7,316 research outputs found

    Manufacturing Process Modeling and Simulation

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    This paper presents a methodology to be employed in the whole process design phase including first and second processing. This methodology consists of a set of steps which are characterised by an independent model. This paper’s objective is to analyse the coherence between the different models and the coherence between the model and the objectives of each step. The final stage is to develop the production plans. The casting process was the first one to be analyzed. Casting models were created using CAD software (Catia V5R17) and imported into the casting simulation environment (Magmasoft). Filling and solidifying processes have been simulated using different casting models in order to optimize the final configuration. The machining process was modeled using the machining features concept and it was simulated using Catia’s Advanced Machining environment. Two machining strategies have been analyzed according to positioning strategies. Process engineering software was used to create the process plans and to analyze the resource allocation

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    Key Challenges and Opportunities in Hull Form Design Optimisation for Marine and Offshore Applications

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    New environmental regulations and volatile fuel prices have resulted in an ever-increasing need for reduction in carbon emission and fuel consumption. Designs of marine and offshore vessels are more demanding with complex operating requirements and oil and gas exploration venturing into deeper waters and hasher environments. Combinations of these factors have led to the need to optimise the design of the hull for the marine and offshore industry. The contribution of this paper is threefold. Firstly, the paper provides a comprehensive review of the state-ofthe- art techniques in hull form design. Specifically, it analyses geometry modelling, shape transformation, optimisation and performance evaluation. Strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions are also discussed. Secondly, key challenges of hull form optimisation specific to the design of marine and offshore vessels are identified and analysed. Thirdly, future trends in performing hull form design optimisation are investigated and possible solutions proposed. A case study on the design optimisation of bulbous bow for passenger ferry vessel to reduce wavemaking resistance is presented using NAPA software. Lastly, main issues and challenges are discussed to stimulate further ideas on future developments in this area, including the use of parallel computing and machine intelligence

    Methodology for automatic recovering of 3D partitions from unstitched faces of non-manifold CAD models

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    Data exchanges between different software are currently used in industry to speed up the preparation of digital prototypes for Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Unfortunately, due to data loss, the yield of the transfer of manifold models rarely reaches 1. In the case of non-manifold models, the transfer results are even less satisfactory. This is particularly true for partitioned 3D models: during the data transfer based on the well-known exchange formats, all 3D partitions are generally lost. Partitions are mainly used for preparing mesh models required for advanced FEA: mapped meshing, material separation, definition of specific boundary conditions, etc. This paper sets up a methodology to automatically recover 3D partitions from exported non-manifold CAD models in order to increase the yield of the data exchange. Our fully automatic approach is based on three steps. First, starting from a set of potentially disconnected faces, the CAD model is stitched. Then, the shells used to create the 3D partitions are recovered using an iterative propagation strategy which starts from the so-called manifold vertices. Finally, using the identified closed shells, the 3D partitions can be reconstructed. The proposed methodology has been validated on academic as well as industrial examples.This work has been carried out under a research contract between the Research and Development Direction of the EDF Group and the Arts et MĂŠtiers ParisTech Aix-en-Provence

    An intelligent knowledge based cost modelling system for innovative product development

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    This research work aims to develop an intelligent knowledge-based system for product cost modelling and design for automation at an early design stage of the product development cycle, that would enable designers/manufacturing planners to make more accurate estimates of the product cost. Consequently, a quicker response to customers’ expectations. The main objectives of the research are to: (1) develop a prototype system that assists an inexperienced designer to estimate the manufacturing cost of the product, (2) advise designers on how to eliminate design and manufacturing related conflicts that may arise during the product development process, (3) recommend the most economic assembly technique for the product in order to consider this technique during the design process and provide design improvement suggestions to simplify the assembly operations (i.e. to provide an opportunity for designers to design for assembly (DFA)), (4) apply a fuzzy logic approach to certain cases, and (5) evaluate the developed prototype system through five case studies. The developed system for cost modelling comprises of a CAD solid modelling system, a material selection module, knowledge-based system (KBS), process optimisation module, design for assembly module, cost estimation technique module, and a user interface. In addition, the system encompasses two types of databases, permanent (static) and temporary (dynamic). These databases are categorised into five separate groups of database, Feature database, Material database, Machinability database, Machine database, and Mould database. The system development process has passed through four major steps: firstly, constructing the knowledge-based and process optimisation system, secondly developing a design for assembly module. Thirdly, integrating the KBS with both material selection database and a CAD system. Finally, developing and implementing a ii fuzzy logic approach to generate reliable estimation of cost and to handle the uncertainty in cost estimation model that cannot be addressed by traditional analytical methods. The developed system has, besides estimating the total cost of a product, the capability to: (1) select a material as well as the machining processes, their sequence and machining parameters based on a set of design and production parameters that the user provides to the system, and (2) recommend the most economic assembly technique for a product and provide design improvement suggestion, in the early stages of the design process, based on a design feasibility technique. It provides recommendations when a design cannot be manufactured with the available manufacturing resources and capabilities. In addition, a feature-by-feature cost estimation report was generated using the system to highlight the features of high manufacturing cost. The system can be applied without the need for detailed design information, so that it can be implemented at an early design stage and consequently cost redesign, and longer lead-time can be avoided. One of the tangible advantages of this system is that it warns users of features that are costly and difficult to manufacture. In addition, the system is developed in such a way that, users can modify the product design at any stage of the design processes. This research dealt with cost modelling of both machined components and injection moulded components. The developed cost effective design environment was evaluated on real products, including a scientific calculator, a telephone handset, and two machined components. Conclusions drawn from the system indicated that the developed prototype system could help companies reducing product cost and lead time by estimating the total product cost throughout the entire product development cycle including assembly cost. Case studies demonstrated that designing a product using the developed system is more cost effective than using traditional systems. The cost estimated for a number of products used in the case studies was almost 10 to 15% less than cost estimated by the traditional system since the latter does not take into consideration process optimisation, design alternatives, nor design for assembly issue

    Virtual bloXing - assembly rapid prototyping for near net shapes

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    Virtual reality (VR) provides another dimension to many engineering applications. Its immersive and interactive nature allows an intuitive approach to study both cognitive activities and performance evaluation. Market competitiveness means having products meet form, fit and function quickly. Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (RP&M) technologies are increasingly being applied to produce functional prototypes and the direct manufacturing of small components. Despite its flexibility, these systems have common drawbacks such as slow build rates, a limited number of build axes (typically one) and the need for post processing. This paper presents a Virtual Assembly Rapid Prototyping (VARP) project which involves evaluating cognitive activities in assembly tasks based on the adoption of immersive virtual reality along with a novel nonlayered rapid prototyping for near net shape (NNS) manufacturing of components. It is envisaged that this integrated project will facilitate a better understanding of design for manufacture and assembly by utilising equivalent scale digital and physical prototyping in one rapid prototyping system. The state of the art of the VARP project is also presented in this paper

    Analysis of manufacturing operations using knowledge- Enriched aggregate process planning

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    Knowledge-Enriched Aggregate Process Planning is concerned with the problem of supporting agile design and manufacture by making process planning feedback integral to the design function. A novel Digital Enterprise Technology framework (Maropoulos 2003) provides the technical context and is the basis for the integration of the methods with existing technologies for enterprise-wide product development. The work is based upon the assertion that, to assure success when developing new products, the technical and qualitative evaluation of process plans must be carried out as early as possible. An intelligent exploration methodology is presented for the technical evaluation of the many alternative manufacturing options which are feasible during the conceptual and embodiment design phases. 'Data resistant' aggregate product, process and resource models are the foundation of these planning methods. From the low-level attributes of these models, aggregate methods to generate suitable alternative process plans and estimate Quality, Cost and Delivery (QCD) have been created. The reliance on QCD metrics in process planning neglects the importance of tacit knowledge that people use to make everyday decisions and express their professional judgement in design. Hence, the research also advances the core aggregate planning theories by developing knowledge-enrichment methods for measuring and analysing qualitative factors as an additional indicator of manufacturing performance, which can be used to compute the potential of a process plan. The application of these methods allows the designer to make a comparative estimation of manufacturability for design alternatives. Ultimately, this research should translate into significant reductions in both design costs and product development time and create synergy between the product design and the manufacturing system that will be used to make it. The efficacy of the methodology was proved through the development of an experimental computer system (called CAPABLE Space) which used real industrial data, from a leading UK satellite manufacturer to validate the industrial benefits and promote the commercial exploitation of the research

    Isogeometric FEM-BEM coupled structural-acoustic analysis of shells using subdivision surfaces

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    We introduce a coupled finite and boundary element formulation for acoustic scattering analysis over thin shell structures. A triangular Loop subdivision surface discretisation is used for both geometry and analysis fields. The Kirchhoff-Love shell equation is discretised with the finite element method and the Helmholtz equation for the acoustic field with the boundary element method. The use of the boundary element formulation allows the elegant handling of infinite domains and precludes the need for volumetric meshing. In the present work the subdivision control meshes for the shell displacements and the acoustic pressures have the same resolution. The corresponding smooth subdivision basis functions have the C1C^1 continuity property required for the Kirchhoff-Love formulation and are highly efficient for the acoustic field computations. We validate the proposed isogeometric formulation through a closed-form solution of acoustic scattering over a thin shell sphere. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to handle complex geometries with arbitrary topology that provides an integrated isogeometric design and analysis workflow for coupled structural-acoustic analysis of shells

    Numerical product design: Springback prediction, compensation and optimization

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    Numerical simulations are being deployed widely for product design. However, the accuracy of the numerical tools is not yet always sufficiently accurate and reliable. This article focuses on the current state and recent developments in different stages of product design: springback prediction, springback compensation and optimization by finite element (FE) analysis. To improve the springback prediction by FE analysis, guidelines regarding the mesh discretization are provided and a new through-thickness integration scheme for shell elements is launched. In the next stage of virtual product design the product is compensated for springback. Currently, deformations due to springback are manually compensated in the industry. Here, a procedure to automatically compensate the tool geometry, including the CAD description, is presented and it is successfully applied to an industrial automotive part. The last stage in virtual product design comprises optimization. This article presents an optimization scheme which is capable of designing optimal and robust metal forming processes efficiently
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