54,139 research outputs found

    Strategic management of intellectual capital of the enterprise in the framework of informatization of the economy

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    In the course of the research, one has determined the scientific and theoretical approaches, related to the identification of the directions and tools needed to improve strategic management; one also provided the main directions of the intellectual capital formation and development within the enterprise, which include the state of the capital at the present stage and the requirements to it from the future knowledge economy: the introduction of human capital into the assets of the enterprise, the promotion of the creative activity of the employees of the enterprise by using factors of human and social capital activation, as well as the establishment of an accounting system and evaluation of intangible assets. We have highlighted a range of specific principles of the intellectual capital management at the enterprise: the establishment of a partnership between all participants of the production process within the enterprise, namely, its owners, managers, and employees; the determination of criteria for assessing the contribution of every employee into the final result of the enterprise activity; the arrangement of an integrated network of the workers’ mass participation to identify the potential reserves, improve the production efficiency, and the product quality; the development of measures upon the principles’ implementation; and the primary task orientation of management on the future competition. One formulated the scientific and methodological foundations regarding the development of measures, aimed to improve the management of the intellectual capital of an enterprise, which include a sequence, the procedure of determination, the justification, the evaluation of the appropriateness of particular measures, the involvement of a wide range of workers in their development via the methods of interrogation and questionin

    New phase of development and knowledge capitalism: gramsci’s historical revenge?

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    Gramsci’s contribution to Marxism is based on the understanding of the historicity of capitalism, not only as a mode of production that prepares the historical-material conditions for scientific socialism (which is Marx's contribution), but as changing (historical) unities between economy, politics, ideology, and culture that represent historical phases of development within the mode of production. It is, in fact, this understanding that distinguishes Gramsci from the rest of the early Marxist theoreticians after Marx. In this sense, the problem that Gramsci poses in Prison Notebooks is how to explain, based on the Marxist theoretical framework, the emergence and decline of the historical phases of development of capitalism, without the (historical) crises that intervene in this transition resulting in a process of social revolution that leads to the scientific socialism foreseen by Marx. This unfolding of these developments was already evident at the time in which the Notebooks were written with the emergence of americanism and fascism. This article argues that the tremendous timeliness of Gramscian thought resides in the appreciation that, at the current time, just as in the 1930s, the transition to a new phase of the development of capitalism, for which the term knowledge capitalism is proposed, is verifiable, for which the technological-productive fundamentals have thus far been developed without its projection having yet taken place in the superstructure. From this flows a double historical revenge of Gramscian thought, since, on the one hand, it provides a valuable theoretical instrument for understanding and taking advantage of historical change, and, on the other, it offers major political strategic principles that at the current time, based on forms of production and autonomous social organization of the subaltern groups and classes within knowledge capitalism, have the historical-social space to contribute to the construction of an alternative hegemony characteristic of these classes and groups. To delve into this question, the article has been divided in three sections. The first section presents Gramscian theoretical tools for understanding historical change; the second synthetically explains the distinctive features of the new phase of development and characterizes the moment of its current unfolding in light of the previously mentioned theoretical instruments, and the third section discusses postcapitalist forms of production and social organization that could lead to the formation of alternative hegemonic social blocs in the framework of the emergence of the new phase of development that is becoming a historical epoch

    Dangerous Associations

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    Факторы развития инновационной экономики в условиях институциональных изменений

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    The necessity of a theoretical analysis of the institutional features of forming the national innovation system is substantiated. An attempt to uncover the institutional factors of forming and strategic priorities of development of the innovation economy, including institutional vacuum and improperly development of separate institutions and subsystems, which reduces the efficiency of the economic system as a whole. Ukraine needs to go through the development of innovative, this will give businesses a competitive edge for obtaining economic profit. Going through innovative enterprises will receive economic benefits as a special form of production capacity, reduce the physical costs of production (less resource consumption) per unit compared to other producers in the area, or releasing products with features that are not in competition. The specified path is based on the creation of a businessperson technical, technological, and organizational advantage over other producers. In this case, the source of income that it receives, it is a temporary monopoly innovator. Only institutional transformation at the stage of the innovation model of economic development will enable Ukraine to adapt it to the requirements of the global information society and the world to continuously improve the economic behavior of economic agents and the mechanisms of market self-production- industrial complex of Ukraine, Small and Medium Enterprises.Обґрунтовано необхідність теоретичного аналізу інституціональних особливостей формування національної інноваційної системи. Зроблена спроба аналізу інституційних чинників, їх впливу на формування стратегічних пріоритетів розвитку інноваційної економіки, включаючи інституціональне середовище та той вакуум, що утворюється при неналежному функціонуванні окремих інститутів та підсистем, що знижує ефективність поступу національної економічної системи в цілому. Проведений аналіз дав змогу визначити пріоритетності "перезавантаження" державних фінансів для структурної та інноваційної перебудови економіки, а також напрями розвитку венчурного бізнесу та просування високотехнологічної конкурен тоспроможної продукції, що є дуже актуальним. Звернено увагу на те, що ефективне функціонування вітчизняної інноваційної системи залежить від того, наскільки ефективно взаємодіють учасники інноваційного процесу як елементи колективної системи створення знань та їх використання для технологічного прогресу та забезпечення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняної економіки. Зазначено, що Україні потрібно пройти розвиток інноваційних технологій, це дасть бізнесу конкурентоспроможну перевагу для отримання економічного прибутку.особенностей формирования национальной инновационной системы. Предпринята попытка анализа институциональных факторов, их влияния на формирование стратегических приоритетов развития инновационной экономики, включая институциональную среду и тот вакуум, который образуется при ненадлежащем функционировании отдельных институтов и подсистем, снижает эффективность продвижения национальной экономической системы в целом. Проведенный анализ позволил определить приоритетности "перезагрузки" государственных финансов для структурной и инновационной перестройки экономики, а также направления развития венчурного бизнеса и продвижения высокотехнологической конкурентоспособной продукции, что является на сегодня очень актуальным. Обращено внимание на то, что эффективное функционирование отечественной инновационной системы зависит от того, насколько эффективно взаимодействуют участники инновационного процесса как элементы коллективной системы создания знаний и их использования для технологического прогресса и обеспечения конкуренто - способности отечественной экономики. Отмечено, что Украине нужно пройти развитие инновационных технологий, это даст бизнесу конкурентоспособное преимущество для получения экономической прибыли. Доказано, что в условиях интеграционных вызовов актуализируются вопросы институциональной трансформации, которая на этапе инновационной модели экономического развития позволит Украине адаптировать ее к потребностям мирового информационного общества для постоянного совершенствования экономического поведения экономических агентов и механизмов рыночного развития хозяйственного комплекса Украины, малых и средних предприятий

    Risk analysis in manufacturing footprint decisions

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    A key aspect in the manufacturing footprint analysis is the risk and sensitivity analysis of critical parameters. In order to contribute to efficient industrial methods and tools for making well-founded strategic decisions regarding manufacturing footprint this paper aims to describe the main risks that need to be considered while locating manufacturing activities, and what risk mitigation techniques and strategies that are proper in order to deal with these risks. It is also proposed how the risk analysis should be included in the manufacturing location decision process

    Understanding the Latest Wave and Future Shape of Regional Trade and Cooperation Agreements in Asia

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    Asia accounts for more than 30% of world GDP and contributes half of the global growth in recent years. Despite high growth rates, Asia is still facing considerable socio-economic challenges. If Asia is to reemerge as a major power in the global economy and in order for the region to successfully address its own challenges and issues there is a need to make the region’s economies more integrated regionally and internationally. Following the recent global trend, Asia witnessed a wave of subregional and bilateral trade agreements. This paper analyzes the recent trends and patterns and nature of regional trade and cooperation agreements (RTCAs) in Asia and associated problems and prospects. It also attempts to understand the latest wave and the future shape of RTCAs and examines if these RTCAs provide the basis for a new Asia-wide cooperation or for the emergence of new regional trade in blocs of several subregional groupings.Asia, regional economic cooperation and integration, trade, bilateral and regional trade and cooperation agreements, ASEAN

    Інноваційні резерви підвищення продуктивності інтелектуальної праці в Україні

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    The major macroeconomic influencing factors on development country effectiveness by innovative model have been determined in the article. By analyzing the supporting of development country by innovative model regulatory framework the weaknesses and reasons for the low level of Ukrainian innovation development have been determined. Suggested measures are aimed for the improvement of innovative situation and pave the way for the effectiveness development country by innovative model have been proposal in the article. Метою статті є визначення інноваційних факторів, що впливають на рівень розвитку інтелектуальної праці, та пошук резервів їх покращення. У статті визначено основні макроекономічні фактори, що впливають на ефективність розвитку країни за інноваційною моделлю. В основі даних факторів лежить ефективна державна політика, що ґрунтується на сильній нормативно-правовій. На основі проведеного аналізу нормативно-правової бази щодо підтримки розвитку країни за інноваційною моделлю визначено слабкі сторони та причини низького рівня інноваційного розвитку України, а також запропоновано заходи, спрямовані на оздоровлення інноваційної ситуації в крані та створення підґрунтя для ефективного розвитку країни за інноваційною моделлю. Як підсумок визначено, що в Україні створено нормативно-правове поле для ефективної реалізації інноваційного потенціалу країни, однак практичне невиконання та колізія деяких нормативних актів гальмує розвиток країни за інноваційною моделлю. Тому, запропоновані у статті заходи сприятимуть вирішенню визначених проблем

    The Determinants of National Innovative Capacity

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    Motivated by differences in R&D productivity across advanced economies, this paper presents an empirical examination of the determinants of country-level production of international patents. We introduce a novel framework based on the concept of national innovative capacity. National innovative capacity is the ability of a country to produce and commercialize a flow of innovative technology over the long term. National innovative capacity depends on the strength of a nation's common innovation infrastructure (cross-cutting factors which contribute broadly to innovativeness throughout the economy), the environment for innovation in its leading industrial clusters, and the strength of linkages between these two areas. We use this framework to guide our empirical exploration into the determinants of country-level R&D productivity, specifically examining the relationship between international patenting (patenting by foreign countries in the United States) and variables associated with the national innovative capacity framework. While acknowledging important measurement issues arising from the use of patent data, we provide evidence for several findings. First, the production function for international patents is surprisingly well-characterized by a small but relatively nuanced set of observable factors, including R&D manpower and spending, aggregate policy choices such as the extent of IP protection and openness to international trade, and the share of research performed by the academic sector and funded by the private sector. As well, international patenting productivity depends on each individual country's knowledge stock.' Further, the predicted level of national innovative capacity has an important impact on more downstream commercialization and diffusion activities (such as achieving a high market share of high-technology export markets). Finally, there has been convergence among OECD countries in terms of the estimated level of innovative capacity over the past quarter century.

    The Effects of Technology and Innovation on Society

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    Various models of the information society have been developed so far and they are so different from country to country that it would be rather unwise to look for a single, allencompassing definition. In our time a number of profound socio-economic changes are underway. The application of these theories and schools on ICT is problematic in many respects. First, as we stated above, there is not a single, widely used paradigm which has synthesised the various schools and theories dealing with technology and society. Second, these fragmented approaches do not have a fully-fledged mode of application to the relationship of ICT and (information) society. Third, SCOT, ANT, the evolutionary- or the systems approach to the history of technology when dealing with information society – does not take into account the results of approaches studying the very essence of the information age: information, communication and knowledge. The list of unnoticed or partially incorporated sciences, which focuses on the role of ICT in human information processing and other cognitive activities, is much longer