294 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Multi-Robot Patrolling against Intrusions in Arbitrary Topologies

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    Use of game theoretical models to derive randomized mobile robot patrolling strategies has recently received a growing attention. We focus on the problem of patrolling environments with arbitrary topologies using multiple robots. We address two important issues cur rently open in the literature. We determine the smallest number of robots needed to patrol a given environment and we compute the optimal patrolling strategies along several coordination dimensions. Finally, we experimentally evaluate the proposed techniques

    Semi-Informed Multi-Agent Patrol Strategies

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    The adversarial multi-agent patrol problem is an active research topic with many real-world applications such as physical robots guarding an area and software agents protecting a computer network. In it, agents patrol a graph looking for so-called critical vertices that are subject to attack by adversaries. The agents are unaware of which vertices are subject to attack by adversaries and when they encounter such a vertex they attempt to protect it from being compromised (an adversary must occupy the vertex it targets a certain amount of time for the attack to succeed). Even though the terms adversary and attack are used, the problem domain extends to patrolling a graph for other interesting noncompetitive contexts such as search and rescue. The problem statement adopted in this work is formulated such that agents obtain knowledge of local graph topology and critical vertices over the course of their travels via an API ; there is no global knowledge of the graph or communication between agents. The challenge is to balance exploration, necessary to discover critical vertices, with exploitation, necessary to protect critical vertices from attack. Four types of adversaries were used for experiments, three from previous research – waiting, random, and statistical - and the fourth, a hybrid of those three. Agent strategies for countering each of these adversaries are designed and evaluated. Benchmark graphs and parameter settings from related research will be employed. The proposed research culminates in the design and evaluation of agents to counter these various types of adversaries under a range of conditions. The results of this work are agent strategies in which each agent becomes solely responsible for protecting those critical vertices it discovers. The agents use emergent behavior to minimize successful attacks and maximize the discovery of new critical vertices. A set of seven edge choosing primitives (ECPs) are defined that are combined in different ways to yield a range of agent strategies using the chain of responsibility OOP design pattern. Every permutation of them were tested and measured in order to identify those strategies that perform well. One strategy performed particularly well against all adversaries, graph topology, and other experimental variables. This particular strategy combines ECPs of: A hard-deadline return to covered vertices to counter the random adversary, efficiently checking vertices to see if they are being attacked by the waiting adversary, and random movement to impede the statistical adversary

    Multi-robot adversarial patrolling: Facing a fullknowledge opponent

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    Abstract The problem of adversarial multi-robot patrol has gained interest in recent years, mainly due to its immediate relevance to various security applications. In this problem, robots are required to repeatedly visit a target area in a way that maximizes their chances of detecting an adversary trying to penetrate through the patrol path. When facing a strong adversary that knows the patrol strategy of the robots, if the robots use a deterministic patrol algorithm, then in many cases it is easy for the adversary to penetrate undetected (in fact, in some of those cases the adversary can guarantee penetration). Therefore this paper presents a non-deterministic patrol framework for the robots. Assuming that the strong adversary will take advantage of its knowledge and try to penetrate through the patrol's weakest spot, hence an optimal algorithm is one that maximizes the chances of detection in that point. We therefore present a polynomial-time algorithm for determining an optimal patrol under the Markovian strategy assumption for the robots, such that the probability of detecting the adversary in the patrol's weakest spot is maximized. We build upon this framework and describe an optimal patrol strategy for several robotic models based on their movement abilities (directed or undirected) and sensing abilities (perfect or imperfect), and in different environment models -either patrol around a perimeter (closed polygon) or an open fence (open polyline)

    Communication Aware Mobile Robot Teams

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    The type of scenarios that could benefit from a team of robots that are able to self configure into an ad-hoc multi-hop mobile communication network while completing a task in an unknown environment, range from search and rescue in a partially collapsed building to providing a security perimeter around a region of interest. In this thesis, we present a hybrid system that enables a team of robots to maintain a prescribed end-to-end data rate while moving through a complex unknown environment, in a distributed manner, to complete a specific task. This is achieved by a systematic decomposition of the real-time situational awareness problem into subproblems that can be efficiently solved by distributed optimization. The validity of this approach is demonstrated through multiple simulations and experiments in which the a team of robots is able to accurately map an unknown environment and then transition to complete a traditional situational awareness task. We also present MCTP, a lightweight communication protocol that is specifically designed for use in ad-hoc multi-hop wireless networks composed of low-cost low-power transceivers. This protocol leverages the spatial diversity found in mobile robot teams as well as recently developed robust routing systems designed to minimize the variance of the end-to-end communication link. The combination of the hybrid system and MCTP results in a system that is able to complete a task, with minimal global coordination, while providing near loss-less communication over an ad-hoc multi-hop network created by the members of the team in unknown environments

    6th Workshop on GRAph Searching, Theory and Applications, GRASTA 2014

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    Graph searching involves a team of mobile agents (called searchers or pursuers or cops) that aims at cap- turing a set of escaping agents (called evaders or fugitives or robbers) that hide in a network modeled by a graph. There are many variants of graph searching studied in the literature, often referred to as a pursuit- evasion game or cops and robbers game. These variants are either application driven, i.e. motivated by problems in practice, or are inspired by foundational issues in Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics, and Artificial Intelligence. Thus many researchers from different areas of Mathematics, Computer Science and Operations Research are interested in quite similar problems around graph searching

    Model-predictive target defense by team of unmanned surface vehicles operating in uncertain environments

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    Inspection and crime prevention : an evolutionary perspective

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    In this paper, we analyse inspection games with an evolutionary perspective. In our evolutionary inspection game with a large population, each individual is not a rational payoff maximiser, but periodically updates his strategy if he perceives that other individuals' strategies are more successful than his own, namely strategies are subject to the evolutionary pressure. We develop this game into a few directions. Firstly, social norms are incorporated into the game and we analyse how social norms may influence individuals' propensity to engage in criminal behaviour. Secondly, a forward-looking inspector is considered, namely, the inspector chooses the level of law enforcement whilst taking into account the effect that this choice will have on future crime rates. Finally, the game is extended to the one with continuous strategy spaces
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