183,518 research outputs found

    Augmented reality mobile app development for all

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    Lack of programming skills is a barrier to the engagement of teachers in the development and customisation of their own applications. Visual Environment for Designing Interactive Learning Scenarios (VEDILS), a visual tool for designing, customising and deploying learning technologies, provides teachers with a development environment with a low entry threshold. Current mobile devices are equipped with sensors and have sufficient processing power to use augmented reality technologies. Despite the heavy use of mobile devices in students’ lives, the use of augmented reality mobile applications as learning tools is not widespread among teachers. The current work presents a framework comprising the development tool and a method for designing and deploying learning activities. It focuses on the augmented reality components of the authoring tools, which allow users to create their own mobile augmented reality learning apps. It also present the results of the evaluation of the framework with 47 third-level educators, and two case studies of classroom implementations of mobile augmented reality apps developed by these educators. The results illustrate the suitability of the framework and authoring tool for supporting users without programming skills in developing their own apps

    Implementing a Mobile Social Media Framework for Designing Creative Pedagogies

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    The rise of mobile social media provides unique opportunities for new and creative pedagogies. Pedagogical change requires a catalyst, and we argue that mobile social media can be utilized as such a catalyst. However, the mobile learning literature is dominated by case studies that retrofit traditional pedagogical strategies and pre-existing course activities onto mobile devices and social media. From our experiences of designing and implementing a series of mobile social media projects, the authors have developed a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies. We illustrate the implementation of our mobile social media framework within the development of a new media minor (an elective set of four courses) that explicitly integrates the unique technical and pedagogical affordances of mobile social media, with a focus upon student-generated content and student-determined learning (heutagogy). We argue that our mobile social media framework is potentially transferable to a range of educational contexts, providing a simple design framework for new pedagogies

    A framework for mobile-assisted formative assessment to promote students' self-determination

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    Motivation is an important issue to consider when designing learning activities, including mobile learning and assessment. While previous research provides evidence for the motivational impact of mobile learning, not many pedagogical frameworks exist for the design of mobile-assisted learning and assessment. The current study is grounded in the Self-Determination Theory of motivation and proposes a pedagogical framework for mobile-assisted formative assessment, aiming at enhancing student motivation. For a preliminary evaluation of the framework, fifty-one students from a public European high school participated in a series of formative assessment activities. The tasks that were implemented according to the proposed mobile-based formative assessment framework had a significant positive impact on student perceived levels of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, enhancing students’ intrinsic motivation levels. Study findings highlighted the capacity of the proposed framework to guide the design of mobile-based formative assessment activities that enhance and promote student motivation. The study makes a theoretical contribution by proposing a framework that aligns mobile learning and assessment with elements of the Self-Determination Theory of motivation and also has a practical contribution by implementing mobile learning and assessment practices that have the potential to promote student motivation


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    Technology and mobile devices have been successfully integrated in peoples´ everyday activities. Educational institutions around the world are increasing their interest to create mobile learning (ML) environments considering the advantage of connectivity, situated learning, individualized learning, social interactivity, portability, affordability and more widely ubiquity. Even with the fast development of ML environments. There is however a lack of understanding about the factors that influnce ML adoption. This paper proposes a framework for ML adoption integrating a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with constructs from the Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT). Since the goal for education is learning, this research will include individual attributes such as learning styles (LS) and experience to understand how they moderate ML adoption and actual use. For this reason, the framework brings together the adoption theory for initial use and the constructs of continuance intention for actual and habitual use as an outcome of learning. The framework is divided in two stages, acceptance and actual use. The purpose of this paper is to test the first stage: ML acceptance through the structural equation modeling statistical techniqu. The data was collected from students that already are experiencing ML. Findings demonstrate that performance and effort expectation constructs are significant predictors of ML and there is some influnce of LS and experience as moderators for ML adoption. The practical implication in educational services is to incorporate LS influnce when designing strategies for learning enhanced by mobile devices

    A theoretical framework of aesthetic design for a better learning experience on the web-based educational platform

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    With the rapid progression in information and network technologies, web-based educational environment like electronic learning (e-learning) websites and mobile learning (m-learning) websites are increasingly common to be used as a platform for teaching and learning activities. Prior studies in website design have confirmed the crucial role of aesthetics in attracting users, encouraging further exploration and influencing the user performance positively. However, a framework for designing an aesthetic web-based educational platform that should have a positive impact on learning experience is the least explored topic in this area. Therefore, this research aims to propose a framework for designing an aesthetic web-based educational platform, which highlights simplicity, a characteristic that is highly correlated with classical aesthetics, and to study the impact of classical aesthetics on learning experience. The proposed framework is presented and how it should impact learning experience positively through the classical aesthetic design for a web-based educational platform is discussed. Future work involves the verification and validation of the proposed framework through experimental websites and questionnaires with experts as well as users to investigate the impact of this design framework on learning experience. This study hopes to provide a framework that helps in designing an aesthetic web-based educational platform that can impact learning experience positively

    Evaluating smart city learning

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    Measurement and analysis of individually interpreted learning experiences can build a knowledge picture of how learners perceive immersive technology-mediated learning in smart cities. Comparison of these learning experiences, with theoretical factors derived from relevant literature, may then shed light on the usefulness of theory in practical learning design and approaches to the evaluation of immersive learning environments analysed from a theoretical basis. In turn, this may contribute to current approaches of urban smart city environment planning for citizen engaged ‘human smart cities’ [14]. Mobile learning location-based prototypes will be developed with subject experts and implemented in open (urban) spaces located at Upper Barrakka Gardens, Valletta for history and Argotti Gardens, Floriana for botany. This paper discusses potential methodologies for designing a measurement of the effectiveness of these learning experiences and associated learning design for immersive urban learning environments mediated by mobile and networked technologies. Acknowledging the hybrid nature [9] of smart city learning, interactions between digital tools, content and community, measuring both intra- and inter-learner experiences is anticipated. Identifying and quantifying these dimensions of interactions will help us understand more about how urban smart learning activities create immersive experiences for each learner, engaging them in a variety of internal cognitive and social processes. To clarify mutual interaction between theoretical and empirical factors, a system of theoretical factors of significance is proposed to be developed, and then correlated, with learning experience analysis factors. A brief review of hybrid learning environment research, including ubiquitous learning [4] manifested in hybrid [9], mobile [8] and smart city [2] environments, provides context for how analytical methodology might be applied to an interactive learning system in smart cities. Phenomenographic techniques of variation and outcome space are investigated, together with the Dialogic Space concept [30] of conversation interaction for analysing dialogues.Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.peer-reviewe


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    This study aims to develop a conceptual digital literacy learning for adolescents in remote communities; Designing digital literacy learning activities for youth in remote communities; and knowing the evaluation of digital literacy learning This research procedure was carried out by adapting the ILDF (Integrated Learning Design Framework) development procedure model. This model consists of three stages, namely Explorating, Enactment and Evaluation. This research was conducted in Pabuaran Village, Sukamakmur District, Bogor Regency.for adolescents in remote communities.The step of the development model begins with exploring, at this stage the developer identifies the need for distance learning due to the large number of trainees who experience difficulties in participating in learning activities in face-to-face, especially for teenagers who live in remote areas, the selection of the Moodle platform, this is because Moodle has an application in the form of Moodle Mobile which can be accessed via android phone. In the Enactment stage, at this stage the developer begins to design disaster literacy learning using the Mobile Modeling Model, compile prototypes and develop the learning in detail. The last stage is Evaluation, Testing material experts and media experts. Material experts give the results of the percentage of the feasibility of learning materials of 93.75%. Media testing gives the results of the feasibility percentage of 79.9%. The test on the small group test of the trainees got a result of 86.97% which means it is very feasible to use. This study provides suggestions that facilities and infrastructure must be available properly. The required facilities such as an adequate and stable internet network and an android phone with a minimum android version of Lollipop that must be owned by all disaster literacy training participants

    Local communities as infrastructure for place-based mobile learning

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    Ph. D. Thesis.The last decade has seen a significant reconfiguration of the UK’s public services through policies of austerity. Severe funding cuts have beenmade tomany local councils, resulting in various services—such as the upkeep of local parks, and educational activities within them—to be cut from some authorities’ funding altogether, with their upkeep instead relying upon volunteerism or charges. Coinciding with an increase in the use of mobile technologies in schools, stakeholder groups are frequently also turning to them in an effort to promote the places they care for: attempting to engage with new audiences and promote the value of place to younger generations. This thesis explores the design space for mobile learning platforms which harness places and communities as resources for both formal and informal learning, and how such technologies can be used by stakeholders to share their knowledge and further their own agendas. This design space is then further explored through the design, development and evaluation of OurPlace—a mobile learning platform consisting of Android and iOS applications and a supplementary website. Through multiple engagements, OurPlace was shown to support community members, teachers and learners in creating, sharing and engaging with place-based mobile learning activities through seamless learning experiences. To further investigate how such mobile learning technologies and local resources could be effectively used within formal education, this work also proposes a framework for ‘project-basedmobile learning’, applying and evaluating this framework using OurPlace in three different schools and a summer school of Travelling Showchildren, working within the unique constraints of each. Through a design-based research approach, this project combines findings of longitudinal observational studies with volunteer community groups and a mix of long and short-term case studies with schools to contribute: implications for designing digital platforms which harness places’ existing social infrastructures as resources for civic learning; OurPlace, a platformdesigned to harness these resources; and the introduction and demonstration of a generalisable framework for structuring the use of such mobile learning technologies within project-based learning, along with recommendations for its re-configuration in response to contextual constraints

    Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective

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    In the evolving landscape of mobile learning, European researchers have conducted significant mobile learning projects, representing a distinct perspective on mobile learning research and development. Our paper aims to explore how these projects have arisen, showing the driving forces of European innovation in mobile learning. We propose context as a central construct in mobile learning and examine theories of learning for the mobile world, based on physical, technological, conceptual, social and temporal mobility. We also examine the impacts of mobile learning research on educational practices and the implications for policy. Throughout, we identify lessons learnt from European experiences to date