47 research outputs found

    Design Models for Trusted Communications in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Networks

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    Intelligent transportation system is one of the main systems which has been developed to achieve safe traffic and efficient transportation. It enables the road entities to establish connections with other road entities and infrastructure units using Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. To improve the driving experience, various applications are implemented to allow for road entities to share the information among each other. Then, based on the received information, the road entity can make its own decision regarding road safety and guide the driver. However, when these packets are dropped for any reason, it could lead to inaccurate decisions due to lack of enough information. Therefore, the packets should be sent through a trusted communication. The trusted communication includes a trusted link and trusted road entity. Before sending packets, the road entity should assess the link quality and choose the trusted link to ensure the packet delivery. Also, evaluating the neighboring node behavior is essential to obtain trusted communications because some misbehavior nodes may drop the received packets. As a consequence, two main models are designed to achieve trusted V2X communications. First, a multi-metric Quality of Service (QoS)-balancing relay selection algorithm is proposed to elect the trusted link. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to evaluate the link based on three metrics, which are channel capacity, link stability and end-to-end delay. Second, a recommendation-based trust model is designed for V2X communication to exclude misbehavior nodes. Based on a comparison between trust-based methods, weighted-sum is chosen in the proposed model. The proposed methods ensure trusted communications by reducing the Packet Dropping Rate (PDR) and increasing the end-to-end delivery packet ratio. In addition, the proposed trust model achieves a very low False Negative Rate (FNR) in comparison with an existing model

    Clustering and 5G-enabled smart cities: a survey of clustering schemes in VANETs

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    This chapter highlights the importance of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) in the context of the 5Genabled smarter cities and roads, a topic that attracts significant interest. In order for VANETs and its associated applications to become a reality, a very promising avenue is to bring together multiple wireless technologies in the architectural design. 5G is envisioned to have a heterogeneous network architecture. Clustering is employed in designing optimal VANET architectures that successfully use different technologies, therefore clustering has the potential to play an important role in the 5G-VANET enabled solutions. This chapter presents a survey of clustering approaches in the VANET research area. The survey provides a general classification of the clustering algorithms, presents some of the most advanced and latest algorithms in VANETs, and it is among the fewest works in the literature that reviews the performance assessment of clustering algorithms

    New Gateway Selection Algorithm Based on Multi-Objective Integer Programming and Reinforcement Learning

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    Connecting vehicles to the infrastructure and benefiting from the services provided by the network is one of the main objectives to increase safety and provide well-being for passengers. Providing such services requires finding suitable gateways to connect the source vehicles to the infrastructure. The major feature of using gateways is to decrease the load of the network infrastructure resources so that each gateway is responsible for a group of vehicles. Unfortunately, the implementation of this goal is facing many challenges, including the highly dynamic topology of VANETs, which causes network instability, and the deployment of applications with high bandwidth demand that can cause network congestion, particularly in urban areas with a high-density vehicle. This work introduces a novel gateway selection algorithm for vehicular networks in urban areas, consisting of two phases. The first phase identifies the best gateways among the deployed vehicles using multi-objective integer programming. While in the second phase, reinforcement learning is employed to select a suitable gateway for any vehicular node in need to access the VANET infrastructure. The proposed model is evaluated and compared to other existing solutions. The obtained results show the efficiency of the proposed system in identifying and selecting the gateways

    Reinforcement Learning based Gateway Selection in VANETs

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    In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), providing the Internet has become an urgent necessity, where mobile gateways are used to ensure network connection to all customer vehicles in the network. However, the highly dynamic topology and bandwidth limitations of the network represent a significant issue in the gateway selection process. Two objectives are defined to overcome these challenges. The first objective aims to maximize the number of vehicles connected to the Internet by finding a suitable gateway for them depending on the connection lifetime. The second objective seeks to minimize the number of connected vehicles to the same gateway to overcome the limitation of gateways\u27 bandwidth and distribute the load in the network. For this purpose, A gateway discovery system assisted by the vehicular cloud is implemented to find a fair trade-off between the two conflicting objectives. Proximal Policy Optimization, a well-known reinforcement learning strategy, is used to define and train the agent. The trained agent was evaluated and compared with other multi-objective optimization methods under different conditions. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm has better performance in terms of the number of connected vehicles, load distribution over the mobile gateways, link connectivity duration, and execution time

    Semantic reasoning in cognitive networks for heterogeneous wireless mesh systems

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    The next generation of wireless networks is expected to provide not only higher bandwidths anywhere and at any time but also ubiquitous communication using different network types. However, several important issues including routing, self-configuration, device management, and context awareness have to be considered before this vision becomes reality. This paper proposes a novel cognitive network framework for heterogeneous wireless mesh systems to abstract the network control system from the infrastructure by introducing a layer that separates the management of different radio access networks from the data transmission. This approach simplifies the process of managing and optimizing the networks by using extendable smart middleware that automatically manages, configures, and optimizes the network performance. The proposed cognitive network framework, called FuzzOnto, is based on a novel approach that employs ontologies and fuzzy reasoning to facilitate the dynamic addition of new network types to the heterogeneous network. The novelty is in using semantic reasoning with cross-layer parameters from heterogeneous network architectures to manage and optimize the performance of the networks. The concept is demonstrated through the use of three network architectures: 1) wireless mesh network; 2) long-term evolution (LTE) cellular network; and 3) vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). These networks utilize nonoverlapped frequency bands and can operate simultaneously with no interference. The proposed heterogeneous network was evaluated using ns-3 network simulation software. The simulation results were compared with those produced by other networks that utilize multiple transmission devices. The results showed that the heterogeneous network outperformed the benchmark networks in both urban and VANET scenarios by up to 70% of the network throughput, even when the LTE network utilized a high bandwidth

    Cognitive network framework for heterogeneous wireless mesh systems

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    Heterogeneous wireless mesh networks (WMN) provide an opportunity to secure higher network capacity, wider coverage and higher quality of service (QoS). However, heterogeneous systems are complex to configure because of the high diversity of associated devices and resources. This thesis introduces a novel cognitive network framework that allows the integration of WMNs with long-term evolution (LTE) networks so that none of the overlapped frequency bands are used. The framework consists of three novel systems: the QoS metrics management system, the heterogeneous network management system and the routing decision-making system. The novelty of the QoS metrics management system is that it introduces a new routing metric for multi-hop wireless networks by developing a new rate adaptation algorithm. This system directly addresses the interference between neighbouring nodes, which has not been addressed in previous research on rate adaptation for WMN. The results indicated that there was a significant improvement in the system throughput by as much as to 90%. The routing decision-making system introduces two novel methods to select the transmission technology in heterogeneous nodes: the cognitive heterogeneous routing (CHR) system and the semantic reasoning system. The CHR method is used to develop a novel reinforcement learning algorithm to optimise the selection of transmission technology on wireless heterogeneous nodes by learning from previous actions. The semantic reasoning method uses ontologies and fuzzy-based semantic reasoning to facilitate the dynamic addition of new network types to the heterogeneous network. The simulation results showed that the heterogeneous network outperformed the benchmark networks by up to 200% of the network throughput

    Stable dynamic feedback-based predictive clustering protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Scalability presents a significant challenge in vehicular communication, particularly when there is no hierarchical structure in place to manage the increasing number of vehicles. As the number of vehicles increases, they may encounter the broadcast storm problem, which can cause network congestion and reduce communication efficiency. Clustering can solve these issues, but due to high vehicle mobility, clustering in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) suffers from stability issues. Existing clustering algorithms are optimized for either cluster head or member, and for highways or intersections. The lack of intelligent use of mobility parameters like velocity, acceleration, direction, position, distance, degree of vehicles, and movement at intersections, also contributes to cluster stability problems. A dynamic clustering algorithm that efficiently utilizes all mobility parameters can resolve these issues in VANETs. To provide higher stability in VANET clustering, a novel robust and dynamic mobility-based clustering algorithm called junction-based clustering protocol for VANET (JCV) is proposed in this dissertation. Unlike previous studies, JCV takes into account position, distance, movement at the junction, degree of a vehicle, and time spent on the road to select the cluster head (CH). JCV considers transmission range, the moving direction of the vehicle at the next junction, and vehicle density in the creation of a cluster. JCV's performance is compared with two existing VANET clustering protocols in terms of the average cluster head duration, the average cluster member (CM) duration, the average number of cluster head changes, and the percentage of vehicles participating in the clustering process, etc. To evaluate the performance of JCV, we developed a new cloud-based VANET simulator (CVANETSIM). The simulation results show that JCV outperforms the existing algorithms and achieves better stability in terms of the average CH duration (4%), the average CM duration (8%), the number of CM (6%), the ratio of CM (22%), the average CH change rate (14%), the number of CH (10%), the number of non-cluster vehicles (7%), and clustering overhead (35%). The dissertation also introduced a stable dynamic feedback-based predictive clustering (SDPC) protocol for VANET, which ensures cluster stability in both highway and intersection scenarios, irrespective of the road topology. SDPC considers vehicle relative velocity, acceleration, position, distance, transmission range, moving direction at the intersection, and vehicle density to create a cluster. The cluster head is selected based on the future construction of the road, considering relative distance, movement at the intersection, degree of vehicles, majority-vehicle, and probable cluster head duration. The performance of SDPC is compared with four existing VANET clustering algorithms in various road topologies, in terms of the average cluster head change rate, duration of the cluster head, duration of the cluster member, and the clustering overhead. The simulation results show that SDPC outperforms existing algorithms, achieving better clustering stability in terms of the average CH change rate (50%), the average CH duration (15%), the average CM duration (6%), and the clustering overhead (35%)