137 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Hoisting System Performance

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    In this paper it is required to enhance the performance of a mechanical system (here: a Hoisting System) where it is preferred to lift a different payloads with approximately the same speed of lifting and keeping at the same time the good performance, and this of course needs some intelligence of the system which will be responsible on measuring the present load and taking into account the speed and performance desired in order to achieve the requirements or the criteria. The process therefore is a Mechatronics System design which includes a measuring system, a control or automation technique, and an actuating system. The criteria built here in this research using a given Hoist system's characteristics and parameters and changing one of these parameters by the actuator depending on load value (i.e. making a calibration with which there will be a given value of the intentional parameter at which the speed and performance reach the requirements to any load value)

    Reducing Sway of Gantry Crane Load

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    Cranes are widely used for transportation of heavy material in factories, warehouse, shipping yards, building construction and nuclear facilities. This project is focused on gantry crane. There are several factors that will contribute to the crane swinging such as wind, crane design and operations. Hence, the objective of this project is to reduce and minimize the sway in order to reduce the operational time and cost

    Robust Input Shaping for Sway Control of an Overhead 3D Crane

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    This paper presents a robust input shaping control of an overhead 3D crane. Control of a crane in the presence of wind disturbance during payload hoisting is extremely challenging, as hoisting with wind disturbance causes high unwanted payload sway, which makes payload positioning difficult to achieve. Two robust input shaping techniques are presented, the zero vibration derivative-derivative (ZVDD) and extra insensitive (EI) shapers. Simulations using a nonlinear 3D overhead crane model were performed and the performances of the two robust input shapers are compared. In these investigations a wind disturbance force of magnitude 0.3 N is considered for the robustness test, in addition different payload mass were tested. It is predicted that the method can be very useful in reducing the complexity of closed-loop controllers for both tracking and sway control


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    Gantry cranes have attracted a great deal of interest in transportation and industrial applications. To increase the effectiveness of gantry cranes, the control of such systems is considered vital. This paper is concerned with tracking the control of an underactuated gantry crane using an optimal feedback controller. The optimal control strategy takes into account a performance index, including integrated time and absolute error criterion. To do this, nonlinear dynamic equations of the system are derived using Lagrange’s Principle. The minimum tracking error of the trolley and the minimum oscillation of the hoisting line are assumed as design parameters, and the best gains of the feedback controller are achieved. Finally, some tracking simulations are performed which demonstrate the capability of the simple proposed method in the optimal tracking control of a gantry crane

    An Iterative Learning Control Technique for Point-to-Point Maneuvers Applied on an Overhead Crane

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    Adaptive output-based command shaping for sway control of a 3D overhead crane with payload hoisting and wind disturbance

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    Payload hoisting and wind disturbance during crane operations are among the challenging factors that affect a payload sway and thus, affect the crane's performance. This paper proposes a new online adaptive output-based command shaping (AOCS) technique for an effective payload sway reduction of an overhead crane under the influence of those effects. This technique enhances the previously developed output-based command shaping (OCS) which was effective only for a fixed system and without external disturbances. Unlike the conventional input shaping design technique which requires the system's natural frequency and damping ratio, the proposed technique is designed by using the output signal and thus, an online adaptive algorithm can be formulated. To test the effectiveness of the AOCS, experiments are carried out using a laboratory overhead crane with a payload hoisting in the presence of wind, and with different payloads. The superiority of the method is confirmed by 82% and 29% reductions in the overall sway and the maximum transient sway respectively, when compared to the OCS, and two robust input shapers namely Zero Vibration Derivative-Derivative and Extra-Insensitive shapers. Furthermore, the method demonstrates a uniform crane's performance under all conditions. It is envisaged that the proposed method can be very useful in designing an effective controller for a crane system with an unknown payload and under the influence of external disturbances

    Payload's sway angle measurement for container in the crane system based on remote sensing

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    The demand for a high quickly measuring angle in the port crane system should be considered when the container has been transferred from one place to another place. It is significant to build the feedback linking of payload's angle in the integrated crane system. The value of accurate measurement of the angle can be used to optimize the crane control system. In this context, the design and implementation of the experimental setup associated with emulated cranes will be carried out. Several solutions for remote angle measurement were considered one of the considered solutions being represented by millimeter microwave radar sensors. Special developments of algorithms to calculate the sway angle of payload or container were considered as so as the real-time processing using Arduino Uno computation platform. The following objectives were successfully reached. 1. Development of remote sensing system for payload's swing angle measurement considering radars such the sensing devices; 2. Development of a novel angle algorithm measurement and real-time processing of data; 3. Development of a prototype characterized by real-time processing and remote detection capabilities considering short-range and long-range measurements, such as lidar sensor or radar sensor.A demanda por um ângulo de medição rápido e alto no sistema de guindaste portuário deve ser considerada quando o contêiner for transferido de um local para outro. É significativo construir a ligação de feedback do ângulo da carga útil no sistema de guindaste integrado. O valor da medição precisa do ângulo pode ser usado para otimizar o sistema de controle do guindaste. Neste contexto, será realizada a concepção e implementação da configuração experimental associada a gruas emuladas. Diversas soluções para medição remota de ângulos foram consideradas uma das soluções consideradas sendo representadas por sensores de micro-ondas milimetrados. Desenvolvimentos especiais de algoritmos para calcular o ângulo de oscilação da carga útil ou contêiner foram considerados, assim como o processamento em tempo real usando a plataforma de computação Arduino Uno. Os seguintes objetivos foram alcançados com sucesso. 1. Desenvolvimento de sistema de sensoriamento remoto para medição do ângulo de oscilação da carga útil considerando radares como os dispositivos de detecção; 2. Desenvolvimento de um novo algoritmo de medição de ângulos e processamento de dados em tempo real; 3. Desenvolvimento de um protótipo caracterizado por processamento em tempo real e capacidade de detecção remota considerando medições de curto e longo alcance, como sensor LIDAR ou sensor de radar

    Aplicación de un controlador lineal cuadrático usando un Observador de orden mínimo sobre un puente grúa

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    En este artículo se propone una metodología para el diseño de un controlador óptimo cuadrático sobre un sistema de una entrada y dos salidas, sometido a cambios en los parámetros de operación. Debido a que para el diseño del controlador por realimentación de variables de estado es necesario tener todas las variables de estado, se utiliza un observador de orden mínimo que estime las variables que no se pueden medir directament

    The application of dynamic virtual prototyping to the development of control systems

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    A new method of developing control systems on the basis of dynamic virtual prototyping (DVP) has been proposed. The method facilitates the control system development process by means of (1) automating the transition from the conventional DVP of a plant to the dynamic model suitable for the control system design and (2) integrating the development process into the overall lifecycle. The method comprises the three principal stages: (1) representing the plant by its DVP; (2) simulating the DVP and generating the data-based model of the plant; (3) designing the control system using the generated data-based model. Stages 1 and 2 are supported by DVP systems (e.g. IGRIP, LMS/VirtualLab, MSC SimOffice), stage 3 is accomplished by CACSD. The proposed development method has been adapted to the class of plants that are linearizable, quasi-stationary, stable or stabilizable without using the analytical model and have lumped parameters. The specifics of applying the conventional methods of identification and control system design in the context of DVP have been revealed and analyzed. The engineering applicability of the method has been proved by means of developing the control system for fine positioning of a gantry crane load.reviewe

    A Robust Offline Precomputed Optimal Feedforward Control Action for the Real Time Feedback/Feedforward Control of Double Pendulum Gantry Cranes

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    none1openvalentina orsiniOrsini, Valentin