16,452 research outputs found

    Intensity Segmentation of the Human Brain with Tissue dependent Homogenization

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    High-precision segmentation of the human cerebral cortex based on T1-weighted MRI is still a challenging task. When opting to use an intensity based approach, careful data processing is mandatory to overcome inaccuracies. They are caused by noise, partial volume effects and systematic signal intensity variations imposed by limited homogeneity of the acquisition hardware. We propose an intensity segmentation which is free from any shape prior. It uses for the first time alternatively grey (GM) or white matter (WM) based homogenization. This new tissue dependency was introduced as the analysis of 60 high resolution MRI datasets revealed appreciable differences in the axial bias field corrections, depending if they are based on GM or WM. Homogenization starts with axial bias correction, a spatially irregular distortion correction follows and finally a noise reduction is applied. The construction of the axial bias correction is based on partitions of a depth histogram. The irregular bias is modelled by Moody Darken radial basis functions. Noise is eliminated by nonlinear edge preserving and homogenizing filters. A critical point is the estimation of the training set for the irregular bias correction in the GM approach. Because of intensity edges between CSF (cerebro spinal fluid surrounding the brain and within the ventricles), GM and WM this estimate shows an acceptable stability. By this supervised approach a high flexibility and precision for the segmentation of normal and pathologic brains is gained. The precision of this approach is shown using the Montreal brain phantom. Real data applications exemplify the advantage of the GM based approach, compared to the usual WM homogenization, allowing improved cortex segmentation

    Computational physics of the mind

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    In the XIX century and earlier such physicists as Newton, Mayer, Hooke, Helmholtz and Mach were actively engaged in the research on psychophysics, trying to relate psychological sensations to intensities of physical stimuli. Computational physics allows to simulate complex neural processes giving a chance to answer not only the original psychophysical questions but also to create models of mind. In this paper several approaches relevant to modeling of mind are outlined. Since direct modeling of the brain functions is rather limited due to the complexity of such models a number of approximations is introduced. The path from the brain, or computational neurosciences, to the mind, or cognitive sciences, is sketched, with emphasis on higher cognitive functions such as memory and consciousness. No fundamental problems in understanding of the mind seem to arise. From computational point of view realistic models require massively parallel architectures

    Comparison between multi-linear- and radial-basis-function-neural-network-based QSPR Models for the prediction of the critical temperature, critical pressure and acentric factor of organic compounds

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    Critical properties and acentric factor are widely used in phase equilibrium calculations but are difficult to evaluate with high accuracy for many organic compounds. Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) models are a powerful tool to establish accurate correlation between molecular properties and chemical structure. QSPR multi-linear (MLR) and radial basis-function-neural-network (RBFNN) models have been developed to predict the critical temperature, critical pressure and acentric factor of a database of 306 organic compounds. RBFNN models provided better data correlation and higher predictive capability (an AAD% of 0.92–2.0% for training and 1.7–4.8% for validation sets) than MLR models (an AAD% of 3.2–8.7% for training and 6.2–12.2% for validation sets). The RMSE of the RBFNN models was 20–30% of the MLR ones. The correlation and predictive performances of the models for critical temperature were higher than those for critical pressure and acentric factor, which was the most difficult property to predict. However, the RBFNN model for the acentric factor resulted in the lowest RMSE with respect to previous literature. The close relationship between the three properties resulted from the selected molecular descriptors, which are mostly related to molecular electronic charge distribution or polar interactions between molecules. QSPR correlations were compared with the most frequently used group-contribution methods over the same database of compounds: although the MLR models provided comparable results, the RBFNN ones resulted in significantly higher performance

    Black Holes as Quantum Gravity Condensates

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    We model spherically symmetric black holes within the group field theory formalism for quantum gravity via generalised condensate states, involving sums over arbitrarily refined graphs (dual to 3d triangulations). The construction relies heavily on both the combinatorial tools of random tensor models and the quantum geometric data of loop quantum gravity, both part of the group field theory formalism. Armed with the detailed microscopic structure, we compute the entropy associated with the black hole horizon, which turns out to be equivalently the Boltzmann entropy of its microscopic degrees of freedom and the entanglement entropy between the inside and outside regions. We recover the area law under very general conditions, as well as the Bekenstein-Hawking formula. The result is also shown to be generically independent of any specific value of the Immirzi parameter.Comment: 22 page


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    The capability of artificial neural networks for pattern recognition of real world problems is well known. In recent years, the support vector machine has been advocated for its structure risk minimization leading to tolerance margins of decision boundaries. Structures and performances of these pattern classifiers depend on the feature dimension and training data size. The objective of this research is to compare these pattern recognition systems based on a case study. The particular case considered is on classification of hypertensive and normotensive right ventricle (RV) shapes obtained from Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) sequences. In this case, the feature dimension is reasonable, but the available training data set is small, however, the decision surface is highly nonlinear.For diagnosis of congenital heart defects, especially those associated with pressure and volume overload problems, a reliable pattern classifier for determining right ventricle function is needed. RV¡¦s global and regional surface to volume ratios are assessed from an individual¡¦s MRI heart images. These are used as features for pattern classifiers. We considered first two linear classification methods: the Fisher linear discriminant and the linear classifier trained by the Ho-Kayshap algorithm. When the data are not linearly separable, artificial neural networks with back-propagation training and radial basis function networks were then considered, providing nonlinear decision surfaces. Thirdly, a support vector machine was trained which gives tolerance margins on both sides of the decision surface. We have found in this case study that the back-propagation training of an artificial neural network depends heavily on the selection of initial weights, even though randomized. The support vector machine where radial basis function kernels are used is easily trained and provides decision tolerance margins, in spite of only small margins

    Modelling laser milling of microcavities for the manufacturing of DES with ensembles

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    A set of designed experiments, involving the use of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser system milling 316L Stainless Steel, serve to study the laser-milling process of microcavities in the manufacture of drug-eluting stents (DES). Diameter, depth, and volume error are considered to be optimized as functions of the process parameters, which include laser intensity, pulse frequency, and scanning speed. Two different DES shapes are studied that combine semispheres and cylinders. Process inputs and outputs are defined by considering the process parameters that can be changed under industrial conditions and the industrial requirements of this manufacturing process. In total, 162 different conditions are tested in a process that is modeled with the following state-of-the-art data-mining regression techniques: Support Vector Regression, Ensembles, Artificial Neural Networks, Linear Regression, and Nearest Neighbor Regression. Ensemble regression emerged as the most suitable technique for studying this industrial problem. Specifically, Iterated Bagging ensembles with unpruned model trees outperformed the other methods in the tests. This method can predict the geometrical dimensions of the machined microcavities with relative errors related to the main average value in the range of 3 to 23%, which are considered very accurate predictions, in view of the characteristics of this innovative industrial task.This work was partially funded through Grants fromthe IREBID Project (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES- 247476) of the European Commission and Projects TIN2011- 24046 and TECNIPLAD (DPI2009-09852) of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes

    Unsupervised spectral sub-feature learning for hyperspectral image classification

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    Spectral pixel classification is one of the principal techniques used in hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis. In this article, we propose an unsupervised feature learning method for classification of hyperspectral images. The proposed method learns a dictionary of sub-feature basis representations from the spectral domain, which allows effective use of the correlated spectral data. The learned dictionary is then used in encoding convolutional samples from the hyperspectral input pixels to an expanded but sparse feature space. Expanded hyperspectral feature representations enable linear separation between object classes present in an image. To evaluate the proposed method, we performed experiments on several commonly used HSI data sets acquired at different locations and by different sensors. Our experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms other pixel-wise classification methods that make use of unsupervised feature extraction approaches. Additionally, even though our approach does not use any prior knowledge, or labelled training data to learn features, it yields either advantageous, or comparable, results in terms of classification accuracy with respect to recent semi-supervised methods

    Information visualization for DNA microarray data analysis: A critical review

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    Graphical representation may provide effective means of making sense of the complexity and sheer volume of data produced by DNA microarray experiments that monitor the expression patterns of thousands of genes simultaneously. The ability to use ldquoabstractrdquo graphical representation to draw attention to areas of interest, and more in-depth visualizations to answer focused questions, would enable biologists to move from a large amount of data to particular records they are interested in, and therefore, gain deeper insights in understanding the microarray experiment results. This paper starts by providing some background knowledge of microarray experiments, and then, explains how graphical representation can be applied in general to this problem domain, followed by exploring the role of visualization in gene expression data analysis. Having set the problem scene, the paper then examines various multivariate data visualization techniques that have been applied to microarray data analysis. These techniques are critically reviewed so that the strengths and weaknesses of each technique can be tabulated. Finally, several key problem areas as well as possible solutions to them are discussed as being a source for future work