9 research outputs found

    The Nowicki Conjecture for free metabelian Lie algebras

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    Let K[Xd]=K[x1,…,xd]K[X_d]=K[x_1,\ldots,x_d] be the polynomial algebra in dd variables over a field KK of characteristic 0. The classical theorem of Weitzenb\"ock from 1932 states that for linear locally nilpotent derivations δ\delta (known as Weitzenb\"ock derivations) the algebra of constants K[Xd]δK[X_{d}]^{\delta} is finitely generated. When the Weitzenb\"ock derivation δ\delta acts on the polynomial algebra K[Xd,Yd]K[X_d,Y_d] in 2d2d variables by δ(yi)=xi\delta(y_i)=x_i, δ(xi)=0\delta(x_i)=0, i=1,…,di=1,\ldots,d, Nowicki conjectured that K[Xd,Yd]δK[X_d,Y_d]^{\delta} is generated by XdX_d and xiyj−yixjx_iy_j-y_ix_j for all 1≤i<j≤d1\leq i<j\leq d. There are several proofs based on different ideas confirming this conjecture. Considering arbitrary Weitzenb\"ock derivations of the free dd-generated metabelian Lie algebra FdF_d, with few trivial exceptions, the algebra FdδF_d^{\delta} is not finitely generated. However, the vector subspace (Fd′)δ(F_d')^{\delta} of the commutator ideal Fd′F_d' of FdF_d is finitely generated as a K[Xd]δK[X_d]^{\delta}-module. In this paper we study an analogue of the Nowicki conjecture in the Lie algebra setting and give an explicit set of generators of the K[Xd,Yd]δK[X_d,Y_d]^{\delta}-module (F2d′)δ(F_{2d}')^{\delta}.Comment: 8 page

    Separating invariants for arbitrary linear actions of the additive group

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    We consider an arbitrary representation of the additive group G_a over a field of characteristic zero and give an explicit description of a finite separating set in the corresponding ring of invariants

    Separating invariants for arbitrary linear actions of the additive group

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    We consider an arbitrary representation of the additive group G_a over a field of characteristic zero and give an explicit description of a finite separating set in the corresponding ring of invariants