3 research outputs found

    Low-cost Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) Simulator for Simulation and Analysis of Embedded Systems with non-real-time Applications

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    Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation is an approach that is used for embedded systems testing which was popular in the early days of embedded systems. This technology was wrapped and was stored away for a long time. One of the main reasons is that the less use of embedded systems in society. Recent developments in embedded systems, data science, and control systems lead to a focus on testing these systems. The earliest method of testing these systems was by doing destructive testing which is a waste of money, resources, and time. The HIL provided a safe and economical way of testing the embedded systems while in development. The major problem is that HIL systems are really expensive and normal users, hobbyists, and students cannot afford them. Usually, they are the group who are most effectively burning up electrical systems while testing and learning on systems. There are many types of research on HIL and its use in many applications. Mostly they are on an industry level or highly funded researches. The normal users or our targeted users do not have access to such advanced equipment. The HIL is used recently for rapid designing of embedded systems for nuclear power plants and vehicles. This system is simulating the external environment and sensors and actuators to the embedded system which make them ``feel like\u27\u27 they are in the actual environment. By this the embedded systems responses and state changes are monitored which help the developers to debug quickly than conventional methods. Our main target is to create a low-cost device but which can perform nearly good as the industry-level simulators. This helps these users to create embedded systems in very low cost and test them rapidly than their conventional method of destructive testing. This saves the users resources , money, and time. As an example a user can create a motor control system and test the embedded systems (motor control systems main controlling unit) proper functioning while the user code the system. This also prevents users making mistakes and burning the electrical equipment while testing (destructive testing). The users can make more accurate and complex systems with lesser effort than the previous manual process. The start of this journey is to create a system that can detect slow processing elements and their changes. We have used 4 System designs that are different from one another by several small factors and tested them using several conditions. We also have implemented a communication protocol which is using the wireless network. This is enabling the users to remotely access and control these simulators. The controllers we have used are Arduino Mega, Node MCU, and TSM320 DSP. The devices we have designed were undergone different test strategies and criteria to be selected. The main concern was to have a device with lowest cost as possible within little change in hardware elements and with highest precision and efficiency of monitoring. We have selected the Device two which is Arduino Mega which is connected to a Multiplexer switch and WiFi module that we have designed. This development is done to show that the target of making a HIL is achievable for slow systems at a very lower cost. This also proves that this could help normal users, hobbyists, and students with their work in embedded systems without damaging the hardware and in a lower time span

    Apoio à depuração e teste de circuitos mistos compatíveis com a norma IEEE1149.4

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto, Instituto Superior de Engenharia. Instituto Politécnico do Porto. 200