5,820 research outputs found

    A Survey of Non-conventional Techniques for Low-voltage Low-power Analog Circuit Design

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    Designing integrated circuits able to work under low-voltage (LV) low-power (LP) condition is currently undergoing a very considerable boom. Reducing voltage supply and power consumption of integrated circuits is crucial factor since in general it ensures the device reliability, prevents overheating of the circuits and in particular prolongs the operation period for battery powered devices. Recently, non-conventional techniques i.e. bulk-driven (BD), floating-gate (FG) and quasi-floating-gate (QFG) techniques have been proposed as powerful ways to reduce the design complexity and push the voltage supply towards threshold voltage of the MOS transistors (MOST). Therefore, this paper presents the operation principle, the advantages and disadvantages of each of these techniques, enabling circuit designers to choose the proper design technique based on application requirements. As an example of application three operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) base on these non-conventional techniques are presented, the voltage supply is only ±0.4 V and the power consumption is 23.5 µW. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 µm CMOS technology from TSMC are included to verify the design functionality and correspondence with theory

    Novel active function blocks and their applications in frequency filters and quadrature oscillators

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    Kmitočtové filtry a sinusoidní oscilátory jsou lineární elektronické obvody, které jsou používány v široké oblasti elektroniky a jsou základními stavebními bloky v analogovém zpracování signálu. V poslední dekádě pro tento účel bylo prezentováno velké množství stavebních funkčních bloků. V letech 2000 a 2006 na Ústavu telekomunikací, VUT v Brně byly definovány univerzální proudový konvejor (UCC) a univerzální napět'ový konvejor (UVC) a vyrobeny ve spolupráci s firmou AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. Ovšem, stále existuje požadavek na vývoj nových aktivních prvků, které nabízejí nové výhody. Hlavní přínos práce proto spočívá v definici dalších původních aktivních stavebních bloků jako jsou differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), a minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Pomocí navržených aktivních stavebních bloků byly prezentovány původní zapojení fázovacích článků prvního řádu, univerzální filtry druhého řádu, ekvivalenty obvodu typu KHN, inverzní filtry, aktivní simulátory uzemněného induktoru a kvadraturní sinusoidní oscilátory pracující v proudovém, napět'ovém a smíšeném módu. Chování navržených obvodů byla ověřena simulací v prostředí SPICE a ve vybraných případech experimentálním měřením.Frequency filters and sinusoidal oscillators are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics and also are the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, huge number of active building blocks (ABBs) were presented for this purpose. In 2000 and 2006, the universal current conveyor (UCC) and the universal voltage conveyor (UVC), respectively, were designed at the Department of Telecommunication, BUT, Brno, and produced in cooperation with AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. There is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new advantages. The main contribution of this thesis is, therefore, the definition of other novel ABBs such as the differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), the current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), the z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), the generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), the voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), and the minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Using the proposed ABBs, novel structures of first-order all-pass filters, second-order universal filters, KHN-equivalent circuits, inverse filters, active grounded inductance simulators, and quadrature sinusoidal oscillators working in the current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode are presented. The behavior of the proposed circuits has been verified by SPICE simulations and in selected cases also by experimental measurements.

    A wideband linear tunable CDTA and its application in field programmable analogue array

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Hu, Z., Wang, C., Sun, J. et al. ‘A wideband linear tunable CDTA and its application in field programmable analogue array’, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 88 (3): 465-483, September 2016. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 6 June 2017. The final publication is available at Springer via https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10470-016-0772-7 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016In this paper, a NMOS-based wideband low power and linear tunable transconductance current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) is presented. Based on the NMOS CDTA, a novel simple and easily reconfigurable configurable analogue block (CAB) is designed. Moreover, using the novel CAB, a simple and versatile butterfly-shaped FPAA structure is introduced. The FPAA consists of six identical CABs, and it could realize six order current-mode low pass filter, second order current-mode universal filter, current-mode quadrature oscillator, current-mode multi-phase oscillator and current-mode multiplier for analog signal processing. The Cadence IC Design Tools 5.1.41 post-layout simulation and measurement results are included to confirm the theory.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Current and Voltage Mode Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using CBTAs

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    Current-mode (CM) and voltage-mode (VM) multiphase sinusoidal oscillator (MSO) structures using current backward transconductance amplifier (CBTA) are proposed. The proposed oscillators can generate n current or voltage signals (n being even or odd) equally spaced in phase. n+1 CBTAs, n grounded capacitors and a grounded resistor are used for nth-state oscillator. The oscillation frequency can be independently controlled through transconductance (gm) of the CBTAs which are adjustable via their bias currents. The effects caused by the non-ideality of the CBTA on the oscillation frequency and condition have been analyzed. The performance of the proposed circuits is demonstrated on third-stage and fifth-stage MSOs by using PSPICE simulations based on the 0.25 µm TSMC level-7 CMOS technology parameters

    Low-Voltage High-Linearity Wideband Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier and Its Application on Current-Mode Active Filter

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    A low-voltage high-linearity wideband current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) is presented in this paper. The CDTA consists of a current differencing circuit and a cross-coupling transconductance circuit. The PSPICE simulations of the proposed CDTA show a good performance: -3dB frequency bandwith is about 900 MHz, low power consumption is 2.48 mW, input current linear range is ±100 µA and low current-input resistance is less than 20 Ω, high current-output resistance is more than 3 MΩ. PSpice simulations for a current-mode universal filter and a proposed high-order filter are also conducted, and the results verify the validity of the proposed CDTA

    High Input Impedance Voltage-Mode Biquad Filter Using VD-DIBAs

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    This paper deals with a single-input multiple-output biquadratic filter providing three functions (low-pass, high-pass and band-pass) based on voltage differencing differential input buffered amplifier (VD-DIBA). The quality factor and pole frequency can be electronically tuned via the bias current. The proposed circuit uses two VD-DIBAs and two grounded capacitors without any external resistors, which is suitable to further develop into an integrated circuit. Moreover, the circuit possesses high input impedance, providing easy voltage-mode cascading. It is shown that the filter structure can be easily extended to multi-input filter without any additional components, providing also all-pass and band-reject properties. The PSPICE simulation and experimental results are included, verifying the key characteristics of the proposed filter. The given results agree well with the theoretical presumptions

    Low-Voltage Ultra-Low-Power Current Conveyor Based on Quasi-Floating Gate Transistors

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    The field of low-voltage low-power CMOS technology has grown rapidly in recent years; it is an essential prerequisite particularly for portable electronic equipment and implantable medical devices due to its influence on battery lifetime. Recently, significant improvements in implementing circuits working in the low-voltage low-power area have been achieved, but circuit designers face severe challenges when trying to improve or even maintain the circuit performance with reduced supply voltage. In this paper, a low-voltage ultra-low-power current conveyor second generation CCII based on quasi-floating gate transistors is presented. The proposed circuit operates at a very low supply voltage of only ±0.4 V with rail-to-rail voltage swing capability and a total quiescent power consumption of mere 9.5 µW. Further, the proposed circuit is not only able to process the AC signal as it's usual at quasi-floating gate transistors but also the DC which extends the applicability of the proposed circuit. In conclusion, an application example of the current-mode quadrature oscillator is presented. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 µm TSMC CMOS technology are included to confirm the attractive properties of the proposed circuit

    0.5V 3rd-order Tunable gm-C Filter

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    This paper proposes a 3rd-order gm-C filter that operates with the extremely low voltage supply of 0.5V. The employed transconductor is capable for operating in an extremely low voltage power supply environment. A benefit offered by the employed transconductor is that the filter’s cut-off frequency can be tuned, through a dc control current, for relatively large ranges. The filter structure was designed using normal threshold transistors of a triple-well 0.13μm CMOS process and is operated under a 0.5V supply voltage; its behavior has been evaluated through simulation results by utilizing the Analog Design Environment of the Cadence software

    High Gain Amplifier with Enhanced Cascoded Compensation

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    A two-stage CMOS operational amplifier with both, gain-boosting and indirect current feedback frequency compensation performed by means of regulated cascode amplifiers, is presented. By using quasi-floating-gate transistors (QFGT) the supply requirements, the number of capacitors and the size of the compensation capacitors respect to other Miller schemes are reduced. A prototype was fabricated using a 0.5 μm technology, resulting, for a load of 45 pF and supply voltage of 1.65 V, in open-loop-gain of 129 dB, 23 MHz of gain-bandwidth product, 60o phase margin, 675 μW power consumption and 1% settling time of 28 ns

    Pathological element-based active device models and their application to symbolic analysis

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    This paper proposes new pathological element-based active device models which can be used in analysis tasks of linear(ized) analog circuits. Nullators and norators along with the voltage mirror-current mirror (VM-CM) pair (collectively known as pathological elements) are used to model the behavior of active devices in voltage-, current-, and mixed-mode, also considering parasitic elements. Since analog circuits are transformed to nullor-based equivalent circuits or VM-CM pairs or as a combination of both, standard nodal analysis can be used to formulate the admittance matrix. We present a formulation method in order to build the nodal admittance (NA) matrix of nullor-equivalent circuits, where the order of the matrix is given by the number of nodes minus the number of nullors. Since pathological elements are used to model the behavior of active devices, we introduce a more efficient formulation method in order to compute small-signal characteristics of pathological element-based equivalent circuits, where the order of the NA matrix is given by the number of nodes minus the number of pathological elements. Examples are discussed in order to illustrate the potential of the proposed pathological element-based active device models and the new formulation method in performing symbolic analysis of analog circuits. The improved formulation method is compared with traditional formulation methods, showing that the NA matrix is more compact and the generation of nonzero coefficients is reduced. As a consequence, the proposed formulation method is the most efficient one reported so far, since the CPU time and memory consumption is reduced when recursive determinant-expansion techniques are used to solve the NA matrix.Promep-Mexico UATLX-PTC-088Junta de Andalucía TIC-2532Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-67247, TEC2010-14825UC-MEXUS-CONACyT CN-09-31