272 research outputs found

    A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration

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    The ability to build maps is a key functionality for the majority of mobile robots. A central ingredient to most mapping systems is the registration or alignment of the recorded sensor data. In this paper, we present a general methodology for photometric registration that can deal with multiple different cues. We provide examples for registering RGBD as well as 3D LIDAR data. In contrast to popular point cloud registration approaches such as ICP our method does not rely on explicit data association and exploits multiple modalities such as raw range and image data streams. Color, depth, and normal information are handled in an uniform manner and the registration is obtained by minimizing the pixel-wise difference between two multi-channel images. We developed a flexible and general framework and implemented our approach inside that framework. We also released our implementation as open source C++ code. The experiments show that our approach allows for an accurate registration of the sensor data without requiring an explicit data association or model-specific adaptations to datasets or sensors. Our approach exploits the different cues in a natural and consistent way and the registration can be done at framerate for a typical range or imaging sensor.Comment: 8 page

    MCS-SLAM: Multi-Cues Multi-Sensors Fusion SLAM

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    Robot Mapping and Navigation in Real-World Environments

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    Robots can perform various tasks, such as mapping hazardous sites, taking part in search-and-rescue scenarios, or delivering goods and people. Robots operating in the real world face many challenges on the way to the completion of their mission. Essential capabilities required for the operation of such robots are mapping, localization and navigation. Solving all of these tasks robustly presents a substantial difficulty as these components are usually interconnected, i.e., a robot that starts without any knowledge about the environment must simultaneously build a map, localize itself in it, analyze the surroundings and plan a path to efficiently explore an unknown environment. In addition to the interconnections between these tasks, they highly depend on the sensors used by the robot and on the type of the environment in which the robot operates. For example, an RGB camera can be used in an outdoor scene for computing visual odometry, or to detect dynamic objects but becomes less useful in an environment that does not have enough light for cameras to operate. The software that controls the behavior of the robot must seamlessly process all the data coming from different sensors. This often leads to systems that are tailored to a particular robot and a particular set of sensors. In this thesis, we challenge this concept by developing and implementing methods for a typical robot navigation pipeline that can work with different types of the sensors seamlessly both, in indoor and outdoor environments. With the emergence of new range-sensing RGBD and LiDAR sensors, there is an opportunity to build a single system that can operate robustly both in indoor and outdoor environments equally well and, thus, extends the application areas of mobile robots. The techniques presented in this thesis aim to be used with both RGBD and LiDAR sensors without adaptations for individual sensor models by using range image representation and aim to provide methods for navigation and scene interpretation in both static and dynamic environments. For a static world, we present a number of approaches that address the core components of a typical robot navigation pipeline. At the core of building a consistent map of the environment using a mobile robot lies point cloud matching. To this end, we present a method for photometric point cloud matching that treats RGBD and LiDAR sensors in a uniform fashion and is able to accurately register point clouds at the frame rate of the sensor. This method serves as a building block for the further mapping pipeline. In addition to the matching algorithm, we present a method for traversability analysis of the currently observed terrain in order to guide an autonomous robot to the safe parts of the surrounding environment. A source of danger when navigating difficult to access sites is the fact that the robot may fail in building a correct map of the environment. This dramatically impacts the ability of an autonomous robot to navigate towards its goal in a robust way, thus, it is important for the robot to be able to detect these situations and to find its way home not relying on any kind of map. To address this challenge, we present a method for analyzing the quality of the map that the robot has built to date, and safely returning the robot to the starting point in case the map is found to be in an inconsistent state. The scenes in dynamic environments are vastly different from the ones experienced in static ones. In a dynamic setting, objects can be moving, thus making static traversability estimates not enough. With the approaches developed in this thesis, we aim at identifying distinct objects and tracking them to aid navigation and scene understanding. We target these challenges by providing a method for clustering a scene taken with a LiDAR scanner and a measure that can be used to determine if two clustered objects are similar that can aid the tracking performance. All methods presented in this thesis are capable of supporting real-time robot operation, rely on RGBD or LiDAR sensors and have been tested on real robots in real-world environments and on real-world datasets. All approaches have been published in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. In addition to that, most of the presented contributions have been released publicly as open source software

    Photometric LiDAR and RGB-D Bundle Adjustment

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    The joint optimization of the sensor trajectory and 3D map is a crucial characteristic of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems. To achieve this, the gold standard is Bundle Adjustment (BA). Modern 3D LiDARs now retain higher resolutions that enable the creation of point cloud images resembling those taken by conventional cameras. Nevertheless, the typical effective global refinement techniques employed for RGB-D sensors are not widely applied to LiDARs. This paper presents a novel BA photometric strategy that accounts for both RGB-D and LiDAR in the same way. Our work can be used on top of any SLAM/GNSS estimate to improve and refine the initial trajectory. We conducted different experiments using these two depth sensors on public benchmarks. Our results show that our system performs on par or better compared to other state-of-the-art ad-hoc SLAM/BA strategies, free from data association and without making assumptions about the environment. In addition, we present the benefit of jointly using RGB-D and LiDAR within our unified method. We finally release an open-source CUDA/C++ implementation.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Computational Imaging for Shape Understanding

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    Geometry is the essential property of real-world scenes. Understanding the shape of the object is critical to many computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we explore using computational imaging approaches to recover the geometry of real-world scenes. Computational imaging is an emerging technique that uses the co-designs of image hardware and computational software to expand the capacity of traditional cameras. To tackle face recognition in the uncontrolled environment, we study 2D color image and 3D shape to deal with body movement and self-occlusion. Especially, we use multiple RGB-D cameras to fuse the varying pose and register the front face in a unified coordinate system. The deep color feature and geodesic distance feature have been used to complete face recognition. To handle the underwater image application, we study the angular-spatial encoding and polarization state encoding of light rays using computational imaging devices. Specifically, we use the light field camera to tackle the challenging problem of underwater 3D reconstruction. We leverage the angular sampling of the light field for robust depth estimation. We also develop a fast ray marching algorithm to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. To deal with arbitrary reflectance, we investigate polarimetric imaging and develop polarimetric Helmholtz stereopsis that uses reciprocal polarimetric image pairs for high-fidelity 3D surface reconstruction. We formulate new reciprocity and diffuse/specular polarimetric constraints to recover surface depths and normals using an optimization framework. To recover the 3D shape in the unknown and uncontrolled natural illumination, we use two circularly polarized spotlights to boost the polarization cues corrupted by the environment lighting, as well as to provide photometric cues. To mitigate the effect of uncontrolled environment light in photometric constraints, we estimate a lighting proxy map and iteratively refine the normal and lighting estimation. Through expensive experiments on the simulated and real images, we demonstrate that our proposed computational imaging methods outperform traditional imaging approaches

    Extrinsic Calibration and Ego-Motion Estimation for Mobile Multi-Sensor Systems

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    Autonomous robots and vehicles are often equipped with multiple sensors to perform vital tasks such as localization or mapping. The joint system of various sensors with different sensing modalities can often provide better localization or mapping results than individual sensor alone in terms of accuracy or completeness. However, to enable improved performance, two important challenges have to be addressed when dealing with multi-sensor systems. Firstly, how to accurately determine the spatial relationship between individual sensor on the robot? This is a vital task known as extrinsic calibration. Without this calibration information, measurements from different sensors cannot be fused. Secondly, how to combine data from multiple sensors to correct for the deficiencies of each sensor, and thus, provides better estimations? This is another important task known as data fusion. The core of this thesis is to provide answers to these two questions. We cover, in the first part of the thesis, aspects related to improving the extrinsic calibration accuracy, and present, in the second part, novel data fusion algorithms designed to address the ego-motion estimation problem using data from a laser scanner and a monocular camera. In the extrinsic calibration part, we contribute by revealing and quantifying the relative calibration accuracies of three common types of calibration methods, so as to offer an insight into choosing the best calibration method when multiple options are available. Following that, we propose an optimization approach for solving common motion-based calibration problems. By exploiting the Gauss-Helmert model, our approach is more accurate and robust than classical least squares model. In the data fusion part, we focus on camera-laser data fusion and contribute with two new ego-motion estimation algorithms that combine complementary information from a laser scanner and a monocular camera. The first algorithm utilizes camera image information to guide the laser scan-matching. It can provide accurate motion estimates and yet can work in general conditions without requiring a field-of-view overlap between the camera and laser scanner, nor an initial guess of the motion parameters. The second algorithm combines the camera and the laser scanner information in a direct way, assuming the field-of-view overlap between the sensors is substantial. By maximizing the information usage of both the sparse laser point cloud and the dense image, the second algorithm is able to achieve state-of-the-art estimation accuracy. Experimental results confirm that both algorithms offer excellent alternatives to state-of-the-art camera-laser ego-motion estimation algorithms

    Learning to reconstruct and understand indoor scenes from sparse views

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    This paper proposes a new method for simultaneous 3D reconstruction and semantic segmentation for indoor scenes. Unlike existing methods that require recording a video using a color camera and/or a depth camera, our method only needs a small number of (e.g., 3~5) color images from uncalibrated sparse views, which significantly simplifies data acquisition and broadens applicable scenarios. To achieve promising 3D reconstruction from sparse views with limited overlap, our method first recovers the depth map and semantic information for each view, and then fuses the depth maps into a 3D scene. To this end, we design an iterative deep architecture, named IterNet, to estimate the depth map and semantic segmentation alternately. To obtain accurate alignment between views with limited overlap, we further propose a joint global and local registration method to reconstruct a 3D scene with semantic information. We also make available a new indoor synthetic dataset, containing photorealistic high-resolution RGB images, accurate depth maps and pixel-level semantic labels for thousands of complex layouts. Experimental results on public datasets and our dataset demonstrate that our method achieves more accurate depth estimation, smaller semantic segmentation errors, and better 3D reconstruction results over state-of-the-art methods

    Video normals from colored lights

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    We present an algorithm and the associated single-view capture methodology to acquire the detailed 3D shape, bends, and wrinkles of deforming surfaces. Moving 3D data has been difficult to obtain by methods that rely on known surface features, structured light, or silhouettes. Multispectral photometric stereo is an attractive alternative because it can recover a dense normal field from an untextured surface. We show how to capture such data, which in turn allows us to demonstrate the strengths and limitations of our simple frame-to-frame registration over time. Experiments were performed on monocular video sequences of untextured cloth and faces with and without white makeup. Subjects were filmed under spatially separated red, green, and blue lights. Our first finding is that the color photometric stereo setup is able to produce smoothly varying per-frame reconstructions with high detail. Second, when these 3D reconstructions are augmented with 2D tracking results, one can register both the surfaces and relax the homogenous-color restriction of the single-hue subject. Quantitative and qualitative experiments explore both the practicality and limitations of this simple multispectral capture system

    Tracking and Mapping in Medical Computer Vision: A Review

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    As computer vision algorithms are becoming more capable, their applications in clinical systems will become more pervasive. These applications include diagnostics such as colonoscopy and bronchoscopy, guiding biopsies and minimally invasive interventions and surgery, automating instrument motion and providing image guidance using pre-operative scans. Many of these applications depend on the specific visual nature of medical scenes and require designing and applying algorithms to perform in this environment. In this review, we provide an update to the field of camera-based tracking and scene mapping in surgery and diagnostics in medical computer vision. We begin with describing our review process, which results in a final list of 515 papers that we cover. We then give a high-level summary of the state of the art and provide relevant background for those who need tracking and mapping for their clinical applications. We then review datasets provided in the field and the clinical needs therein. Then, we delve in depth into the algorithmic side, and summarize recent developments, which should be especially useful for algorithm designers and to those looking to understand the capability of off-the-shelf methods. We focus on algorithms for deformable environments while also reviewing the essential building blocks in rigid tracking and mapping since there is a large amount of crossover in methods. Finally, we discuss the current state of the tracking and mapping methods along with needs for future algorithms, needs for quantification, and the viability of clinical applications in the field. We conclude that new methods need to be designed or combined to support clinical applications in deformable environments, and more focus needs to be put into collecting datasets for training and evaluation.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure