8 research outputs found

    A Generic Model of Contracts for Embedded Systems

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    We present the mathematical foundations of the contract-based model developed in the framework of the SPEEDS project. SPEEDS aims at developing methods and tools to support "speculative design", a design methodology in which distributed designers develop different aspects of the overall system, in a concurrent but controlled way. Our generic mathematical model of contract supports this style of development. This is achieved by focusing on behaviors, by supporting the notion of "rich component" where diverse (functional and non-functional) aspects of the system can be considered and combined, by representing rich components via their set of associated contracts, and by formalizing the whole process of component composition

    A Generic Model of Contracts for Embedded Systems

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    We present the mathematical foundations of the contract-based model developed in the framework of the SPEEDS project. SPEEDS aims at developing methods and tools to support "speculative design", a design methodology in which distributed designers develop different aspects of the overall system, in a concurrent but controlled way. Our generic mathematical model of contract supports this style of development. This is achieved by focusing on behaviors, by supporting the notion of "rich component" where diverse (functional and non-functional) aspects of the system can be considered and combined, by representing rich components via their set of associated contracts, and by formalizing the whole process of component composition

    A Model for Probabilistic Reasoning on Assume/Guarantee Contracts

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    In this paper, we present a probabilistic adaptation of an Assume/Guarantee contract formalism. For the sake of generality, we assume that the extended state machines used in the contracts and implementations define sets of runs on a given set of variables, that compose by intersection over the common variables. In order to enable probabilistic reasoning, we consider that the contracts dictate how certain input variables will behave, being either non-deterministic, or probabilistic; the introduction of probabilistic variables leading us to tune the notions of implementation, refinement and composition. As shown in the report, this probabilistic adaptation of the Assume/Guarantee contract theory preserves compositionality and therefore allows modular reliability analysis, either with a top-down or a bottom-up approach

    Multi-Facets Contract for Modeling and Verifying Heterogeneous Systems

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    Critical and cyber-physical systems (CPS) that exist in large industries, such as nuclear power plants, railway, automotive or aeronautical industries are complex heterogeneous systems. They are complex because they are open, perimeter-less, often built by assembling various heterogeneous and interacting components which are frequently reconfigured due to requirements. Consequently, the modeling and analysis of such systems is a challenge in software engineering. We introduce a new method for modeling and verifying heterogeneous systems. The method consists in: equipping individual components with generalized contract, ordering these contracts according to given facets, composing these components and verifying the resulting system with respect to the facets. We illustrate the use of the method by a case study. The proposed method may be extended to cover more facets, and by strengthening assistance tool through proactive aspects in modelling and property verification

    Formal aspects of component software

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    This is the pre-proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'09)

    Proceedings of the First NASA Formal Methods Symposium

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    Topics covered include: Model Checking - My 27-Year Quest to Overcome the State Explosion Problem; Applying Formal Methods to NASA Projects: Transition from Research to Practice; TLA+: Whence, Wherefore, and Whither; Formal Methods Applications in Air Transportation; Theorem Proving in Intel Hardware Design; Building a Formal Model of a Human-Interactive System: Insights into the Integration of Formal Methods and Human Factors Engineering; Model Checking for Autonomic Systems Specified with ASSL; A Game-Theoretic Approach to Branching Time Abstract-Check-Refine Process; Software Model Checking Without Source Code; Generalized Abstract Symbolic Summaries; A Comparative Study of Randomized Constraint Solvers for Random-Symbolic Testing; Component-Oriented Behavior Extraction for Autonomic System Design; Automated Verification of Design Patterns with LePUS3; A Module Language for Typing by Contracts; From Goal-Oriented Requirements to Event-B Specifications; Introduction of Virtualization Technology to Multi-Process Model Checking; Comparing Techniques for Certified Static Analysis; Towards a Framework for Generating Tests to Satisfy Complex Code Coverage in Java Pathfinder; jFuzz: A Concolic Whitebox Fuzzer for Java; Machine-Checkable Timed CSP; Stochastic Formal Correctness of Numerical Algorithms; Deductive Verification of Cryptographic Software; Coloured Petri Net Refinement Specification and Correctness Proof with Coq; Modeling Guidelines for Code Generation in the Railway Signaling Context; Tactical Synthesis Of Efficient Global Search Algorithms; Towards Co-Engineering Communicating Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems; and Formal Methods for Automated Diagnosis of Autosub 6000

    Conception et vérification d'exigences de sûreté temporisées à base de contrats dans les modèles SysML

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    De nos jours, les systèmes informatiques croissent en taille et en complexité. Intégrés dans des dispositifs de différents domaines tels que l'avionique, l'aéronautique, l'électronique grand public, etc., ils sont souvent considérés comme critiques à l'égard de la vie humaine, des coûts et de l'environnement. Concevoir des systèmes embarqués temps-réel critiques sûrs et fiables est une tâche difficile, étant donné que leurs modèles sont souvent source d'erreurs. Une façon pour les concepteurs de contourner cette difficulté consiste à s'appuyer sur la modélisation compositionnelle de composants logiciels pilotée par les exigences. Le raisonnement à base de contrats permet de construire des composants sûrs à partir des exigences globales du système en interposant des spécifications abstraites et partielles entre les besoins du système et les composants eux-mêmes. Informellement, un contrat modélise le comportement abstrait d'un composant du point de vue de l'exigence à satisfaire (c.a.d garantie) dans un contexte donné (c.a.d. hypothèse). Les contrats peuvent être exploités pour décomposer et tracer les exigences au cours d'un développement itératif, mais aussi pour effectuer une vérification compositionnelle de la satisfaction des exigences. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthodologie de raisonnement à base de contrats pour la conception et la vérification de systèmes sûrs développés en SysML. Ainsi, nous définissons en UML/SysML la syntaxe des contrats et des relations de raffinement entre contrats et/ou composants qui sont utilisées pour prouver la correction du système par rapport aux exigences. Ensuite, nous proposons un cadre formel qui modélise la sémantique d'un modèle UML/SysML étendu par des contrats selon une variante d'automates temporisés entrée/sortie et nous définissons la correspondance entre ces concepts. Nous formalisons les relations de raffinement par la relation d'inclusion de traces et nous prouvons leurs propriétés compositionnelles ce qui assure la correction de la méthodologie. L'approche est instanciée pour le profil OMEGA et la boîte à outils IFx2 qui génère partiellement les obligations de preuve. Finalement, plusieurs études de cas dont une issue de l'industrie complètent la théorie pour évaluer l'approche à base de contrats et ses résultats et les comparer aux méthodes classiques de model-checking.Nowadays computer systems grow larger in size and more complex. Embedded in devices from different domains like avionics, aeronautics, consumer electronics, etc., they are often considered critical with respect to human life, costs and environment. A development that results in safe and reliable critical real-time embedded systems is a challenging task, considering that errors are accidentally inserted in the design. A way for system designers to tackle this issue is to use a compositional design technique based on components and driven by requirements: it allows to infer from global requirements, component properties that must locally hold. Contract-based reasoning allows to compositionally derive correct components from global system requirements by interposing abstract and partial specifications for components. Informally, a contract models the abstract behavior a component exhibits from the point of view of the requirement to be satisfied (i.e. guarantee) in a given context (i.e. assumption). Contracts can be used to decompose and trace requirements during iterative design, but also to perform compositional verification of requirement satisfaction. In this thesis, we present a methodology for reasoning with contracts during system design and verification within SysML. Thus, we define the syntax for contracts in UML/SysML, as well as a set of refinement relations between contracts and/or components in order to prove the system's correctness with respect to requirements. Next, we provide a formal framework that models the semantics of a UML/SysML model extended with contracts as a mapping of the language concepts to a variant of Timed Input/Output Automata. The refinement relations are formalized based on the trace inclusion relation and compositional properties are proved to hold which ensures the soundness of the methodology. The approach is instantiated for the OMEGA Profile and IFx2 toolset with partial automatic generation of proof obligations. Finally, the approach is applied on several case studies, including an industry-grade system model, which show its efficiency by comparative verification results