1,003 research outputs found

    Designing Heterogeneous-mHealth Apps for Cystic Fibrosis Adults

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    In this chapter, we will discuss the design and development of a patient passport mHealth application for Cystic Fibrosis adults from ideation to app-store release. By allowing the patients access to their own unique data, it is anticipated that it will be of benefit when travelling abroad and between CF centres. The design process followed a pipeline we developed that is informed by patient and healthcare professional input. The app structure resembles an Irish patient file and is divided into three categories: “My CF Info”, “My Medical History”, and “My Clinical Appointments”. My CF Info allows the patient to store personal information such genotype, medical team contact information, physiotherapy, allergies, and medications. My Medical History allows the user to record information such as CF renal disease, CF diabetes, and the insertion/removal of a portacath/gastrostomy tube. My Clinical Appointments allows the user to record the type of appointment (annual assessment, clinic, other) and all information that would ordinarily be inserted into a patient file such as weight, height, spirometry and other comments. Weight and lung function are also displayed in a plot graph. The app has undergone pilot testing with five CF adults before being rolled out onto the Google Play Store

    Artificial Intelligence for Global Health: Learning From a Decade of Digital Transformation in Health Care

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    The health needs of those living in resource-limited settings are a vastly overlooked and understudied area in the intersection of machine learning (ML) and health care. While the use of ML in health care is more recently popularized over the last few years from the advancement of deep learning, low-and-middle income countries (LMICs) have already been undergoing a digital transformation of their own in health care over the last decade, leapfrogging milestones due to the adoption of mobile health (mHealth). With the introduction of new technologies, it is common to start afresh with a top-down approach, and implement these technologies in isolation, leading to lack of use and a waste of resources. In this paper, we outline the necessary considerations both from the perspective of current gaps in research, as well as from the lived experiences of health care professionals in resource-limited settings. We also outline briefly several key components of successful implementation and deployment of technologies within health systems in LMICs, including technical and cultural considerations in the development process relevant to the building of machine learning solutions. We then draw on these experiences to address where key opportunities for impact exist in resource-limited settings, and where AI/ML can provide the most benefit.Comment: Accepted Paper at ICLR 2020 Workshop on Practical ML for Developing Countrie

    Corona Health -- A Study- and Sensor-based Mobile App Platform Exploring Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Physical and mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic is typically assessed via surveys, which might make it difficult to conduct longitudinal studies and might lead to data suffering from recall bias. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) driven smartphone apps can help alleviate such issues, allowing for in situ recordings. Implementing such an app is not trivial, necessitates strict regulatory and legal requirements, and requires short development cycles to appropriately react to abrupt changes in the pandemic. Based on an existing app framework, we developed Corona Health, an app that serves as a platform for deploying questionnaire-based studies in combination with recordings of mobile sensors. In this paper, we present the technical details of Corona Health and provide first insights into the collected data. Through collaborative efforts from experts from public health, medicine, psychology, and computer science, we released Corona Health publicly on Google Play and the Apple App Store (in July, 2020) in 8 languages and attracted 7,290 installations so far. Currently, five studies related to physical and mental well-being are deployed and 17,241 questionnaires have been filled out. Corona Health proves to be a viable tool for conducting research related to the COVID-19 pandemic and can serve as a blueprint for future EMA-based studies. The data we collected will substantially improve our knowledge on mental and physical health states, traits and trajectories as well as its risk and protective factors over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and its diverse prevention measures

    Mobile phone-based evaluation of talent tuberculosis infection

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    The tuberculin skin test (TST) is the most widely used method for detecting latent tuberculosis (TB) infection (LTBI) in adults and active TB disease in children. This work presents the development of a screening tool to detect LTBI's, which works in conjunction with the TST and serves as an alternative for measuring the TST induration. The screening tool makes use of a mobile application developed on the Android platform to capture images of an induration, and photogrammetric reconstruction using Agisoft PhotoScan to reconstruct the induration in 3D, followed by 3D measurement of the induration with the aid of Python functions. The screening accuracy of the developed process was tested using a 3D printed induration and an HTC One smartphone to capture images. In this accuracy test, the developed screening tool was found to measure indurations more accurately than current measurement methods, as indicated by the lower standard deviation produced. An experiment to simulate real-world conditions was conducted by using the developed screening tool on a set of mock skin indurations, created by a make-up artist, and evaluating its performance. It was found that the height of the skin induration and definition of its margins are the most significant factors that influence the accuracy of the screening tool under simulated real-world conditions. Future work should explore possible improvements to the developed image capture protocol and the bimodal segmentation methods employed in this project

    Public Health and Epidemiology Informatics: Recent Research and Trends in the United States

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    Objectives To survey advances in public health and epidemiology informatics over the past three years. Methods We conducted a review of English-language research works conducted in the domain of public health informatics (PHI), and published in MEDLINE between January 2012 and December 2014, where information and communication technology (ICT) was a primary subject, or a main component of the study methodology. Selected articles were synthesized using a thematic analysis using the Essential Services of Public Health as a typology. Results Based on themes that emerged, we organized the advances into a model where applications that support the Essential Services are, in turn, supported by a socio-technical infrastructure that relies on government policies and ethical principles. That infrastructure, in turn, depends upon education and training of the public health workforce, development that creates novel or adapts existing infrastructure, and research that evaluates the success of the infrastructure. Finally, the persistence and growth of infrastructure depends on financial sustainability. Conclusions Public health informatics is a field that is growing in breadth, depth, and complexity. Several Essential Services have benefited from informatics, notably, “Monitor Health,” “Diagnose & Investigate,” and “Evaluate.” Yet many Essential Services still have not yet benefited from advances such as maturing electronic health record systems, interoperability amongst health information systems, analytics for population health management, use of social media among consumers, and educational certification in clinical informatics. There is much work to be done to further advance the science of PHI as well as its impact on public health practice

    Aggregate cost implications of selected Cost-Drivers \ud in the Tanzanian Health Sector\ud

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    \ud Health is an important aspect of life of which one of its determinants is healthcare which is consumed in order to restore back deteriorated health to optimal pre-illness levels. The consumption of healthcare however has cost implications and accounts for a large share of resources directed towards the health sector. In health sector financing, it is vital to identify major cost components and create awareness about the costs of decisions. It is thus vital to identify factors that can cause changes in the cost of identified activities. A number of costly programs have been initiated and some others are on the horizon. In order to create awareness about the financial consequences of these decisions and to draw attention to the financing needs of the health sector, it is considered necessary to analyze the major health sector programs and initiatives with regard to the changes in costs brought about by new strategies, guidelines and interventions (including the adoption of new technologies), and aggregate these costs. The main objective of this study was to identify cost-driving decisions in the health sector. The study methodology comprised of three independent but complementary methodologies and activities: (a) Desk review of literature and documents; (b) Interviews with officials from MOHSW, programs and agencies involved in setting and promoting standards at international level; (c) collection of primary data/information and subsequent analysis of the same. The study reviewed 11 plans, including summary plans like the Health Sector Strategic Plan III and the Primary Health Services Development Program 2007 -2017 and national disease control programme plans/strategies. However, not all of cost-driving decisions in these plans could be integrated into the analysis because the plans are undergoing reprogramming, as the previous cost estimates are regarded not to be realistic relative to achieving plan objectives. In addition the costs of some decisions in some plans/strategies HRH, infrastructure, health care financing strategy, mhealth, etc. are not established or are in the process of being costed or reviewed. It should also be noted that the consultants did not assess all plans/strategies and their associated costs as to their plausibility. This was neither task of the consultants, nor would the time allocated to the study have allowed such an in-depth review. The study reviewed a total of 11 multi-year plans/strategies and found four plans to be affected by costs of decisions. Such decisions are: the adaption of WHO recommendations on Anti-retroviral Treatment eligibility criteria; re-treatment of conventional nets; indoor residual spraying; sustaining availability of long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs); provision of delivery kits to pregnant women in public health facilities, and the potential future introduction of a malaria vaccine, human papilloma virus and pneumococcal vaccines, which affect the Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan II (HSHSP II) 2008 – 2012, the Malaria Mid-Term Strategic Plan 2008 – 2013 (NMCP), the National Road Map Strategic Plan to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania 2008 – 2015 (the Road Map), and the Expanded Program on Immunization 2010 - 2015 Comprehensive Multi Year Plan (EPI), respectively. The study found that these decisions have a significant cost implication to a tune of US706,688,405overafiveyearperiod20112015.Theinitiallyestimatedcostsofprogramsthatarecurrentlybeingupdated(HSHSPII,EPI,NMCPandtheRoadMap)isUS 706,688,405 over a five year period 2011- 2015. The initially estimated costs of programs that are currently being updated (HSHSP II, EPI, NMCP and the Road Map) is US 2,297,009,378 exclusive of the identified cost drivers. The estimated cost of decisions is about 8 % of the total costs for health sector in Tanzania (HSSP III estimate) and about 3.3% of the 2009 GDP and added nominal per capita health spending/cost of US17.3(2009populationestimate)forfiveyearperiod(annualpercapitacostofUS 17.3 (2009 population estimate) for five year period (annual per capita cost of US 3.46). This expenditure will definitely boost per capita health spending (US13.45in2008/9).However,concertedrevenueeffortisneededifwearetohitHSSPIIItargetofUS 13.45 in 2008/9). However, concerted revenue effort is needed if we are to hit HSSP III target of US 26.6 in 2014/15. The National Strategy for Non-communicable Diseases 2009 – 2015 did not include estimates, while most parts of the National Road Map Strategic Plan to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania 2008 – 2015 are undergoing reprogramming, as the previous cost estimates are regarded not to be realistic relative to achieving plan objectives. The rest of the programs are not significantly affected by cost of decisions. However, the estimated cost is likely to be higher owing to the fact that costs of some decisions in MMAM components such as HRH, infrastructure, health care financing strategy, mhealth, etc. are not established or are in the process of being costed or reviewed. Prevention and treatment of illness are the major strategies used to maintain or improve the health status of a population. Allocation of health resources are usually skewed towards treatment probably because addressing existing illnesses seem a present and clear danger than addressing potential illnesses which is what prevention is all about. Prevention and health promotion however lead to greater benefits than treatment in the long run in the sense that it reduces future demand for treatment than treatment alone does and has stronger merit good characteristics than treatment of illness. Health planning should thus intensify focus on prevention through promoting lifestyle and behaviour changes as well as intensifying prevention and health promotion at community level. Most health sector multi-year plans are characterized by heavy resource dependence on development partners. Such levels of dependence tend to compromise control over some decisions especially those supported by financiers. That is, recipients may be tempted to accept a full funded activity even if there is an ongoing similar activity which ends up creating parallel rather than complementary activities with cost implications. Thus, the financiers and recipients should undertake thorough analysis of potential decisions based on their cost implications (direct and indirect) as well as the time parameters, while avoiding decisions that spin off similar activities rather than complementing the existing ones. This can be facilitated by coordinated analysis from the MOHSW by keeping and monitoring comprehensive cost driver table enriched by inputs from all health sector programs and plans. Continuous reviews of the plans enhance the capacity of programs to adequately identify cost drivers and therefore enhance the planning process. However, reviews are not always undertaken on time and as regular as possible due to lack of resources or transfer of resources set aside for review process to implement other pressing components of the plan. MOHSW should make costing part of the plan a compulsory exercise for approval by the management and should not endorse plans which have not been adequately costed. MOHSW should also consider making reviews of multi-year plans a prerequisite for release of fund for subsequent implementation. Moreover, the reviews should integrate all stakeholders and involve technical people who are knowledgeable in costing and planning. The fact that most of the multi-year plans had indicative budgets, while others are not costed at all, warrants the conclusion that the basic knowledge in costing such as collaboration, parameter assumptions, time, manpower, and resources is lacking. Emphasis should thus be placed on developing and improving costing capacity in the programs as well as the MOHSW in terms of acquiring costing tools and exposure. The MOHSW should ensure that the priority activities of the strategies/plans are funded. This could be done through lobbying the government and other stakeholders for more resources. Protocols such as Abuja Declaration 2001, in which African governments committed themselves to scale up health budget to 15% of the annual budget, could be useful in this end. Also the government and local authorities through laws/bylaws could establish and commit specific sources of resources for the health sector. This should be pursued by keeping a close eye on the ratio of available resources to required resources which can indicate opportunities which development partners can be of help as well as providing an indication of the realism of planning. A review of the plans found the ratio of available resources to required resources to be 76 and 84 percent, respectively, for the Health Sector Strategic Plan III and the Expanded Program on Immunization 2010 – 2015 Comprehensive Multi Year Plan. The Malaria Medium Term Strategic Plan 2008-2013 on the other hand had the lowest ratio of available resources to required resources of 35 percent.\u

    mCollector: Sensor-enabled health-data collection system for rural areas in the developing world

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    Health data collection poses unique challenges in rural areas of the developing world. mHealth systems that are used by health workers to collect data in remote rural regions should also record contextual information to increase confidence in the fidelity of the collected data. We built a user-friendly, mobile health-data collection system using wireless medical sensors that interface with an Android application. The data-collection system was designed to support minimally trained, non-clinical health workers to gather data about blood pressure and body weight using off-the-shelf medical sensors. This system comprises a blood-pressure cuff, a weighing scale and a portable point-of-sales printer. With this system, we introduced a new method to record contextual information associated with a blood-pressure reading using a tablet’s touchscreen and accelerometer. This contextual information can be used to verify that a patient’s lower arm remained well-supported and stationary during her blood-pressure measurement. This method can allow mHealth applications to guide untrained patients (or health workers) in measuring blood pressure correctly. Usability is a particularly important design and deployment challenge in remote, rural areas, given the limited resources for technology training and support. We conducted a field study to assess our system’s usability in rural India, where we logged health worker interactions with the app’s interface using an existing usability toolkit. Researchers analyzed logs from this toolkit to evaluate the app’s user experience and quantify specific usability challenges in the app. We have recorded experiential notes from the field study in this document. We present four contributions to future mHealth projects in this document: \u3e We describe a method for measuring lower-arm stillness and support during a blood-pressure measurement, using an off-the-shelf Android tablet. \u3e We evaluate our method for measuring lower-arm stillness with a preliminary user study of 12 subjects and found that our method can distinguish stationary arms from different types of lower-arm movement with 90% accuracy. \u3e We conduct an experiential study with 28 participants and three app operators. In this study, we evaluate our system’s field usability by deploying it in rural India. \u3e We provide a quantitative usability analysis of our mobile-data-collection app’s interface using an existing usability toolkit