12 research outputs found

    Diameter Perfect Lee Codes

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    Lee codes have been intensively studied for more than 40 years. Interest in these codes has been triggered by the Golomb-Welch conjecture on the existence of the perfect error-correcting Lee codes. In this paper we deal with the existence and enumeration of diameter perfect Lee codes. As main results we determine all qq for which there exists a linear diameter-4 perfect Lee code of word length nn over Zq,Z_{q}, and prove that for each n3n\geq 3 there are uncountable many diameter-4 perfect Lee codes of word length nn over Z.Z. This is in a strict contrast with perfect error-correcting Lee codes of word length nn over ZZ\,\ as there is a unique such code for n=3,n=3, and its is conjectured that this is always the case when 2n+12n+1 is a prime. We produce diameter perfect Lee codes by an algebraic construction that is based on a group homomorphism. This will allow us to design an efficient algorithm for their decoding. We hope that this construction will turn out to be useful far beyond the scope of this paper

    50 Years of the Golomb--Welch Conjecture

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    Since 1968, when the Golomb--Welch conjecture was raised, it has become the main motive power behind the progress in the area of the perfect Lee codes. Although there is a vast literature on the topic and it is widely believed to be true, this conjecture is far from being solved. In this paper, we provide a survey of papers on the Golomb--Welch conjecture. Further, new results on Golomb--Welch conjecture dealing with perfect Lee codes of large radii are presented. Algebraic ways of tackling the conjecture in the future are discussed as well. Finally, a brief survey of research inspired by the conjecture is given.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    MWS and FWS Codes for Coordinate-Wise Weight Functions

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    A combinatorial problem concerning the maximum size of the (hamming) weight set of an [n,k]q[n,k]_q linear code was recently introduced. Codes attaining the established upper bound are the Maximum Weight Spectrum (MWS) codes. Those [n,k]q[n,k]_q codes with the same weight set as Fqn \mathbb{F}_q^n are called Full Weight Spectrum (FWS) codes. FWS codes are necessarily ``short", whereas MWS codes are necessarily ``long". For fixed k,q k,q the values of n n for which an [n,k]q [n,k]_q -FWS code exists are completely determined, but the determination of the minimum length M(H,k,q) M(H,k,q) of an [n,k]q [n,k]_q -MWS code remains an open problem. The current work broadens discussion first to general coordinate-wise weight functions, and then specifically to the Lee weight and a Manhattan like weight. In the general case we provide bounds on n n for which an FWS code exists, and bounds on n n for which an MWS code exists. When specializing to the Lee or to the Manhattan setting we are able to completely determine the parameters of FWS codes. As with the Hamming case, we are able to provide an upper bound on M(L,k,q) M(\mathcal{L},k,q) (the minimum length of Lee MWS codes), and pose the determination of M(L,k,q) M(\mathcal{L},k,q) as an open problem. On the other hand, with respect to the Manhattan weight we completely determine the parameters of MWS codes.Comment: 17 page

    A New Approach Towards the Golomb-Welch Conjecture

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    The Golomb-Welch conjecture deals with the existence of perfect ee% -error correcting Lee codes of word length n,n, PL(n,e)PL(n,e) codes. Although there are many papers on the topic, the conjecture is still far from being solved. In this paper we initiate the study of an invariant connected to abelian groups that enables us to reformulate the conjecture, and then to prove the non-existence of linear PL(n,2) codes for n12n\leq 12. Using this new approach we also construct the first quasi-perfect Lee codes for dimension n=3,n=3, and show that, for fixed nn, there are only finitely many such codes over ZnZ^n

    Rainbow Perfect Domination in Lattice Graphs

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    Let 0<n\in\mathbb{Z}. In the unit distance graph of ZnRn\mathbb{Z}^n\subset\mathbb{R}^n, a perfect dominating set is understood as having induced components not necessarily trivial. A modification of that is proposed: a rainbow perfect dominating set, or RPDS, imitates a perfect-distance dominating set via a truncated metric; this has a distance involving at most once each coordinate direction taken as an edge color. Then, lattice-like RPDS s are built with their induced components C having: {i} vertex sets V(C) whose convex hulls are n-parallelotopes (resp., both (n-1)- and 0-cubes) and {ii} each V(C) contained in a corresponding rainbow sphere centered at C with radius n (resp., radii 1 and n-2)

    Tilings by (0.5,n)(0.5,n)-Crosses and Perfect Codes

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    The existence question for tiling of the nn-dimensional Euclidian space by crosses is well known. A few existence and nonexistence results are known in the literature. Of special interest are tilings of the Euclidian space by crosses with arms of length one, known also as Lee spheres with radius one. Such a tiling forms a perfect code. In this paper crosses with arms of length half are considered. These crosses are scaled by two to form a discrete shape. We prove that an integer tiling for such a shape exists if and only if n=2t1n=2^t-1 or n=3t1n=3^t-1, t>0t>0. A strong connection of these tilings to binary and ternary perfect codes in the Hamming scheme is shown

    Quasi-Perfect Lee Codes of Radius 2 and Arbitrarily Large Dimension

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    A construction of two-quasi-perfect Lee codes is given over the space ?np for p prime, p ? ±5 (mod 12), and n = 2[p/4]. It is known that there are infinitely many such primes. Golomb and Welch conjectured that perfect codes for the Lee metric do not exist for dimension n ? 3 and radius r ? 2. This conjecture was proved to be true for large radii as well as for low dimensions. The codes found are very close to be perfect, which exhibits the hardness of the conjecture. A series of computations show that related graphs are Ramanujan, which could provide further connections between coding and graph theories

    On Grid Codes

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    If AiA_{i} is finite alphabet for i=1,...,ni=1,...,n, the Manhattan distance is defined in i=1nAi\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i}. A grid code is introduced as a subset of i=1nAi\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i}. Alternative versions of the Hamming and Gilbert-Varshamov bounds are presented for grid codes. If AiA_{i} is a cyclic group for i=1,...,ni=1,...,n, some bounds for the minimum Manhattan distance of codes that are cyclic subgroups of i=1nAi\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i} are determined in terms of their minimum Hamming and Lee distances. Examples illustrating the main results are provided