20,118 research outputs found

    Multi-dimensional Boltzmann Sampling of Languages

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    This paper addresses the uniform random generation of words from a context-free language (over an alphabet of size kk), while constraining every letter to a targeted frequency of occurrence. Our approach consists in a multidimensional extension of Boltzmann samplers \cite{Duchon2004}. We show that, under mostly \emph{strong-connectivity} hypotheses, our samplers return a word of size in [(1−Δ)n,(1+Δ)n][(1-\varepsilon)n, (1+\varepsilon)n] and exact frequency in O(n1+k/2)\mathcal{O}(n^{1+k/2}) expected time. Moreover, if we accept tolerance intervals of width in Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) for the number of occurrences of each letters, our samplers perform an approximate-size generation of words in expected O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) time. We illustrate these techniques on the generation of Tetris tessellations with uniform statistics in the different types of tetraminoes.Comment: 12p

    Computer-Aided Derivation of Multi-scale Models: A Rewriting Framework

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    We introduce a framework for computer-aided derivation of multi-scale models. It relies on a combination of an asymptotic method used in the field of partial differential equations with term rewriting techniques coming from computer science. In our approach, a multi-scale model derivation is characterized by the features taken into account in the asymptotic analysis. Its formulation consists in a derivation of a reference model associated to an elementary nominal model, and in a set of transformations to apply to this proof until it takes into account the wanted features. In addition to the reference model proof, the framework includes first order rewriting principles designed for asymptotic model derivations, and second order rewriting principles dedicated to transformations of model derivations. We apply the method to generate a family of homogenized models for second order elliptic equations with periodic coefficients that could be posed in multi-dimensional domains, with possibly multi-domains and/or thin domains.Comment: 26 page

    A foundation for machine learning in design

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    This paper presents a formalism for considering the issues of learning in design. A foundation for machine learning in design (MLinD) is defined so as to provide answers to basic questions on learning in design, such as, "What types of knowledge can be learnt?", "How does learning occur?", and "When does learning occur?". Five main elements of MLinD are presented as the input knowledge, knowledge transformers, output knowledge, goals/reasons for learning, and learning triggers. Using this foundation, published systems in MLinD were reviewed. The systematic review presents a basis for validating the presented foundation. The paper concludes that there is considerable work to be carried out in order to fully formalize the foundation of MLinD

    Integrated system to perform surrogate based aerodynamic optimisation for high-lift airfoil

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    This work deals with the aerodynamics optimisation of a generic two-dimensional three element high-lift configuration. Although the high-lift system is applied only during take-off and landing in the low speed phase of the flight the cost efficiency of the airplane is strongly influenced by it [1]. The ultimate goal of an aircraft high lift system design team is to define the simplest configuration which, for prescribed constraints, will meet the take-off, climb, and landing requirements usually expressed in terms of maximum L/D and/or maximum CL. The ability of the calculation method to accurately predict changes in objective function value when gaps, overlaps and element deflections are varied is therefore critical. Despite advances in computer capacity, the enormous computational cost of running complex engineering simulations makes it impractical to rely exclusively on simulation for the purpose of design optimisation. To cut down the cost, surrogate models, also known as metamodels, are constructed from and then used in place of the actual simulation models. This work outlines the development of integrated systems to perform aerodynamics multi-objective optimisation for a three-element airfoil test case in high lift configuration, making use of surrogate models available in MACROS Generic Tools, which has been integrated in our design tool. Different metamodeling techniques have been compared based on multiple performance criteria. With MACROS is possible performing either optimisation of the model built with predefined training sample (GSO) or Iterative Surrogate-Based Optimization (SBO). In this first case the model is build independent from the optimisation and then use it as a black box in the optimisation process. In the second case is needed to provide the possibility to call CFD code from the optimisation process, and there is no need to build any model, it is being built internally during the optimisation process. Both approaches have been applied. A detailed analysis of the integrated design system, the methods as well as th
