419 research outputs found

    FPGA-based Anomalous trajectory detection using SOFM

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    A system for automatically classifying the trajectory of a moving object in a scene as usual or suspicious is presented. The system uses an unsupervised neural network (Self Organising Feature Map) fully implemented on a reconfigurable hardware architecture (Field Programmable Gate Array) to cluster trajectories acquired over a period, in order to detect novel ones. First order motion information, including first order moving average smoothing, is generated from the 2D image coordinates (trajectories). The classification is dynamic and achieved in real-time. The dynamic classifier is achieved using a SOFM and a probabilistic model. Experimental results show less than 15\% classification error, showing the robustness of our approach over others in literature and the speed-up over the use of conventional microprocessor as compared to the use of an off-the-shelf FPGA prototyping board

    Autonomous real-time surveillance system with distributed IP cameras

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    An autonomous Internet Protocol (IP) camera based object tracking and behaviour identification system, capable of running in real-time on an embedded system with limited memory and processing power is presented in this paper. The main contribution of this work is the integration of processor intensive image processing algorithms on an embedded platform capable of running at real-time for monitoring the behaviour of pedestrians. The Algorithm Based Object Recognition and Tracking (ABORAT) system architecture presented here was developed on an Intel PXA270-based development board clocked at 520 MHz. The platform was connected to a commercial stationary IP-based camera in a remote monitoring station for intelligent image processing. The system is capable of detecting moving objects and their shadows in a complex environment with varying lighting intensity and moving foliage. Objects moving close to each other are also detected to extract their trajectories which are then fed into an unsupervised neural network for autonomous classification. The novel intelligent video system presented is also capable of performing simple analytic functions such as tracking and generating alerts when objects enter/leave regions or cross tripwires superimposed on live video by the operator

    Interoperable services based on activity monitoring in ambient assisted living environments

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    Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is considered as the main technological solution that will enable the aged and people in recovery to maintain their independence and a consequent high quality of life for a longer period of time than would otherwise be the case. This goal is achieved by monitoring human’s activities and deploying the appropriate collection of services to set environmental features and satisfy user preferences in a given context. However, both human monitoring and services deployment are particularly hard to accomplish due to the uncertainty and ambiguity characterising human actions, and heterogeneity of hardware devices composed in an AAL system. This research addresses both the aforementioned challenges by introducing 1) an innovative system, based on Self Organising Feature Map (SOFM), for automatically classifying the resting location of a moving object in an indoor environment and 2) a strategy able to generate context-aware based Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) services in order to maximize the users’ comfort and hardware interoperability level. The overall system runs on a distributed embedded platform with a specialised ceiling- mounted video sensor for intelligent activity monitoring. The system has the ability to learn resting locations, to measure overall activity levels, to detect specific events such as potential falls and to deploy the right sequence of fuzzy services modelled through FML for supporting people in that particular context. Experimental results show less than 20% classification error in monitoring human activities and providing the right set of services, showing the robustness of our approach over others in literature with minimal power consumption

    Human behavioural analysis with self-organizing map for ambient assisted living

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    This paper presents a system for automatically classifying the resting location of a moving object in an indoor environment. The system uses an unsupervised neural network (Self Organising Feature Map) fully implemented on a low-cost, low-power automated home-based surveillance system, capable of monitoring activity level of elders living alone independently. The proposed system runs on an embedded platform with a specialised ceiling-mounted video sensor for intelligent activity monitoring. The system has the ability to learn resting locations, to measure overall activity levels and to detect specific events such as potential falls. First order motion information, including first order moving average smoothing, is generated from the 2D image coordinates (trajectories). A novel edge-based object detection algorithm capable of running at a reasonable speed on the embedded platform has been developed. The classification is dynamic and achieved in real-time. The dynamic classifier is achieved using a SOFM and a probabilistic model. Experimental results show less than 20% classification error, showing the robustness of our approach over others in literature with minimal power consumption. The head location of the subject is also estimated by a novel approach capable of running on any resource limited platform with power constraints

    Land cover classification using fuzzy rules and aggregation of contextual information through evidence theory

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    Land cover classification using multispectral satellite image is a very challenging task with numerous practical applications. We propose a multi-stage classifier that involves fuzzy rule extraction from the training data and then generation of a possibilistic label vector for each pixel using the fuzzy rule base. To exploit the spatial correlation of land cover types we propose four different information aggregation methods which use the possibilistic class label of a pixel and those of its eight spatial neighbors for making the final classification decision. Three of the aggregation methods use Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence while the remaining one is modeled after the fuzzy k-NN rule. The proposed methods are tested with two benchmark seven channel satellite images and the results are found to be quite satisfactory. They are also compared with a Markov random field (MRF) model-based contextual classification method and found to perform consistently better.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    De-interleaving of Radar Pulses for EW Receivers with an ELINT Application

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    De-interleaving is a critical function in Electronic Warfare (EW) that has not received much attention in the literature regarding on-line Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) application. In ELINT, on-line analysis is important in order to allow for efficient data collection and for support of operational decisions. This dissertation proposed a de-interleaving solution for use with ELINT/Electronic-Support-Measures (ESM) receivers for purposes of ELINT with on-line application. The proposed solution does not require complex integration with existing EW systems or modifications to their sub-systems. Before proposing the solution, on-line de-interleaving algorithms were surveyed. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a clustering algorithm that has not been used before in de-interleaving; in this dissertation, it has proved to be effective. DBSCAN was thus selected as a component of the proposed de-interleaving solution due to its advantages over other surveyed algorithms. The proposed solution relies primarily on the parameters of Angle of Arrival (AOA), Radio Frequency (RF), and Time of Arrival (TOA). The time parameter was utilized in resolving RF agility. The solution is a system that is composed of different building blocks. The solution handles complex radar environments that include agility in RF, Pulse Width (PW), and Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI)

    Ballistics Image Processing and Analysis for Firearm Identification

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    Firearm identification is an intensive and time-consuming process that requires physical interpretation of forensic ballistics evidence. Especially as the level of violent crime involving firearms escalates, the number of firearms to be identified accumulates dramatically. The demand for an automatic firearm identification system arises. This chapter proposes a new, analytic system for automatic firearm identification based on the cartridge and projectile specimens. Not only do we present an approach for capturing and storing the surface image of the spent projectiles at high resolution using line-scan imaging technique for the projectiles database, but we also present a novel and effective FFT-based analysis technique for analyzing and identifying the projectiles

    Hybrid self-organizing feature map (SOM) for anomaly detection in cloud infrastructures using granular clustering based upon value-difference metrics

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    We have witnessed an increase in the availability of data from diverse sources over the past few years. Cloud computing, big data and Internet-of-Things (IoT) are distinctive cases of such an increase which demand novel approaches for data analytics in order to process and analyze huge volumes of data for security and business use. Cloud computing has been becoming popular for critical structure IT mainly due to cost savings and dynamic scalability. Current offerings, however, are not mature enough with respect to stringent security and resilience requirements. Mechanisms such as anomaly detection hybrid systems are required in order to protect against various challenges that include network based attacks, performance issues and operational anomalies. Such hybrid AI systems include Neural Networks, blackboard systems, belief (Bayesian) networks, case-based reasoning and rule-based systems and can be implemented in a variety of ways. Traffic in the cloud comes from multiple heterogeneous domains and changes rapidly due to the variety of operational characteristics of the tenants using the cloud and the elasticity of the provided services. The underlying detection mechanisms rely upon measurements drawn from multiple sources. However, the characteristics of the distribution of measurements within specific subspaces might be unknown. We argue in this paper that there is a need to cluster the observed data during normal network operation into multiple subspaces each one of them featuring specific local attributes, i.e. granules of information. Clustering is implemented by the inference engine of a model hybrid NN system. Several variations of the so-called value-difference metric (VDM) are investigated like local histograms and the Canberra distance for scalar attributes, the Jaccard distance for binary word attributes, rough sets as well as local histograms over an aggregate ordering distance and the Canberra measure for vectorial attributes. Low-dimensional subspace representations of each group of points (measurements) in the context of anomaly detection in critical cloud implementations is based upon VD metrics and can be either parametric or non-parametric. A novel application of a Self-Organizing-Feature Map (SOFM) of reduced/aggregate ordered sets of objects featuring VD metrics (as obtained from distributed network measurements) is proposed. Each node of the SOFM stands for a structured local distribution of such objects within the input space. The so-called Neighborhood-based Outlier Factor (NOOF) is defined for such reduced/aggregate ordered sets of objects as a value-difference metric of histogrammes. Measurements that do not belong to local distributions are detected as anomalies, i.e. outliers of the trained SOFM. Several methods of subspace clustering using Expectation-Maximization Gaussian Mixture Models (a parametric approach) as well as local data densities (a non-parametric approach) are outlined and compared against the proposed method using data that are obtained from our cloud testbed in emulated anomalous traffic conditions. The results—which are obtained from a model NN system—indicate that the proposed method performs well in comparison with conventional techniques