3,253 research outputs found

    Using speckle statistics to improve attenuation estimates for cervical assessment

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    Preterm birth is a major contributor to infant mortality worldwide. Cervical length and previous history of preterm birth are the only two indicators which can help in identifying preterm birth but have a low positive identifying rate. Quantitative ultrasound parameters like attenuation can provide additional details about the tissue microstructure besides the diagnostic image. Attenuation can be used to detect preterm cases as the attenuation decreases with the increasing gestation age and this decrease can be seen earlier in cases of preterm birth. The algorithm and the size of the region of interest (ROI) play a vital role in calculating valid estimates of attenuation. In this paper, we compared the ability of the Spectral log difference algorithm and the Spectral difference algorithm to detect changes in the cervix leading to delivery for both full term and preterm births under varying ROI sizes. Spectral log difference yields a more consistent decrease in the attenuation as we approach delivery for both the preterm and full term patients. ROI size doesn\u27t significantly alter the observed trends for this study. For preterm birth a maximum decreases of 0.35dB/cm-MHz was observed. The bias in attenuation algorithms can be removed by selecting homogenous regions inside the cervix, but the cervix is a heterogeneous tissue. Gamma mixture model is used to segment the cervix into different tissue types and attenuation algorithm are then applied to individual tissue type to get an estimate of attenuation. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve increases from 56% to 80% when gamma mixture model is used for segmentation

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 190, February 1979

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    This bibliography lists 235 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1979

    Segmentation of skin lesions in 2D and 3D ultrasound images using a spatially coherent generalized Rayleigh mixture model

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    This paper addresses the problem of jointly estimating the statistical distribution and segmenting lesions in multiple-tissue high-frequency skin ultrasound images. The distribution of multiple-tissue images is modeled as a spatially coherent finite mixture of heavy-tailed Rayleigh distributions. Spatial coherence inherent to biological tissues is modeled by enforcing local dependence between the mixture components. An original Bayesian algorithm combined with a Markov chain Monte Carlo method is then proposed to jointly estimate the mixture parameters and a label-vector associating each voxel to a tissue. More precisely, a hybrid Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler is used to draw samples that are asymptotically distributed according to the posterior distribution of the Bayesian model. The Bayesian estimators of the model parameters are then computed from the generated samples. Simulation results are conducted on synthetic data to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimation strategy. The method is then successfully applied to the segmentation of in vivo skin tumors in high-frequency 2-D and 3-D ultrasound images

    Electromagnetic models for ultrasound image processing

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    Speckle noise appears when coherent illumination is employed, as for example Laser, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Sonar, Magnetic Resonance, X-ray and Ultrasound imagery. Backscattered echoes from the randomly distributed scatterers in the microscopic structure of the medium are the origin of speckle phenomenon, which characterizes coherent imaging with a granular appearance. It can be shown that speckle noise is of multiplicative nature, strongly correlated and more importantly, with non-Gaussian statistics. These characteristics differ greatly from the traditional assumption of white additive Gaussian noise, often taken in image segmentation, filtering, and in general, image processing; which leads to reduction of the methods effectiveness for final image information extraction; therefore, this kind of noise severely impairs human and machine ability to image interpretation. Statistical modeling is of particular relevance when dealing with speckled data in order to obtain efficient image processing algorithms; but, additionally, clinical ultrasound imaging systems employ nonlinear signal processing to reduce the dynamic range of the input echo signal to match the smaller dynamic range of the display device and to emphasize objects with weak backscatter. This reduction in dynamic range is normally achieved through a logarithmic amplifier i.e. logarithmic compression, which selectively compresses large input signals. This kind of nonlinear compression totally changes the statistics of the input envelope signal; and, a closed form expression for the density function of the logarithmic transformed data is usually hard to derive. This thesis is concerned with the statistical distributions of the Log-compressed amplitude signal in coherent imagery, and its main objective is to develop a general statistical model for log-compressed ultrasound B-scan images. The developed model is adapted, making the pertinent physical analogies, from the multiplicative model in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) context. It is shown that the proposed model can successfully describe log-compressed data generated from different models proposed in the specialized ultrasound image processing literature. Also, the model is successfully applied to model in-vivo echo-cardiographic (ultrasound) B-scan images. Necessary theorems are established to account for a rigorous mathematical proof of the validity and generality of the model. Additionally, a physical interpretation of the parameters is given, and the connections between the generalized central limit theorems, the multiplicative model and the compound representations approaches for the different models proposed up-to-date, are established. It is shown that the log-amplifier parameters are included as model parameters and all the model parameters are estimated using moments and maximum likelihood methods. Finally, three applications are developed: speckle noise identification and filtering; segmentation of in vivo echo-cardiographic (ultrasound) B-scan images and a novel approach for heart ejection fraction evaluationEl ruido Speckle aparece cuando se utilizan sistemas de iluminación coherente, como por ejemplo Láser, Radar de Apertura Sintética (SAR), Sonar, Resonancia Magnética, rayos X y ultrasonidos. Los ecos dispersados por los centros dispersores distribuidos al azar en la estructura microscópica del medio son el origen de este fenómeno, que caracteriza las imágenes coherentes con un aspecto granular. Se puede demostrar que el ruido Speckle es de carácter multiplicativo, fuertemente correlacionados y lo más importante, con estadística no Gaussiana. Estas características son muy diferentes de la suposición tradicional de ruido aditivo gaussiano blanco, a menudo asumida en la segmentación de imágenes, filtrado, y en general, en el procesamiento de imágenes; lo cual se traduce en la reducción de la eficacia de los métodos para la extracción de información de la imagen final. La modelización estadística es de particular relevancia cuando se trata con datos Speckle, a fin de obtener algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes eficientes. Además, el procesamiento no lineal de señales empleado en sistemas clínicos de imágenes por ultrasonido para reducir el rango dinámico de la señal de eco de entrada de manera que coincida con el rango dinámico más pequeño del dispositivo de visualización y resaltar así los objetos con dispersión más débil, modifica radicalmente la estadística de los datos. Esta reducción en el rango dinámico se logra normalmente a través de un amplificador logarítmico es decir, la compresión logarítmica, que comprime selectivamente las señales de entrada y una forma analítica para la expresión de la función de densidad de los datos transformados logarítmicamente es por lo general difícil de derivar. Esta tesis se centra en las distribuciones estadísticas de la amplitud de la señal comprimida logarítmicamente en las imágenes coherentes, y su principal objetivo es el desarrollo de un modelo estadístico general para las imágenes por ultrasonido comprimidas logarítmicamente en modo-B. El modelo desarrollado se adaptó, realizando las analogías físicas relevantes, del modelo multiplicativo en radares de apertura sintética (SAR). El Modelo propuesto puede describir correctamente los datos comprimidos logarítmicamente a partir datos generados con los diferentes modelos propuestos en la literatura especializada en procesamiento de imágenes por ultrasonido. Además, el modelo se aplica con éxito para modelar ecocardiografías en vivo. Se enuncian y demuestran los teoremas necesarios para dar cuenta de una demostración matemática rigurosa de la validez y generalidad del modelo. Además, se da una interpretación física de los parámetros y se establecen las conexiones entre el teorema central del límite generalizado, el modelo multiplicativo y la composición de distribuciones para los diferentes modelos propuestos hasta a la fecha. Se demuestra además que los parámetros del amplificador logarítmico se incluyen dentro de los parámetros del modelo y se estiman usando los métodos estándar de momentos y máxima verosimilitud. Por último, tres aplicaciones se desarrollan: filtrado de ruido Speckle, segmentación de ecocardiografías y un nuevo enfoque para la evaluación de la fracción de eyección cardiaca.Postprint (published version

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 192

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    This bibliography lists 247 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1979

    Independent component analysis (ICA) applied to ultrasound image processing and tissue characterization

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    As a complicated ubiquitous phenomenon encountered in ultrasound imaging, speckle can be treated as either annoying noise that needs to be reduced or the source from which diagnostic information can be extracted to reveal the underlying properties of tissue. In this study, the application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA), a relatively new statistical signal processing tool appeared in recent years, to both the speckle texture analysis and despeckling problems of B-mode ultrasound images was investigated. It is believed that higher order statistics may provide extra information about the speckle texture beyond the information provided by first and second order statistics only. However, the higher order statistics of speckle texture is still not clearly understood and very difficult to model analytically. Any direct dealing with high order statistics is computationally forbidding. On the one hand, many conventional ultrasound speckle texture analysis algorithms use only first or second order statistics. On the other hand, many multichannel filtering approaches use pre-defined analytical filters which are not adaptive to the data. In this study, an ICA-based multichannel filtering texture analysis algorithm, which considers both higher order statistics and data adaptation, was proposed and tested on the numerically simulated homogeneous speckle textures. The ICA filters were learned directly from the training images. Histogram regularization was conducted to make the speckle images quasi-stationary in the wide sense so as to be adaptive to an ICA algorithm. Both Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a greedy algorithm were used to reduce the dimension of feature space. Finally, Support Vector Machines (SVM) with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel were chosen as the classifier for achieving best classification accuracy. Several representative conventional methods, including both low and high order statistics based methods, and both filtering and non-filtering methods, have been chosen for comparison study. The numerical experiments have shown that the proposed ICA-based algorithm in many cases outperforms other algorithms for comparison. Two-component texture segmentation experiments were conducted and the proposed algorithm showed strong capability of segmenting two visually very similar yet different texture regions with rather fuzzy boundaries and almost the same mean and variance. Through simulating speckle with first order statistics approaching gradually to the Rayleigh model from different non-Rayleigh models, the experiments to some extent reveal how the behavior of higher order statistics changes with the underlying property of tissues. It has been demonstrated that when the speckle approaches the Rayleigh model, both the second and higher order statistics lose the texture differentiation capability. However, when the speckles tend to some non-Rayleigh models, methods based on higher order statistics show strong advantage over those solely based on first or second order statistics. The proposed algorithm may potentially find clinical application in the early detection of soft tissue disease, and also be helpful for better understanding ultrasound speckle phenomenon in the perspective of higher order statistics. For the despeckling problem, an algorithm was proposed which adapted the ICA Sparse Code Shrinkage (ICA-SCS) method for the ultrasound B-mode image despeckling problem by applying an appropriate preprocessing step proposed by other researchers. The preprocessing step makes the speckle noise much closer to the real white Gaussian noise (WGN) hence more amenable to a denoising algorithm such as ICS-SCS that has been strictly designed for additive WGN. A discussion is given on how to obtain the noise-free training image samples in various ways. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method outperforms several classical methods chosen for comparison, including first or second order statistics based methods (such as Wiener filter) and multichannel filtering methods (such as wavelet shrinkage), in the capability of both speckle reduction and edge preservation