42 research outputs found

    Action Classification with Locality-constrained Linear Coding

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    We propose an action classification algorithm which uses Locality-constrained Linear Coding (LLC) to capture discriminative information of human body variations in each spatiotemporal subsequence of a video sequence. Our proposed method divides the input video into equally spaced overlapping spatiotemporal subsequences, each of which is decomposed into blocks and then cells. We use the Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG3D) feature to encode the information in each cell. We justify the use of LLC for encoding the block descriptor by demonstrating its superiority over Sparse Coding (SC). Our sequence descriptor is obtained via a logistic regression classifier with L2 regularization. We evaluate and compare our algorithm with ten state-of-the-art algorithms on five benchmark datasets. Experimental results show that, on average, our algorithm gives better accuracy than these ten algorithms.Comment: ICPR 201

    Action Recognition in Video Using Sparse Coding and Relative Features

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    This work presents an approach to category-based action recognition in video using sparse coding techniques. The proposed approach includes two main contributions: i) A new method to handle intra-class variations by decomposing each video into a reduced set of representative atomic action acts or key-sequences, and ii) A new video descriptor, ITRA: Inter-Temporal Relational Act Descriptor, that exploits the power of comparative reasoning to capture relative similarity relations among key-sequences. In terms of the method to obtain key-sequences, we introduce a loss function that, for each video, leads to the identification of a sparse set of representative key-frames capturing both, relevant particularities arising in the input video, as well as relevant generalities arising in the complete class collection. In terms of the method to obtain the ITRA descriptor, we introduce a novel scheme to quantify relative intra and inter-class similarities among local temporal patterns arising in the videos. The resulting ITRA descriptor demonstrates to be highly effective to discriminate among action categories. As a result, the proposed approach reaches remarkable action recognition performance on several popular benchmark datasets, outperforming alternative state-of-the-art techniques by a large margin.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    An Overview of Contest on Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) 2010

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    Abstract. This paper summarizes results of the 1st Contest on Seman-tic Description of Human Activities (SDHA), in conjunction with ICPR 2010. SDHA 2010 consists of three types of challenges, High-level Human Interaction Recognition Challenge, Aerial View Activity Classification Challenge, and Wide-Area Activity Search and Recognition Challenge. The challenges are designed to encourage participants to test existing methodologies and develop new approaches for complex human activity recognition scenarios in realistic environments. We introduce three new public datasets through these challenges, and discuss results of state-of-the-art activity recognition systems designed and implemented by the contestants. A methodology using a spatio-temporal voting [19] success-fully classified segmented videos in the UT-Interaction datasets, but had a difficulty correctly localizing activities from continuous videos. Both the method using local features [10] and the HMM based method [18] recognized actions from low-resolution videos (i.e. UT-Tower dataset) successfully. We compare their results in this paper

    Learning spatio-temporal representations for action recognition: A genetic programming approach

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    Extracting discriminative and robust features from video sequences is the first and most critical step in human action recognition. In this paper, instead of using handcrafted features, we automatically learn spatio-temporal motion features for action recognition. This is achieved via an evolutionary method, i.e., genetic programming (GP), which evolves the motion feature descriptor on a population of primitive 3D operators (e.g., 3D-Gabor and wavelet). In this way, the scale and shift invariant features can be effectively extracted from both color and optical flow sequences. We intend to learn data adaptive descriptors for different datasets with multiple layers, which makes fully use of the knowledge to mimic the physical structure of the human visual cortex for action recognition and simultaneously reduce the GP searching space to effectively accelerate the convergence of optimal solutions. In our evolutionary architecture, the average cross-validation classification error, which is calculated by an support-vector-machine classifier on the training set, is adopted as the evaluation criterion for the GP fitness function. After the entire evolution procedure finishes, the best-so-far solution selected by GP is regarded as the (near-)optimal action descriptor obtained. The GP-evolving feature extraction method is evaluated on four popular action datasets, namely KTH, HMDB51, UCF YouTube, and Hollywood2. Experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms other types of features, either hand-designed or machine-learned

    Group context learning for event recognition

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    We address the problem of group-level event recognition from videos. The events of interest are defined based on the motion and interaction of members in a group over time. Example events include group formation, dispersion, fol-lowing, chasing, flanking, and fighting. To recognize these complex group events, we propose a novel approach that learns the group-level scenario context from automatically extracted individual trajectories. We first perform a group structure analysis to produce a weighted graph that repre-sents the probabilistic group membership of the individuals. We then extract features from this graph to capture the mo-tion and action contexts among the groups. The features are represented using the “bag-of-words ” scheme. Finally, our method uses the learned Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify a video segment into the six event categories. Our implementation builds upon a mature multi-camera multi-target tracking system that recognizes the group-level events involving up to 20 individuals in real-time. 1