735 research outputs found

    Resource Management in Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)

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    This PhD thesis investigates the effective ways of managing the resources of a Multi-Access Edge Computing Platform (MEC) in 5th Generation Mobile Communication (5G) networks. The main characteristics of MEC include distributed nature, proximity to users, and high availability. Based on these key features, solutions have been proposed for effective resource management. In this research, two aspects of resource management in MEC have been addressed. They are the computational resource and the caching resource which corresponds to the services provided by the MEC. MEC is a new 5G enabling technology proposed to reduce latency by bringing cloud computing capability closer to end-user Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices. MEC would support latency-critical user applications such as driverless cars and e-health. These applications will depend on resources and services provided by the MEC. However, MEC has limited computational and storage resources compared to the cloud. Therefore, it is important to ensure a reliable MEC network communication during resource provisioning by eradicating the chances of deadlock. Deadlock may occur due to a huge number of devices contending for a limited amount of resources if adequate measures are not put in place. It is crucial to eradicate deadlock while scheduling and provisioning resources on MEC to achieve a highly reliable and readily available system to support latency-critical applications. In this research, a deadlock avoidance resource provisioning algorithm has been proposed for industrial IoT devices using MEC platforms to ensure higher reliability of network interactions. The proposed scheme incorporates Banker’s resource-request algorithm using Software Defined Networking (SDN) to reduce communication overhead. Simulation and experimental results have shown that system deadlock can be prevented by applying the proposed algorithm which ultimately leads to a more reliable network interaction between mobile stations and MEC platforms. Additionally, this research explores the use of MEC as a caching platform as it is proclaimed as a key technology for reducing service processing delays in 5G networks. Caching on MEC decreases service latency and improve data content access by allowing direct content delivery through the edge without fetching data from the remote server. Caching on MEC is also deemed as an effective approach that guarantees more reachability due to proximity to endusers. In this regard, a novel hybrid content caching algorithm has been proposed for MEC platforms to increase their caching efficiency. The proposed algorithm is a unification of a modified Belady’s algorithm and a distributed cooperative caching algorithm to improve data access while reducing latency. A polynomial fit algorithm with Lagrange interpolation is employed to predict future request references for Belady’s algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm obtains 4% more cache hits due to its selective caching approach when compared with case study algorithms. Results also show that the use of a cooperative algorithm can improve the total cache hits up to 80%. Furthermore, this thesis has also explored another predictive caching scheme to further improve caching efficiency. The motivation was to investigate another predictive caching approach as an improvement to the formal. A Predictive Collaborative Replacement (PCR) caching framework has been proposed as a result which consists of three schemes. Each of the schemes addresses a particular problem. The proactive predictive scheme has been proposed to address the problem of continuous change in cache popularity trends. The collaborative scheme addresses the problem of cache redundancy in the collaborative space. Finally, the replacement scheme is a solution to evict cold cache blocks and increase hit ratio. Simulation experiment has shown that the replacement scheme achieves 3% more cache hits than existing replacement algorithms such as Least Recently Used, Multi Queue and Frequency-based replacement. PCR algorithm has been tested using a real dataset (MovieLens20M dataset) and compared with an existing contemporary predictive algorithm. Results show that PCR performs better with a 25% increase in hit ratio and a 10% CPU utilization overhead

    A Cloud-based Mobile Privacy Protection System with Efficient Cache Mechanism

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    People increasingly rely on their mobile devices and use them to store a lot of data. Some of the data are personal and private, whose leakage leads to users\u27 privacy harm. Meanwhile, mobile apps and services over-collect users\u27 data due to the coarse-grained access control approach utilized by the mobile operating system. We propose a cloud-based approach to provide fine-grained access control toward data requests. We add privacy level, as a new metadata, to data and manage the storage using different policies correspondingly. However, the proposed approach leads to performance decreases because of the extra communication cost. We also introduce a novel cache mechanism to eliminate the extra cost by storing non-private and popular data on the mobile device. As part of our cache mechanism, we design a user-preference-based ordering method along with the principle of locality to determine how popular some data are. We also design a configurable refresh policy to improve the overall performance. Finally, we evaluate our approach using a real phone in a simulated environment. The results show that our approach can keep the response time of all data requests within a reasonable range and the cache mechanism can further improve the performance

    Popularity-based video caching techniques for cache-enabled networks: a survey

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    The proliferation of the mobile Internet and connected devices, which offer a variety of services at different levels of performance is a major challenge for the fifth generation of wireless networks and beyond. Innovative solutions are needed to leverage recent advances in machine storage/memory, context awareness, and edge computing. Cache-enabled networks and techniques such as edge caching are envisioned to reduce content delivery times and traffic congestion in wireless networks. Only a few contents are popular, accounting for the majority of viewers, so caching them reduces the latency and download time. However, given the dynamic nature of user behavior, the integration of popularity prediction into caching is of paramount importance to better network utilization and user satisfaction. In this paper, we first present an overview of caching in wireless networks and then provide a detailed comparison of traditional and popularity-based caching. We discuss the attributes of videos and the evaluation criteria of caching policies. We summarize some of the recent work on proactive caching, focusing on prediction strategies. Finally, we provide insight into the potential opportunities and challenges as well as some open research problems enable the realization of efficient deployment of popularity-based caching as part of the next-generation mobile networks
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