102 research outputs found

    A critical analysis of research potential, challenges and future directives in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) have emerged as an important research theme with applications spanning a wide range of industries including automation, monitoring, process control, feedback systems and automotive. Wide scope of IWSNs applications ranging from small production units, large oil and gas industries to nuclear fission control, enables a fast-paced research in this field. Though IWSNs offer advantages of low cost, flexibility, scalability, self-healing, easy deployment and reformation, yet they pose certain limitations on available potential and introduce challenges on multiple fronts due to their susceptibility to highly complex and uncertain industrial environments. In this paper a detailed discussion on design objectives, challenges and solutions, for IWSNs, are presented. A careful evaluation of industrial systems, deadlines and possible hazards in industrial atmosphere are discussed. The paper also presents a thorough review of the existing standards and industrial protocols and gives a critical evaluation of potential of these standards and protocols along with a detailed discussion on available hardware platforms, specific industrial energy harvesting techniques and their capabilities. The paper lists main service providers for IWSNs solutions and gives insight of future trends and research gaps in the field of IWSNs

    Design of Wireless Sensors for IoT with Energy Storage and Communication Channel Heterogeneity

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    Autonomous Wireless Sensors (AWSs) are at the core of every Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Current AWS technology allows the development of many IoT-based applications, ranging from military to bioengineering and from industry to education. The energy optimization of AWSs depends mainly on: Structural, functional, and application specifications. The holistic design methodology addresses all the factors mentioned above. In this sense, we propose an original solution based on a novel architecture that duplicates the transceivers and also the power source using a hybrid storage system. By identifying the consumption needs of the transceivers, an appropriate methodology for sizing and controlling the power flow for the power source is proposed. The paper emphasizes the fusion between information, communication, and energy consumption of the AWS in terms of spectrum information through a set of transceiver testing scenarios, identifying the main factors that influence the sensor node design and their inter-dependencies. Optimization of the system considers all these factors obtaining an energy efficient AWS, paving the way towards autonomous sensors by adding an energy harvesting element to them

    RF Integrated Circuits for Energy Autonomous Sensor Nodes.

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    The exponential growth in the semiconductor industry has enabled computers to pervade our everyday lives, and as we move forward many of these computers will have form factors much smaller than a typical laptop or smartphone. Sensor nodes will soon be deployed ubiquitously, capable of capturing information of their surrounding environment. The next step is to connect all these different nodes together into an entire interconnected system. This “Internet of Things” (IoT) vision has incredible potential to change our lives commercially, societally, and personally. The backbone of IoT is the wireless sensor node, many of which will operate under very rigorous energy constraints with small batteries or no batteries at all. It has been shown that in sensor nodes, radio communication is one of the biggest bottlenecks to ultra-low power design. This research explores ways to reduce energy consumption in radios for wireless sensor networks, allowing them to run off harvested energy, while maintaining qualities that will allow them to function in a real world, multi-user environment. Three different prototypes have been designed demonstrating these techniques. The first is a sensitivity-reduced nanowatt wake-up radio which allows a sensor node to actively listen for packets even when the rest of the node is asleep. CDMA codes and interference rejection reduce the potential for energy-costly false wake-ups. The second prototype is a full transceiver for a body-worn EKG sensor node. This transceiver is designed to have low instantaneous power and is able to receive 802.15.6 Wireless Body Area Network compliant packets. It uses asymmetric communication including a wake-up receiver based on the previous design, UWB transmitter and a communication receiver. The communication receiver has 10 physical channels to avoid interference and demodulates coherent packets which is uncommon for low power radios, but dictated by the 802.15.6 standard. The third prototype is a long range transceiver capable of >1km communication range in the 433MHz band and able to interface with an existing commercial radio. A digitally assisted baseband demodulator was designed which enables the ability to perform bit-level as well as packet-level duty cycling which increases the radio's energy efficiency.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110432/1/nerobert_1.pd

    On a Joint Physical Layer and Medium Access Control Sublayer Design for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are distributed networks comprising small sensing devices equipped with a processor, memory, power source, and often with the capability for short range wireless communication. These networks are used in various applications, and have created interest in WSN research and commercial uses, including industrial, scientific, household, military, medical and environmental domains. These initiatives have also been stimulated by the finalisation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which defines the medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN). Future applications may require large WSNs consisting of huge numbers of inexpensive wireless sensor nodes with limited resources (energy, bandwidth), operating in harsh environmental conditions. WSNs must perform reliably despite novel resource constraints including limited bandwidth, channel errors, and nodes that have limited operating energy. Improving resource utilisation and quality-of-service (QoS), in terms of reliable connectivity and energy efficiency, are major challenges in WSNs. Hence, the development of new WSN applications with severe resource constraints will require innovative solutions to overcome the above issues as well as improving the robustness of network components, and developing sustainable and cost effective implementation models. The main purpose of this research is to investigate methods for improving the performance of WSNs to maintain reliable network connectivity, scalability and energy efficiency. The study focuses on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC/PHY layers and the carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based networks. First, transmission power control (TPC) is investigated in multi and single-hop WSNs using typical hardware platform parameters via simulation and numerical analysis. A novel approach to testing TPC at the physical layer is developed, and results show that contrary to what has been reported from previous studies, in multi-hop networks TPC does not save energy. Next, the network initialization/self-configuration phase is addressed through investigation of the 802.15.4 MAC beacon interval setting and the number of associating nodes, in terms of association delay with the coordinator. The results raise doubt whether that the association energy consumption will outweigh the benefit of duty cycle power management for larger beacon intervals as the number of associating nodes increases. The third main contribution of this thesis is a new cross layer (PHY-MAC) design to improve network energy efficiency, reliability and scalability by minimising packet collisions due to hidden nodes. This is undertaken in response to findings in this thesis on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC performance in the presence of hidden nodes. Specifically, simulation results show that it is the random backoff exponent that is of paramount importance for resolving collisions and not the number of times the channel is sensed before transmitting. However, the random backoff is ineffective in the presence of hidden nodes. The proposed design uses a new algorithm to increase the sensing coverage area, and therefore greatly reduces the chance of packet collisions due to hidden nodes. Moreover, the design uses a new dynamic transmission power control (TPC) to further reduce energy consumption and interference. The above proposed changes can smoothly coexist with the legacy 802.15.4 CSMA/CA. Finally, an improved two dimensional discrete time Markov chain model is proposed to capture the performance of the slotted 802.15.4 CSMA/CA. This model rectifies minor issues apparent in previous studies. The relationship derived for the successful transmission probability, throughput and average energy consumption, will provide better performance predictions. It will also offer greater insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the MAC operation, and possible enhancement opportunities. Overall, the work presented in this thesis provides several significant insights into WSN performance improvements with both existing protocols and newly designed protocols. Finally, some of the numerous challenges for future research are described

    Design of Wireless Sensors for IoT with Energy Storage and Communication Channel Heterogeneity

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    Autonomous Wireless Sensors (AWSs) are at the core of every Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Current AWS technology allows the development of many IoT-based applications, ranging from military to bioengineering and from industry to education. The energy optimization of AWSs depends mainly on: Structural, functional, and application specifications. The holistic design methodology addresses all the factors mentioned above. In this sense, we propose an original solution based on a novel architecture that duplicates the transceivers and also the power source using a hybrid storage system. By identifying the consumption needs of the transceivers, an appropriate methodology for sizing and controlling the power flow for the power source is proposed. The paper emphasizes the fusion between information, communication, and energy consumption of the AWS in terms of spectrum information through a set of transceiver testing scenarios, identifying the main factors that influence the sensor node design and their inter-dependencies. Optimization of the system considers all these factors obtaining an energy efficient AWS, paving the way towards autonomous sensors by adding an energy harvesting element to them

    Enabling Hardware Green Internet of Things: A review of Substantial Issues

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    Between now and the near future, the Internet of Things (IoT) will redesign the socio-ecological morphology of the human terrain. The IoT ecosystem deploys diverse sensor platforms connecting millions of heterogeneous objects through the Internet. Irrespective of sensor functionality, most sensors are low energy consumption devices and are designed to transmit sporadically or continuously. However, when we consider the millions of connected sensors powering various user applications, their energy efficiency (EE) becomes a critical issue. Therefore, the importance of EE in IoT technology, as well as the development of EE solutions for sustainable IoT technology, cannot be overemphasised. Propelled by this need, EE proposals are expected to address the EE issues in the IoT context. Consequently, many developments continue to emerge, and the need to highlight them to provide clear insights to researchers on eco-sustainable and green IoT technologies becomes a crucial task. To pursue a clear vision of green IoT, this study aims to present the current state-of-the art insights into energy saving practices and strategies on green IoT. The major contribution of this study includes reviews and discussions of substantial issues in the enabling of hardware green IoT, such as green machine to machine, green wireless sensor networks, green radio frequency identification, green microcontroller units, integrated circuits and processors. This review will contribute significantly towards the future implementation of green and eco-sustainable IoT

    Modeling and experimental performance analysis of ZigBee-IEEE 802.15.4 for wireless body area networks

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de ComunicaçõesThe emerging field of wireless body area networks (WBAN) has the potential to play an important role in everyday life, and there are many industries such as health, sports and entertainment that can take advantage of these networks. The wireless monitoring of users’ physical state, in indoor or outdoor environments, can bring benefits in several application scenarios; for example, it can increase patients’ general well-being and reduce caregivers’ workload by allowing continuous monitoring. This dissertation identifies and analyzes key performance aspects of using the ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 protocols in WBAN applications. The main reason behind this work is because these protocols were designed primarily for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) but are also being used in WBAN applications, particularly in the healthcare area. The differences between WSN and WBANs are explained and are used to discuss the usage of the ZigBee and the IEEE 802.15.4 standards in WBANs. The analysis performed in this work consists mainly in the execution of experimental tests with non-beacon enabled ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 networks, using widespread hardware and software platforms from Texas Instruments, regarding relevant quality of service (QoS) metrics (maximum throughput, delivery ratio and network delay), as well as the effects of multiple constraints, such as hidden nodes, clock drift and body interference in the network performance. A clock drift model was proposed to estimate when two nodes will interfere with each other. This model was conceived due to the lack of support from the ZigBee to overcome this issue. A solution to overcome the clock drift and the hidden node problems was then designed. A parametric software delay model of ZigBee network devices was also defined and introduced into a simulator so that more accurate simulation results could be obtained. The proposed models were deemed valid since they were thoroughly tested and the predicted results were obtained.As redes de sensores sem fios de área corporal (WBAN) têm o potencial de desempenhar um papel importante no dia-a-dia. Hoje em dia há muitas indústrias, tais como na área da saúde, do desporto e do entretenimento, que podem tirar proveito dessas redes. A monitorização sem fios de sinais fisiológicos, tanto em ambientes fechados como ao ar livre, pode trazer benefícios em vários cenários de aplicação, tais como, aumentar o bem-estar de pacientes que são monitorizados e reduzir a carga de trabalho de médicos, permitindo a monitorização contínua. Esta dissertação identifica e analisa aspetos chave do desempenho das redes ZigBee e IEEE 802.15.4, quando usadas em aplicações típicas das WBAN. A principal motivação para a realização deste trabalho reside no facto de que, apesar de terem sido projetados principalmente para redes de sensores sem fio (WSN), estes protocolos estão também a ser utilizados em aplicações características das WBAN, particularmente na área da saúde. As diferenças entre as WSN e as WBAN são destacadas e usadas para discutir o uso dos protocolos ZigBee e IEEE 802.15.4 nas WBAN. A análise realizada neste trabalho consiste, principalmente, na execução de testes experimentais de redes ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 a funcionar no modo non-beacon enabled, usando as plataformas de hardware e software da Texas Instruments. A análise leva em consideração métricas relevantes (o máximo goodput, a taxa de entrega e o atraso da rede) de qualidade de serviço (QoS) e os efeitos de várias condicionantes, como os nós escondidos, o clock drift e a interferência do corpo humano no desempenho da rede. Um modelo para o clock drift foi proposto para estimar quando dois dispositivos irão interferir um com o outro devido a este fenómeno. Este modelo foi concebido devido à falta de capacidade para o ZigBee superar este problema. Posteriormente foi concebida uma solução para ultrapassar os problemas associados ao clock drift e aos nós escondidos. Um modelo paramétrico de atrasos de software em dispositivos de redes ZigBee foi também definido e introduzido num simulador, de modo a que resultados de simulações mais precisos possam ser obtidos. Os modelos propostos foram considerados válidos dado que foram testados e os resultados previstos foram obtidos

    Semantic middleware development for the Internet of Things

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    After the extraordinary spread of the World Wide Web during the last fifteen years, engineers and developers are pushing now the Internet to its next border. A new conception in computer science and networks communication has been burgeoning during roughly the last decade: a world where most of the computers of the future will be extremely downsized, to the point that they will look like dust at its most advanced prototypes. In this vision, every single element of our “real” world has an intelligent tag that carries all their relevant data, effectively mapping the “real” world into a “virtual” one, where all the electronically augmented objects are present, can interact among them and influence with their behaviour that of the other objects, or even the behaviour of a final human user. This is the vision of the Internet of the Future, which also draws ideas of several novel tendencies in computer science and networking, as pervasive computing and the Internet of Things. As it has happened before, materializing a new paradigm that changes the way entities interrelate in this new environment has proved to be a goal full of challenges in the way. Right now the situation is exciting, with a plethora of new developments, proposals and models sprouting every time, often in an uncoordinated, decentralised manner away from any standardization, resembling somehow the status quo of the first developments of advanced computer networking, back in the 60s and the 70s. Usually, a system designed after the Internet of the Future will consist of one or several final user devices attached to these final users, a network –often a Wireless Sensor Network- charged with the task of collecting data for the final user devices, and sometimes a base station sending the data for its further processing to less hardware-constrained computers. When implementing a system designed with the Internet of the Future as a pattern, issues, and more specifically, limitations, that must be faced are numerous: lack of standards for platforms and protocols, processing bottlenecks, low battery lifetime, etc. One of the main objectives of this project is presenting a functional model of how a system based on the paradigms linked to the Internet of the Future works, overcoming some of the difficulties that can be expected and showing a model for a middleware architecture specifically designed for a pervasive, ubiquitous system. This Final Degree Dissertation is divided into several parts. Beginning with an Introduction to the main topics and concepts of this new model, a State of the Art is offered so as to provide a technological background. After that, an example of a semantic and service-oriented middleware is shown; later, a system built by means of this semantic and service-oriented middleware, and other components, is developed, justifying its placement in a particular scenario, describing it and analysing the data obtained from it. Finally, the conclusions inferred from this system and future works that would be good to be tackled are mentioned as well. RESUMEN Tras el extraordinario desarrollo de la Web durante los últimos quince años, ingenieros y desarrolladores empujan Internet hacia su siguiente frontera. Una nueva concepción en la computación y la comunicación a través de las redes ha estado floreciendo durante la última década; un mundo donde la mayoría de los ordenadores del futuro serán extremadamente reducidas de tamaño, hasta el punto que parecerán polvo en sus más avanzado prototipos. En esta visión, cada uno de los elementos de nuestro mundo “real” tiene una etiqueta inteligente que porta sus datos relevantes, mapeando de manera efectiva el mundo “real” en uno “virtual”, donde todos los objetos electrónicamente aumentados están presentes, pueden interactuar entre ellos e influenciar con su comportamiento el de los otros, o incluso el comportamiento del usuario final humano. Ésta es la visión del Internet del Futuro, que también toma ideas de varias tendencias nuevas en las ciencias de la computación y las redes de ordenadores, como la computación omnipresente y el Internet de las Cosas. Como ha sucedido antes, materializar un nuevo paradigma que cambia la manera en que las entidades se interrelacionan en este nuevo entorno ha demostrado ser una meta llena de retos en el camino. Ahora mismo la situación es emocionante, con una plétora de nuevos desarrollos, propuestas y modelos brotando todo el rato, a menudo de una manera descoordinada y descentralizada lejos de cualquier estandarización, recordando de alguna manera el estado de cosas de los primeros desarrollos de redes de ordenadores avanzadas, allá por los años 60 y 70. Normalmente, un sistema diseñado con el Internet del futuro como modelo consistirá en uno o varios dispositivos para usuario final sujetos a estos usuarios finales, una red –a menudo, una red de sensores inalámbricos- encargada de recolectar datos para los dispositivos de usuario final, y a veces una estación base enviando los datos para su consiguiente procesado en ordenadores menos limitados en hardware. Al implementar un sistema diseñado con el Internet del futuro como patrón, los problemas, y más específicamente, las limitaciones que deben enfrentarse son numerosas: falta de estándares para plataformas y protocolos, cuellos de botella en el procesado, bajo tiempo de vida de las baterías, etc. Uno de los principales objetivos de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es presentar un modelo funcional de cómo trabaja un sistema basado en los paradigmas relacionados al Internet del futuro, superando algunas de las dificultades que pueden esperarse y mostrando un modelo de una arquitectura middleware específicamente diseñado para un sistema omnipresente y ubicuo. Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera está dividido en varias partes. Empezando por una introducción a los principales temas y conceptos de este modelo, un estado del arte es ofrecido para proveer un trasfondo tecnológico. Después de eso, se muestra un ejemplo de middleware semántico orientado a servicios; después, se desarrolla un sistema construido por medio de este middleware semántico orientado a servicios, justificando su localización en un escenario particular, describiéndolo y analizando los datos obtenidos de él. Finalmente, las conclusiones extraídas de este sistema y las futuras tareas que sería bueno tratar también son mencionadas

    Wireless Personal Area Network-Based Assistance for the Visually Impaired

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    In this dissertation, a system allowing a visually impaired person to interact with his environment is developed using modern, low-power wireless communications techniques. With recent advances in wireless sensor networks, open-source operating systems, and embedded processing technology, low-cost devices have become practically feasible as a personal notification system for impaired people. Additionally, text-to-speech capabilities can now be employed without special application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), allowing low-cost, general-purpose processors to fill a niche that once required expensive semiconductors. The system takes advantage of 802.15.4 and media access control (MAC) protocols offered by the open source operating system TinyOS. Important characteristics of these new standards that make them ideal for interface with humans are short range, low- power, and open-source software. To facilitate research and development in use and integration of such devices, we developed a hardware platform to allow exploration of possible future network architectures with multiple options for interfacing with the user. Our Visually Impaired Notification System (VINS) allows unprecedented awareness of the environment and has been simulated with multiple nodes using a modification of the TinyOS Dissemination protocol. This dissertation outlines the hardware platform, demonstration of a working prototype, and simulations of how the system would work in its intended environment. We envision this system being used as a testbed allowing further research of other communications and message-delivery techniques. Additionally, the research has contributed directly to the TinyOS project and offered new insight into power management in embedded systems. Finally, through the research effort we were able to contribute to the open source movement and have produced software in four languages used in three countries with over 1500 downloads

    Experimental Characterisation of Body-Centric Radio Channels Using Wireless Sensors

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    PhDWireless sensors and their applications have become increasingly attractive for industry, building automation and energy control, paving the way for new applications of sensor networks which go well beyond traditional sensor applications. In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in the number of wireless devices operating in close proximity to the human body. Wearable sensor nodes are growing popular not only in our normal living lifestyle, but also within healthcare and military applications, where different radio units operating in/on/off body communicate pervasively. Expectations go beyond the research visions, towards deployment in real-world applications that would empower business processes and future business cases. Although theoretical and simulation models give initial results of the antenna behaviour and the radio channel performance of wireless body area network (WBAN) devices, empirical data from different set of measurements still form an essential part of the radio propagation models. Usually, measurements are performed in laboratory facilities which are equipped with bulky and expensive RF instrumentation within calibrated and controllable environments; thus, the acquired data has the highest possible reliability. However, there are still measurement uncertainties due to cables and connections and significant variations when designs are deployed and measured in real scenarios, such as hospitals wards, commercial buildings or even the battle field. Consequently, more flexible and less expensive measurement tools are required. In this sense, wireless sensor nodes offer not only easiness to deploy or flexibility, but also adaptability to different environments. In this thesis, custom-built wireless sensor nodes are used to characterise different on-body radio channels operating in the IEEE 802.15.4 communication standard at the 2.45 GHz ISM band. Measurement results are also compared with those from the conventional technique using a Vector Network Analyser. The wireless sensor nodes not only diminished the effect of semi-rigid or flexible coaxial cables (scattering or radiation) used with the Vector Network Analyser (VNA), but also provided a more realistic response of the radio link channel. The performance of the wireless sensors is presented over each of the 16 different channels present at the 2.45 GHz band. Additionally, custom-built wireless sensors are used to characterise and model the performance of different on-body radio links in dynamic environments, such as jogging, rowing, and cycling. The use of wireless sensors proves to be less obstructive and more flexible than traditional measurements using coaxial cables, VNA or signal generators. The statistical analysis of different WBAN channels highlighted important radio propagation features which can be used as sport classifiers models and motion detection. Moreover, specific on-body radio propagation channels are further explored, with the aim to recognize physiological features such as motion pattern, breathing activity and heartbeat. The time domain sample data is transformed to the frequency domain using a non-parametric FFT defined by the Welch’s periodogram. The Appendix-Section D explores other digital signal processing techniques which include spectrograms (STFT) and wavelet transforms (WT). Although a simple analysis is presented, strong DSP techniques proved to be good for signal de-noising and multi-resolution analysis. Finally, preliminary results are presented for indoor tracking using the RSS recorded by multiple wireless sensor nodes deployed in an indoor scenario. In contrast to outdoor environments, indoor scenarios are subject to a high level of multipath signals which are dependent on the indoor clutter. The presented algorithm is based on path loss analysis combined with spatial knowledge of each wireless sensor