1,012 research outputs found

    Semantic labeling of places using information extracted from laser and vision sensor data

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, kitchens, offices, or seminar rooms. The ability to learn such semantic categories from sensor data enables a mobile robot to extend the representation of the environment facilitating the interaction withhumans. As an example, natural language terms like corridor or room can be used to communicate the position of the robot in a map in a more intuitive way. In this work, we firrst propose an approach based on supervised learning to classify the pose of a mobile robot into semantic classes. Our method uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from range data and vision into a strong classifier. We present two main applications of this approach. Firstly, we show how our approach can be utilized by a moving robot for an online classification of the poses traversed along its path using a hidden Markov model. Secondly, we introduce an approach to learn topological maps from geometric maps by applying our semantic classification procedure in combination with a probabilistic relaxation procedure. We finally show how to apply associative Markov networks (AMNs) together with AdaBoost for classifying complete geometric maps. Experimental results obtained in simulation and with real robots demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various indoor environments

    CT-Mapper: Mapping Sparse Multimodal Cellular Trajectories using a Multilayer Transportation Network

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    Mobile phone data have recently become an attractive source of information about mobility behavior. Since cell phone data can be captured in a passive way for a large user population, they can be harnessed to collect well-sampled mobility information. In this paper, we propose CT-Mapper, an unsupervised algorithm that enables the mapping of mobile phone traces over a multimodal transport network. One of the main strengths of CT-Mapper is its capability to map noisy sparse cellular multimodal trajectories over a multilayer transportation network where the layers have different physical properties and not only to map trajectories associated with a single layer. Such a network is modeled by a large multilayer graph in which the nodes correspond to metro/train stations or road intersections and edges correspond to connections between them. The mapping problem is modeled by an unsupervised HMM where the observations correspond to sparse user mobile trajectories and the hidden states to the multilayer graph nodes. The HMM is unsupervised as the transition and emission probabilities are inferred using respectively the physical transportation properties and the information on the spatial coverage of antenna base stations. To evaluate CT-Mapper we collected cellular traces with their corresponding GPS trajectories for a group of volunteer users in Paris and vicinity (France). We show that CT-Mapper is able to accurately retrieve the real cell phone user paths despite the sparsity of the observed trace trajectories. Furthermore our transition probability model is up to 20% more accurate than other naive models.Comment: Under revision in Computer Communication Journa

    Supervised semantic labeling of places using information extracted from sensor data

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, rooms or doorways. The ability to learn such semantic categories from sensor data enables a mobile robot to extend the representation of the environment facilitating interaction with humans. As an example, natural language terms like “corridor” or “room” can be used to communicate the position of the robot in a map in a more intuitive way. In this work, we first propose an approach based on supervised learning to classify the pose of a mobile robot into semantic classes. Our method uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from sensor range data into a strong classifier. We present two main applications of this approach. Firstly, we show how our approach can be utilized by a moving robot for an online classification of the poses traversed along its path using a hidden Markov model. In this case we additionally use as features objects extracted from images. Secondly, we introduce an approach to learn topological maps from geometric maps by applying our semantic classification procedure in combination with a probabilistic relaxation method. Alternatively, we apply associative Markov networks to classify geometric maps and compare the results with a relaxation approach. Experimental results obtained in simulation and with real robots demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various indoor environments

    A Robust Zero-Calibration RF-based Localization System for Realistic Environments

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    Due to the noisy indoor radio propagation channel, Radio Frequency (RF)-based location determination systems usually require a tedious calibration phase to construct an RF fingerprint of the area of interest. This fingerprint varies with the used mobile device, changes of the transmit power of smart access points (APs), and dynamic changes in the environment; requiring re-calibration of the area of interest; which reduces the technology ease of use. In this paper, we present IncVoronoi: a novel system that can provide zero-calibration accurate RF-based indoor localization that works in realistic environments. The basic idea is that the relative relation between the received signal strength from two APs at a certain location reflects the relative distance from this location to the respective APs. Building on this, IncVoronoi incrementally reduces the user ambiguity region based on refining the Voronoi tessellation of the area of interest. IncVoronoi also includes a number of modules to efficiently run in realtime as well as to handle practical deployment issues including the noisy wireless environment, obstacles in the environment, heterogeneous devices hardware, and smart APs. We have deployed IncVoronoi on different Android phones using the iBeacons technology in a university campus. Evaluation of IncVoronoi with a side-by-side comparison with traditional fingerprinting techniques shows that it can achieve a consistent median accuracy of 2.8m under different scenarios with a low beacon density of one beacon every 44m2. Compared to fingerprinting techniques, whose accuracy degrades by at least 156%, this accuracy comes with no training overhead and is robust to the different user devices, different transmit powers, and over temporal changes in the environment. This highlights the promise of IncVoronoi as a next generation indoor localization system.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, published in SECON 201

    Decision-Theoretic Planning with Person Trajectory Prediction for Social Navigation

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    Robots navigating in a social way should reason about people intentions when acting. For instance, in applications like robot guidance or meeting with a person, the robot has to consider the goals of the people. Intentions are inherently nonobservable, and thus we propose Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) as a decision-making tool for these applications. One of the issues with POMDPs is that the prediction models are usually handcrafted. In this paper, we use machine learning techniques to build prediction models from observations. A novel technique is employed to discover points of interest (goals) in the environment, and a variant of Growing Hidden Markov Models (GHMMs) is used to learn the transition probabilities of the POMDP. The approach is applied to an autonomous telepresence robot

    Motion Compatibility for Indoor Localization

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    Indoor localization -- a device's ability to determine its location within an extended indoor environment -- is a fundamental enabling capability for mobile context-aware applications. Many proposed applications assume localization information from GPS, or from WiFi access points. However, GPS fails indoors and in urban canyons, and current WiFi-based methods require an expensive, and manually intensive, mapping, calibration, and configuration process performed by skilled technicians to bring the system online for end users. We describe a method that estimates indoor location with respect to a prior map consisting of a set of 2D floorplans linked through horizontal and vertical adjacencies. Our main contribution is the notion of "path compatibility," in which the sequential output of a classifier of inertial data producing low-level motion estimates (standing still, walking straight, going upstairs, turning left etc.) is examined for agreement with the prior map. Path compatibility is encoded in an HMM-based matching model, from which the method recovers the user s location trajectory from the low-level motion estimates. To recognize user motions, we present a motion labeling algorithm, extracting fine-grained user motions from sensor data of handheld mobile devices. We propose "feature templates," which allows the motion classifier to learn the optimal window size for a specific combination of a motion and a sensor feature function. We show that, using only proprioceptive data of the quality typically available on a modern smartphone, our motion labeling algorithm classifies user motions with 94.5% accuracy, and our trajectory matching algorithm can recover the user's location to within 5 meters on average after one minute of movements from an unknown starting location. Prior information, such as a known starting floor, further decreases the time required to obtain precise location estimate

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Systems

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    Recently, deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been applied successfully to multi-agent scenarios. Typically, these methods rely on a concatenation of agent states to represent the information content required for decentralized decision making. However, concatenation scales poorly to swarm systems with a large number of homogeneous agents as it does not exploit the fundamental properties inherent to these systems: (i) the agents in the swarm are interchangeable and (ii) the exact number of agents in the swarm is irrelevant. Therefore, we propose a new state representation for deep multi-agent RL based on mean embeddings of distributions. We treat the agents as samples of a distribution and use the empirical mean embedding as input for a decentralized policy. We define different feature spaces of the mean embedding using histograms, radial basis functions and a neural network learned end-to-end. We evaluate the representation on two well known problems from the swarm literature (rendezvous and pursuit evasion), in a globally and locally observable setup. For the local setup we furthermore introduce simple communication protocols. Of all approaches, the mean embedding representation using neural network features enables the richest information exchange between neighboring agents facilitating the development of more complex collective strategies.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, version 3 (published in JMLR Volume 20

    Indoor Geo-location And Tracking Of Mobile Autonomous Robot

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    The field of robotics has always been one of fascination right from the day of Terminator. Even though we still do not have robots that can actually replicate human action and intelligence, progress is being made in the right direction. Robotic applications range from defense to civilian, in public safety and fire fighting. With the increase in urban-warfare robot tracking inside buildings and in cities form a very important application. The numerous applications range from munitions tracking to replacing soldiers for reconnaissance information. Fire fighters use robots for survey of the affected area. Tracking robots has been limited to the local area under consideration. Decision making is inhibited due to limited local knowledge and approximations have to be made. An effective decision making would involve tracking the robot in earth co-ordinates such as latitude and longitude. GPS signal provides us sufficient and reliable data for such decision making. The main drawback of using GPS is that it is unavailable indoors and also there is signal attenuation outdoors. Indoor geolocation forms the basis of tracking robots inside buildings and other places where GPS signals are unavailable. Indoor geolocation has traditionally been the field of wireless networks using techniques such as low frequency RF signals and ultra-wideband antennas. In this thesis we propose a novel method for achieving geolocation and enable tracking. Geolocation and tracking are achieved by a combination of Gyroscope and encoders together referred to as the Inertial Navigation System (INS). Gyroscopes have been widely used in aerospace applications for stabilizing aircrafts. In our case we use gyroscope as means of determining the heading of the robot. Further, commands can be sent to the robot when it is off balance or off-track. Sensors are inherently error prone; hence the process of geolocation is complicated and limited by the imperfect mathematical modeling of input noise. We make use of Kalman Filter for processing erroneous sensor data, as it provides us a robust and stable algorithm. The error characteristics of the sensors are input to the Kalman Filter and filtered data is obtained. We have performed a large set of experiments, both indoors and outdoors to test the reliability of the system. In outdoors we have used the GPS signal to aid the INS measurements. When indoors we utilize the last known position and extrapolate to obtain the GPS co-ordinates
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