis are provided based on realistic data. The simulations confirm the superiority of the proposed models in comparison to traditional benchmark models, as well as the state-of-the-art models
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