16 research outputs found

    Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms

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    We study convex relaxations of the image labeling problem on a continuous domain with regularizers based on metric interaction potentials. The generic framework ensures existence of minimizers and covers a wide range of relaxations of the originally combinatorial problem. We focus on two specific relaxations that differ in flexibility and simplicity -- one can be used to tightly relax any metric interaction potential, while the other one only covers Euclidean metrics but requires less computational effort. For solving the nonsmooth discretized problem, we propose a globally convergent Douglas-Rachford scheme, and show that a sequence of dual iterates can be recovered in order to provide a posteriori optimality bounds. In a quantitative comparison to two other first-order methods, the approach shows competitive performance on synthetical and real-world images. By combining the method with an improved binarization technique for nonstandard potentials, we were able to routinely recover discrete solutions within 1%--5% of the global optimum for the combinatorial image labeling problem

    A Convex Approach to Minimal Partitions

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    We describe a convex relaxation for a family of problems of minimal perimeter partitions. The minimization of the relaxed problem can be tackled numerically, we describe an algorithm and show some results. In most cases, our relaxed problem finds a correct numerical approximation of the optimal solution: we give some arguments to explain why it should be so, and also discuss some situation where it fails. This preprint is a revised version of an technical paper of 2008 (see for instance the CMAP preprint #649, november 2008), which was rewritten in order to clarify, in particular, the relationship with the classical "paired calibration" approach for minimal surfaces

    Rapid Segmentation Techniques for Cardiac and Neuroimage Analysis

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    Recent technological advances in medical imaging have allowed for the quick acquisition of highly resolved data to aid in diagnosis and characterization of diseases or to guide interventions. In order to to be integrated into a clinical work flow, accurate and robust methods of analysis must be developed which manage this increase in data. Recent improvements in in- expensive commercially available graphics hardware and General-Purpose Programming on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) have allowed for many large scale data analysis problems to be addressed in meaningful time and will continue to as parallel computing technology improves. In this thesis we propose methods to tackle two clinically relevant image segmentation problems: a user-guided segmentation of myocardial scar from Late-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Images (LE-MRI) and a multi-atlas segmentation pipeline to automatically segment and partition brain tissue from multi-channel MRI. Both methods are based on recent advances in computer vision, in particular max-flow optimization that aims at solving the segmentation problem in continuous space. This allows for (approximately) globally optimal solvers to be employed in multi-region segmentation problems, without the particular drawbacks of their discrete counterparts, graph cuts, which typically present with metrication artefacts. Max-flow solvers are generally able to produce robust results, but are known for being computationally expensive, especially with large datasets, such as volume images. Additionally, we propose two new deformable registration methods based on Gauss-Newton optimization and smooth the resulting deformation fields via total-variation regularization to guarantee the problem is mathematically well-posed. We compare the performance of these two methods against four highly ranked and well-known deformable registration methods on four publicly available databases and are able to demonstrate a highly accurate performance with low run times. The best performing variant is subsequently used in a multi-atlas segmentation pipeline for the segmentation of brain tissue and facilitates fast run times for this computationally expensive approach. All proposed methods are implemented using GPGPU for a substantial increase in computational performance and so facilitate deployment into clinical work flows. We evaluate all proposed algorithms in terms of run times, accuracy, repeatability and errors arising from user interactions and we demonstrate that these methods are able to outperform established methods. The presented approaches demonstrate high performance in comparison with established methods in terms of accuracy and repeatability while largely reducing run times due to the employment of GPU hardware

    Segmentation and quantification of spinal cord gray matter–white matter structures in magnetic resonance images

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    This thesis focuses on finding ways to differentiate the gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in magnetic resonance (MR) images of the human spinal cord (SC). The aim of this project is to quantify tissue loss in these compartments to study their implications on the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). To this end, we propose segmentation algorithms that we evaluated on MR images of healthy volunteers. Segmentation of GM and WM in MR images can be done manually by human experts, but manual segmentation is tedious and prone to intra- and inter-rater variability. Therefore, a deterministic automation of this task is necessary. On axial 2D images acquired with a recently proposed MR sequence, called AMIRA, we experiment with various automatic segmentation algorithms. We first use variational model-based segmentation approaches combined with appearance models and later directly apply supervised deep learning to train segmentation networks. Evaluation of the proposed methods shows accurate and precise results, which are on par with manual segmentations. We test the developed deep learning approach on images of conventional MR sequences in the context of a GM segmentation challenge, resulting in superior performance compared to the other competing methods. To further assess the quality of the AMIRA sequence, we apply an already published GM segmentation algorithm to our data, yielding higher accuracy than the same algorithm achieves on images of conventional MR sequences. On a different topic, but related to segmentation, we develop a high-order slice interpolation method to address the large slice distances of images acquired with the AMIRA protocol at different vertebral levels, enabling us to resample our data to intermediate slice positions. From the methodical point of view, this work provides an introduction to computer vision, a mathematically focused perspective on variational segmentation approaches and supervised deep learning, as well as a brief overview of the underlying project's anatomical and medical background

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    Modern Regularization Methods for Inverse Problems

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    Regularization methods are a key tool in the solution of inverse problems. They are used to introduce prior knowledge and allow a robust approximation of ill-posed (pseudo-) inverses. In the last two decades interest has shifted from linear to nonlinear regularization methods, even for linear inverse problems. The aim of this paper is to provide a reasonably comprehensive overview of this shift towards modern nonlinear regularization methods, including their analysis, applications and issues for future research. In particular we will discuss variational methods and techniques derived from them, since they have attracted much recent interest and link to other fields, such as image processing and compressed sensing. We further point to developments related to statistical inverse problems, multiscale decompositions and learning theory.Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship ‘Learning from mistakes: a supervised feedback-loop for imaging applications’ Isaac Newton Trust Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information ERC Grant EU FP 7 - ERC Consolidator Grant 615216 LifeInverse German Ministry for Science and Education (BMBF) project MED4D EPSRC grant EP/K032208/