2,900 research outputs found

    A Hierachical Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization in IMRT

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    Purpose: Current inverse planning methods for IMRT are limited because they are not designed to explore the trade-offs between the competing objectives between the tumor and normal tissues. Our goal was to develop an efficient multiobjective optimization algorithm that was flexible enough to handle any form of objective function and that resulted in a set of Pareto optimal plans. Methods: We developed a hierarchical evolutionary multiobjective algorithm designed to quickly generate a diverse Pareto optimal set of IMRT plans that meet all clinical constraints and reflect the trade-offs in the plans. The top level of the hierarchical algorithm is a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). The genes of the individuals generated in the MOEA are the parameters that define the penalty function minimized during an accelerated deterministic IMRT optimization that represents the bottom level of the hierarchy. The MOEA incorporates clinical criteria to restrict the search space through protocol objectives and then uses Pareto optimality among the fitness objectives to select individuals. Results: Acceleration techniques implemented on both levels of the hierarchical algorithm resulted in short, practical runtimes for optimizations. The MOEA improvements were evaluated for example prostate cases with one target and two OARs. The modified MOEA dominated 11.3% of plans using a standard genetic algorithm package. By implementing domination advantage and protocol objectives, small diverse populations of clinically acceptable plans that were only dominated 0.2% by the Pareto front could be generated in a fraction of an hour. Conclusions: Our MOEA produces a diverse Pareto optimal set of plans that meet all dosimetric protocol criteria in a feasible amount of time. It optimizes not only beamlet intensities but also objective function parameters on a patient-specific basis

    Fast micro-differential evolution for topological active net optimization

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    This paper studies the optimization problem of topological active net (TAN), which is often seen in image segmentation and shape modeling. A TAN is a topological structure containing many nodes, whose positions must be optimized while a predefined topology needs to be maintained. TAN optimization is often time-consuming and even constructing a single solution is hard to do. Such a problem is usually approached by a ``best improvement local search'' (BILS) algorithm based on deterministic search (DS), which is inefficient because it spends too much efforts in nonpromising probing. In this paper, we propose the use of micro-differential evolution (DE) to replace DS in BILS for improved directional guidance. The resultant algorithm is termed deBILS. Its micro-population efficiently utilizes historical information for potentially promising search directions and hence improves efficiency in probing. Results show that deBILS can probe promising neighborhoods for each node of a TAN. Experimental tests verify that deBILS offers substantially higher search speed and solution quality not only than ordinary BILS, but also the genetic algorithm and scatter search algorithm

    Comparing metaheuristic algorithms for error detection in Java programs

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    Chicano, F., Ferreira M., & Alba E. (2011). Comparing Metaheuristic Algorithms for Error Detection in Java Programs. In Proceedings of Search Based Software Engineering, Szeged, Hungary, September 10-12, 2011. pp. 82–96.Model checking is a fully automatic technique for checking concurrent software properties in which the states of a concurrent system are explored in an explicit or implicit way. The main drawback of this technique is the high memory consumption, which limits the size of the programs that can be checked. In the last years, some researchers have focused on the application of guided non-complete stochastic techniques to the search of the state space of such concurrent programs. In this paper, we compare five metaheuristic algorithms for this problem. The algorithms are Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization and two variants of Genetic Algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that Simulated Annealing has been applied to the problem. We use in the comparison a benchmark composed of 17 Java concurrent programs. We also compare the results of these algorithms with the ones of deterministic algorithms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER under contract TIN2008-06491-C04-01 (the M∗ project) and the Andalusian Government under contract P07-TIC-03044 (DIRICOM project)

    A Memetic Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) is an extension of the well-known traveling salesman problem. In GTSP, we are given a partition of cities into groups and we are required to find a minimum length tour that includes exactly one city from each group. The recent studies on this subject consider different variations of a memetic algorithm approach to the GTSP. The aim of this paper is to present a new memetic algorithm for GTSP with a powerful local search procedure. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm clearly outperforms all of the known heuristics with respect to both solution quality and running time. While the other memetic algorithms were designed only for the symmetric GTSP, our algorithm can solve both symmetric and asymmetric instances.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Natural Computing, Springer, available online: http://www.springerlink.com/content/5v4568l492272865/?p=e1779dd02e4d4cbfa49d0d27b19b929f&pi=1

    A hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search approach for post enrolment course timetabling

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media. All rights reserved.The post enrolment course timetabling problem (PECTP) is one type of university course timetabling problems, in which a set of events has to be scheduled in time slots and located in suitable rooms according to the student enrolment data. The PECTP is an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem and hence is very difficult to solve to optimality. This paper proposes a hybrid approach to solve the PECTP in two phases. In the first phase, a guided search genetic algorithm is applied to solve the PECTP. This guided search genetic algorithm, integrates a guided search strategy and some local search techniques, where the guided search strategy uses a data structure that stores useful information extracted from previous good individuals to guide the generation of offspring into the population and the local search techniques are used to improve the quality of individuals. In the second phase, a tabu search heuristic is further used on the best solution obtained by the first phase to improve the optimality of the solution if possible. The proposed hybrid approach is tested on a set of benchmark PECTPs taken from the international timetabling competition in comparison with a set of state-of-the-art methods from the literature. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid approach is able to produce promising results for the test PECTPs.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and Grant EP/E060722/02

    Improving Function Coverage with Munch: A Hybrid Fuzzing and Directed Symbolic Execution Approach

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    Fuzzing and symbolic execution are popular techniques for finding vulnerabilities and generating test-cases for programs. Fuzzing, a blackbox method that mutates seed input values, is generally incapable of generating diverse inputs that exercise all paths in the program. Due to the path-explosion problem and dependence on SMT solvers, symbolic execution may also not achieve high path coverage. A hybrid technique involving fuzzing and symbolic execution may achieve better function coverage than fuzzing or symbolic execution alone. In this paper, we present Munch, an open source framework implementing two hybrid techniques based on fuzzing and symbolic execution. We empirically show using nine large open-source programs that overall, Munch achieves higher (in-depth) function coverage than symbolic execution or fuzzing alone. Using metrics based on total analyses time and number of queries issued to the SMT solver, we also show that Munch is more efficient at achieving better function coverage.Comment: To appear at 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC). To be held from 9th to 13th April, 201

    FairFuzz: Targeting Rare Branches to Rapidly Increase Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage

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    In recent years, fuzz testing has proven itself to be one of the most effective techniques for finding correctness bugs and security vulnerabilities in practice. One particular fuzz testing tool, American Fuzzy Lop or AFL, has become popular thanks to its ease-of-use and bug-finding power. However, AFL remains limited in the depth of program coverage it achieves, in particular because it does not consider which parts of program inputs should not be mutated in order to maintain deep program coverage. We propose an approach, FairFuzz, that helps alleviate this limitation in two key steps. First, FairFuzz automatically prioritizes inputs exercising rare parts of the program under test. Second, it automatically adjusts the mutation of inputs so that the mutated inputs are more likely to exercise these same rare parts of the program. We conduct evaluation on real-world programs against state-of-the-art versions of AFL, thoroughly repeating experiments to get good measures of variability. We find that on certain benchmarks FairFuzz shows significant coverage increases after 24 hours compared to state-of-the-art versions of AFL, while on others it achieves high program coverage at a significantly faster rate