1,310 research outputs found

    Fifty years of Hoare's Logic

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    We present a history of Hoare's logic.Comment: 79 pages. To appear in Formal Aspects of Computin

    Synthesizing Probabilistic Invariants via Doob's Decomposition

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    When analyzing probabilistic computations, a powerful approach is to first find a martingale---an expression on the program variables whose expectation remains invariant---and then apply the optional stopping theorem in order to infer properties at termination time. One of the main challenges, then, is to systematically find martingales. We propose a novel procedure to synthesize martingale expressions from an arbitrary initial expression. Contrary to state-of-the-art approaches, we do not rely on constraint solving. Instead, we use a symbolic construction based on Doob's decomposition. This procedure can produce very complex martingales, expressed in terms of conditional expectations. We show how to automatically generate and simplify these martingales, as well as how to apply the optional stopping theorem to infer properties at termination time. This last step typically involves some simplification steps, and is usually done manually in current approaches. We implement our techniques in a prototype tool and demonstrate our process on several classical examples. Some of them go beyond the capability of current semi-automatic approaches

    Control Flow Analysis for SF Combinator Calculus

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    Programs that transform other programs often require access to the internal structure of the program to be transformed. This is at odds with the usual extensional view of functional programming, as embodied by the lambda calculus and SK combinator calculus. The recently-developed SF combinator calculus offers an alternative, intensional model of computation that may serve as a foundation for developing principled languages in which to express intensional computation, including program transformation. Until now there have been no static analyses for reasoning about or verifying programs written in SF-calculus. We take the first step towards remedying this by developing a formulation of the popular control flow analysis 0CFA for SK-calculus and extending it to support SF-calculus. We prove its correctness and demonstrate that the analysis is invariant under the usual translation from SK-calculus into SF-calculus.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.0221

    Bounded Expectations: Resource Analysis for Probabilistic Programs

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    This paper presents a new static analysis for deriving upper bounds on the expected resource consumption of probabilistic programs. The analysis is fully automatic and derives symbolic bounds that are multivariate polynomials of the inputs. The new technique combines manual state-of-the-art reasoning techniques for probabilistic programs with an effective method for automatic resource-bound analysis of deterministic programs. It can be seen as both, an extension of automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) to probabilistic programs and an automation of manual reasoning for probabilistic programs that is based on weakest preconditions. As a result, bound inference can be reduced to off-the-shelf LP solving in many cases and automatically-derived bounds can be interactively extended with standard program logics if the automation fails. Building on existing work, the soundness of the analysis is proved with respect to an operational semantics that is based on Markov decision processes. The effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated with a prototype implementation that is used to automatically analyze 39 challenging probabilistic programs and randomized algorithms. Experimental results indicate that the derived constant factors in the bounds are very precise and even optimal for many programs

    Program Analysis in A Combined Abstract Domain

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    Automated verification of heap-manipulating programs is a challenging task due to the complexity of aliasing and mutability of data structures used in these programs. The properties of a number of important data structures do not only relate to one domain, but to combined multiple domains, such as sorted list, priority queues, height-balanced trees and so on. The safety and sometimes efficiency of programs do rely on the properties of those data structures. This thesis focuses on developing a verification system for both functional correctness and memory safety of such programs which involve heap-based data structures. Two automated inference mechanisms are presented for heap-manipulating programs in this thesis. Firstly, an abstract interpretation based approach is proposed to synthesise program invariants in a combined pure and shape domain. Newly designed abstraction, join and widening operators have been defined for the combined domain. Furthermore, a compositional analysis approach is described to discover both pre-/post-conditions of programs with a bi-abduction technique in the combined domain. As results of my thesis, both inference approaches have been implemented and the obtained results validate the feasibility and precision of proposed approaches. The outcomes of the thesis confirm that it is possible and practical to analyse heap-manipulating programs automatically and precisely by using abstract interpretation in a sophisticated combined domain