216 research outputs found

    Adapting And Hybrid Ising Harmony Search With Metaheuristic Components For University Course Timetabling

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    Masalah Penjadualan Waktu Kursus Universiti (MPWKU) merupakan suatu masalah penjadualan kombinatorik yang rumit. Algoritma Gelintaran Harmoni (AGH) ialah suatu kaedah metaheuristik berdasarkan populasi. Kelebihan utama algoritma ini terletak pada keupayaannya dalam mengintegrasikan komponen-komponen utama bagi kaedah berdasarkan populasi dan kaedah berdasarkan gelintaran setempat dalam satu model pengoptimuman yang sama. Disertasi ini mencadangkan suatu AGH yang telah disesuaikan untuk MPWKU. Penyesuaian ini melibatkan pengubahsuaian terhadap operator AGH. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah dalam lingkungan keputusan terdahulu. Tetapi beberapa kelemahan dalam kadar penumpuan dan eksploitasi setempat telah dikesan dan telah diberikan tumpuan menerusi penghibridan dengan komponen metaheuristik yang diketahui. Tiga versi terhibrid dicadangkan, di mana, setiap hibrid merupakan peningkatan daripada yang sebelumnya: (i) Algoritma Gelintaran Harmoni yang Diubah suai; (ii) Algoritma Gelintaran Harmoni dengan Kadar Penyesuaian Berbagai Nada, dan (iii) Algoritma Gelintaran Harmoni Hibrid. Semua hasil yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan 21 kaedah lain menggunakan sebelas dataset piawai de facto yang mempunyai saiz dan kekompleksan yang berbeza-beza. University Course Timetabling Problem (UCTP) is a hard combinatorial scheduling prob- !em. Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is a recent metaheuristic population-based method. The major thrust of this algorithm I ies in its abiiity to integrate the key components of populationbased methods and local search-based methods in the same optimisation model. This dissertation presents a HSA adapted for UCTP. The adaptation involved modifying the HSA operators. The results were within the range of state of the art. However, some shortcomings in the convergence rate and local exploitation were identified and addressed through hybridisation with known metaheuristic components. Three hybridized versions are proposed which are incremental improvements over the preceding version: (i) Modified Harmony Search Algorithm (MHSA); (ii) Harmony Search Algorithm with Multi-Pitch Adjusting Rate (HSA-MPAR), and (iii) Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm (HHSA). The results werecompared against 21 other methods using eleven de facto standard dataset of different sizes and complexity

    Harmony annealing algorithm for curriculum-based course timetabling problem

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    This research article presents the adaption of the harmony annealing algorithm for solving timetabling problems, with particular focus on the curriculum-based course timetabling that formed part of the competition track 3 of the 2nd International Timetabling Competition in 2007 (ITC-2007). An attempt to solve these problems was made via an approach broken down into two parts; first, constructive algorithm with saturation degree approach was used to ensure a feasible solution, where the hard constraints are satisfied.Secondly, Harmony annealing algorithm was used to further improve the results obtained.The algorithm produced results that were not comparatively better than those previously known as best solution.With proper modification in terms of the approach in this algorithm would make the algorithm perform better on curriculum-based course timetabling

    A Hybrid Bacterial Swarming Methodology for Job Shop Scheduling Environment

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    Optimized utilization of resources is the need of the hour in any manufacturing system. A properly planned schedule is often required to facilitate optimization. This makes scheduling a significant phase in any manufacturing scenario. The Job Shop Scheduling Problem is an operation sequencing problem on multiple machines with some operation and machine precedence constraints, aimed to find the best sequence of operations on each machine in order to optimize a set of objectives. Bacterial Foraging algorithm is a relatively new biologically inspired optimization technique proposed based on the foraging behaviour of E.coli bacteria. Harmony Search is a phenomenon mimicking algorithm devised by the improvisation process of musicians. In this research paper, Harmony Search is hybridized with bacterial foraging to improve its scheduling strategies. A proposed Harmony Bacterial Swarming Algorithm is developed and tested with benchmark Job Shop instances. Computational results have clearly shown the competence of our method in obtaining the best schedule

    Cosine Harmony Search (CHS) for Static Optimization

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    Harmony Search (HS) is a behaviour imitation of a musician looking for the balance harmony. HS suffers to find the best parameter tuning especially for Pitch Adjustment Rate (PAR). PAR plays a crucial role in selecting historical solution and adjusting it using Bandwidth (BW) value. However, PAR in HS requires to be initialized with a constant value at the beginning step. On top of that, it also causes delay in convergence speed due to disproportion of global and local search capabilities. Even though, some HS variants claimed to overcome that shortcoming by introducing the self-modification of pitch adjustment rate, some of their justification were imprecise and required deeper and extensive experiments. Local Opposition-Based Learning Self-Adaptation Global Harmony Search (LHS) implements a heuristic factor, η for self-modification of PAR. It (η) manages the probability for selecting the adaptive step either as global or worst. If the value of η is large, the opportunity to select the global adaptive step is high, so the algorithm will further exploit for better harmony value. Otherwise, if η is small, the worst adaptive step is prone to be selected, therefore the algorithm will close to the global best solution. In this paper, regarding to the HS problem, we introduce a Cosine Harmony Search (CHS) by incorporating embedment of cosine and additional strategy rule with self-modification of pitch tuning to enlarge the exploitation capability of solution space. The additional strategy employs the η inspired by LHS and contains the cosine parameter. We test our proposed CHS on twelve standard static benchmark functions and compare it with basic HS and five state-of-the-art HS variants. Our proposed method and these state-of-the-art algorithms executed using 30 and 50 dimensions. The numerical results demonstrated that the CHS has outperformed with other state-of-the-art in accuracy and convergence speed evaluations

    A hybrid algorithm for university course timetabling problem

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    A hybrid algorithm combining the genetic algorithm with the iterated local search algorithm is developed for solving university course timetabling problem. This hybrid algorithm combines the merits of genetic algorithm and iterated local search algorithm for its convergence to global optima at the same time avoiding being get trapped into local optima. This leads to intensification of the involved search space for solutions. It is applied on a number of benchmark university course timetabling problem instances of various complexities. Keywords: timetabling, optimization, metaheuristics, genetic algorithm, iterative local searc

    A harmony search algorithm for university course timetabli

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    One of the main challenges for university administration is building a timetable for course sessions. This is not just about building a timetable that works, but building one that is as good as possible. In general, course timetabling is the process of assigning given courses to given rooms and timeslots under specific constraints. Harmony search algorithm is a new metaheuristic population-based algorithm, mimicking the musical improvisation process where a group of musicians play the pitches of their musical instruments together seeking a pleasing harmony. The major thrust of this algorithm lies in its ability to integrate the key components of population-based methods and local search-based methods in a simple optimization model. In this paper, a harmony search and a modified harmony search algorithm are applied to university course timetabling against standard benchmarks. The results show that the proposed methods are capable of providing viable solutions in comparison to previous works

    Recognizing faces prone to occlusions and common variations using optimal face subgraphs

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    An intuitive graph optimization face recognition approach called Harmony Search Oriented-EBGM (HSO-EBGM) inspired by the classical Elastic Bunch Graph Matching (EBGM) graphical model is proposed in this contribution. In the proposed HSO-EBGM, a recent evolutionary approach called harmony search optimization is tailored to automatically determine optimal facial landmarks. A novel notion of face subgraphs have been formulated with the aid of these automated landmarks that maximizes the similarity entailed by the subgraphs. For experimental evaluation, two sets of de facto databases (i.e., AR and Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) ver2.0) are used to validate and analyze the behavior of the proposed HSO-EBGM in terms of number of subgraphs, varying occlusion sizes, face images under controlled/ideal conditions, realistic partial occlusions, expression variations and varying illumination conditions. For a number of experiments, results justify that the HSO-EBGM shows improved recognition performance when compared to recent state-of-the-art face recognition approaches

    Hybrid harmony search algorithm for continuous optimization problems

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    Harmony Search (HS) algorithm has been extensively adopted in the literature to address optimization problems in many different fields, such as industrial design, civil engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering problems. In order to ensure its search performance, HS requires extensive tuning of its four parameters control namely harmony memory size (HMS), harmony memory consideration rate (HMCR), pitch adjustment rate (PAR), and bandwidth (BW). However, tuning process is often cumbersome and is problem dependent. Furthermore, there is no one size fits all problems. Additionally, despite many useful works, HS and its variant still suffer from weak exploitation which can lead to poor convergence problem. Addressing these aforementioned issues, this thesis proposes to augment HS with adaptive tuning using Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO). Meanwhile, to enhance its exploitation, this thesis also proposes to adopt a new variant of the opposition-based learning technique (OBL). Taken together, the proposed hybrid algorithm, called IHS-GWO, aims to address continuous optimization problems. The IHS-GWO is evaluated using two standard benchmarking sets and two real-world optimization problems. The first benchmarking set consists of 24 classical benchmark unimodal and multimodal functions whilst the second benchmark set contains 30 state-of-the-art benchmark functions from the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). The two real-world optimization problems involved the three-bar truss and spring design. Statistical analysis using Wilcoxon rank-sum and Friedman of IHS-GWO’s results with recent HS variants and other metaheuristic demonstrate superior performance

    A Novel Self-Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm

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    The harmony search algorithm is a music-inspired optimization technology and has been successfully applied to diverse scientific and engineering problems. However, like other metaheuristic algorithms, it still faces two difficulties: parameter setting and finding the optimal balance between diversity and intensity in searching. This paper proposes a novel, self-adaptive search mechanism for optimization problems with continuous variables. This new variant can automatically configure the evolutionary parameters in accordance with problem characteristics, such as the scale and the boundaries, and dynamically select evolutionary strategies in accordance with its search performance. The new variant simplifies the parameter setting and efficiently solves all types of optimization problems with continuous variables. Statistical test results show that this variant is considerably robust and outperforms the original harmony search (HS), improved harmony search (IHS), and other self-adaptive variants for large-scale optimization problems and constrained problems