21,661 research outputs found

    Circuit for Precision Simulation of a Capacitive Josephson Junction

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    A circuit is described which functions as a precision electronic analog of a resistively shunted, capacitive Josephson junction. This design offers significant improvements over earlier simulators, particularly because no analog switches are required, and also because high performance op-amps have been matched to the demands of the circuit. The junction analog is used to generate I-V curves, and to model the dynamics when an abrupt bias pulse is applied. The simulator is shown to be very accurate when tested against numerical solutions for the same systems

    A liénard oscillator resonant tunnelling diode-laser diode hybrid integrated circuit: model and experiment

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    We report on a hybrid optoelectronic integrated circuit based on a resonant tunnelling diode driving an optical communications laser diode. This circuit can act as a voltage controlled oscillator with optical and electrical outputs. We show that the oscillator operation can be described by Liénard's equation, a second order nonlinear differential equation, which is a generalization of the Van der Pol equation. This treatment gives considerable insight into the potential of a monolithic version of the circuit for optical communication functions including clock recovery and chaotic source applications

    dc readout experiment at the Caltech 40m prototype interferometer

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) operates a 40m prototype interferometer on the Caltech campus. The primary mission of the prototype is to serve as an experimental testbed for upgrades to the LIGO interferometers and for gaining experience with advanced interferometric techniques, including detuned resonant sideband extraction (i.e. signal recycling) and dc readout (optical homodyne detection). The former technique will be employed in Advanced LIGO, and the latter in both Enhanced and Advanced LIGO. Using dc readout for gravitational wave signal extraction has several technical advantages, including reduced laser and oscillator noise couplings as well as reduced shot noise, when compared to the traditional rf readout technique (optical heterodyne detection) currently in use in large-scale ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors. The Caltech 40m laboratory is currently prototyping a dc readout system for a fully suspended interferometric gravitational wave detector. The system includes an optical filter cavity at the interferometer's output port, and the associated controls and optics to ensure that the filter cavity is optimally coupled to the interferometer. We present the results of measurements to characterize noise couplings in rf and dc readout using this system

    Explosive first-order transition to synchrony in networked chaotic oscillators

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    Critical phenomena in complex networks, and the emergence of dynamical abrupt transitions in the macroscopic state of the system are currently a subject of the outmost interest. We report evidence of an explosive phase synchronization in networks of chaotic units. Namely, by means of both extensive simulations of networks made up of chaotic units, and validation with an experiment of electronic circuits in a star configuration, we demonstrate the existence of a first order transition towards synchronization of the phases of the networked units. Our findings constitute the first prove of this kind of synchronization in practice, thus opening the path to its use in real-world applications.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Optimal control of fractional systems: a diffusive formulation

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    Optimal control of fractional linear systems on a finite horizon can be classically formulated using the adjoint system. But the adjoint of a causal fractional integral or derivative operator happens to be an anti-causal operator: hence, the adjoint equations are not easy to solve in the first place. Using an equivalent diffusive realization helps transform the original problem into a coupled system of PDEs, for which the adjoint system can be more easily derived and properly studied

    Noncontact atomic force microscopy simulator with phase-locked-loop controlled frequency detection and excitation

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    A simulation of an atomic force microscope operating in the constant amplitude dynamic mode is described. The implementation mimics the electronics of a real setup including a digital phase-locked loop (PLL). The PLL is not only used as a very sensitive frequency detector, but also to generate the time-dependent phase shifted signal driving the cantilever. The optimum adjustments of individual functional blocks and their joint performance in typical experiments are determined in detail. Prior to testing the complete setup, the performances of the numerical PLL and of the amplitude controller were ascertained to be satisfactory compared to those of the real components. Attention is also focused on the issue of apparent dissipation, that is, of spurious variations in the driving amplitude caused by the nonlinear interaction occurring between the tip and the surface and by the finite response times of the various controllers. To do so, an estimate of the minimum dissipated energy that is detectable by the instrument upon operating conditions is given. This allows us to discuss the relevance of apparent dissipation that can be conditionally generated with the simulator in comparison to values reported experimentally. The analysis emphasizes that apparent dissipation can contribute to the measured dissipation up to 15% of the intrinsic dissipated energy of the cantilever interacting with the surface, but can be made negligible when properly adjusting the controllers, the PLL gains and the scan speed. It is inferred that the experimental values of dissipation usually reported in the literature cannot only originate in apparent dissipation, which favors the hypothesis of "physical" channels of dissipation

    Virtual damping and Einstein relation in oscillators

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    This paper presents a new physical theory of oscillator phase noise. Built around the concept of phase diffusion, this work bridges the fundamental physics of noise and existing oscillator phase-noise theories. The virtual damping of an ensemble of oscillators is introduced as a measure of phase noise. The explanation of linewidth compression through virtual damping provides a unified view of resonators and oscillators. The direct correspondence between phase noise and the Einstein relation is demonstrated, which reveals the underlying physics of phase noise. The validity of the new approach is confirmed by consistent experimental agreement
