164 research outputs found

    Inequality Indexes as Sparsity Measures Applied to Ventricular Ectopic Beats Detection and its Efficient Hardware Implementation

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    Meeting application requirements under a tight power budget is of a primary importance to enable connected health internet of things applications. This paper considers using sparse representation and well-defined inequality indexes drawn from the theory of inequality to distinguish ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs) from non-VEBs. Our approach involves designing a separate dictionary for each arrhythmia class using a set of labeled training QRS complexes. Sparse representation, based on the designed dictionaries of each new test QRS complex is then calculated. Following this, its class is predicted using the winner-takes-all principle by selecting the class with the highest inequality index. The experiments showed promising results ranging between 80% and 100% for the detection of VEBs considering the patient-specific approach, 80% using cross validation and 70% on unseen data using independent sets for training and testing, respectively. An efficient hardware implementation of the alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm is also presented. The results show that the proposed hardware implementation can classify a QRS complex in 69.3 ms that use only 0.934 W energy

    Training very large scale nonlinear SVMs using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers coupled with the Hierarchically Semi-Separable kernel approximations

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    Typically, nonlinear Support Vector Machines (SVMs) produce significantly higher classification quality when compared to linear ones but, at the same time, their computational complexity is prohibitive for large-scale datasets: this drawback is essentially related to the necessity to store and manipulate large, dense and unstructured kernel matrices. Despite the fact that at the core of training a SVM there is a \textit{simple} convex optimization problem, the presence of kernel matrices is responsible for dramatic performance reduction, making SVMs unworkably slow for large problems. Aiming to an efficient solution of large-scale nonlinear SVM problems, we propose the use of the \textit{Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers} coupled with \textit{Hierarchically Semi-Separable} (HSS) kernel approximations. As shown in this work, the detailed analysis of the interaction among their algorithmic components unveils a particularly efficient framework and indeed, the presented experimental results demonstrate a significant speed-up when compared to the \textit{state-of-the-art} nonlinear SVM libraries (without significantly affecting the classification accuracy)

    Wireless for Machine Learning

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    As data generation increasingly takes place on devices without a wired connection, Machine Learning over wireless networks becomes critical. Many studies have shown that traditional wireless protocols are highly inefficient or unsustainable to support Distributed Machine Learning. This is creating the need for new wireless communication methods. In this survey, we give an exhaustive review of the state of the art wireless methods that are specifically designed to support Machine Learning services. Namely, over-the-air computation and radio resource allocation optimized for Machine Learning. In the over-the-air approach, multiple devices communicate simultaneously over the same time slot and frequency band to exploit the superposition property of wireless channels for gradient averaging over-the-air. In radio resource allocation optimized for Machine Learning, Active Learning metrics allow for data evaluation to greatly optimize the assignment of radio resources. This paper gives a comprehensive introduction to these methods, reviews the most important works, and highlights crucial open problems.Comment: Corrected typo in author name. From the incorrect Maitron to the correct Mairto