8 research outputs found

    A framework for quantum-secure device-independent randomness expansion

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    A device-independent randomness expansion protocol aims to take an initial random seed and generate a longer one without relying on details of how the devices operate for security. A large amount of work to date has focussed on a particular protocol based on spot-checking devices using the CHSH inequality. Here we show how to derive randomness expansion rates for a wide range of protocols, with security against a quantum adversary. Our technique uses semidefinite programming and a recent improvement of the entropy accumulation theorem. To support the work and facilitate its use, we provide code that can generate lower bounds on the amount of randomness that can be output based on the measured quantities in the protocol. As an application, we give a protocol that robustly generates up to two bits of randomness per entangled qubit pair, which is twice that established in existing analyses of the spot-checking CHSH protocol in the low noise regime.Comment: 26 (+9) pages, 6 (+1) figures. v2: New result included (Fig. 7) and several updates made based on referee comment

    Unbounded randomness from uncharacterized sources

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    Randomness is a central feature of quantum mechanics and an invaluable resource for both classical and quantum technologies. Commonly, in Device-Independent and Semi-Device-Independent scenarios, randomness is certified using projective measurements, and its amount is bounded by the quantum system’s dimension. Here, we propose a Source-Device-Independent protocol, based on Positive Operator Valued Measurement (POVM), which can arbitrarily increase the number of certified bits for any fixed dimension. Additionally, the proposed protocol doesn’t require an initial seed and active basis switching, simplifying its experimental implementation and increasing the generation rates. A tight lower-bound on the quantum conditional min-entropy is derived using only the POVM structure and the experimental expectation values, taking into account the quantum side-information. For symmetric POVM on the Bloch sphere, we derive closed-form analytical bounds. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate our method with a compact and simple photonic setup that employs polarization-encoded qubits and POVM up to 6 outcomes

    Calculation and application of various von Neumann entropies in CHSH-based device-independent randomness expansion

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    A device-independent randomness expansion protocol aims to take an initial random string and generate a longer one, where the security of the protocol does not rely on knowing the inner workings of the devices used to run it. In order to do so, the protocol tests that the devices violate a Bell inequality and one then needs to bound the amount of extractable randomness in terms of the observed violation. The entropy accumulation theorem gives a bound in terms of the single-round von Neumann entropy of any strategy achieving the observed score. Tight bounds on this are known for the one-sided randomness when using the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) game. Here we find the minimum von Neumann entropies for a given CHSH score relevant for one and two sided randomness that can be applied to various protocols. In particular, we show the gain that can be made by using the two-sided randomness and by using a protocol without spot-checking where the input randomness is recycled. We also discuss protocols that fully close the locality loophole while expanding randomness. Although our bounds are mostly numerical, we conjecture analytic formulae for the curves in two cases.Comment: 9+19 pages, 5 figure

    Generalised entropy accumulation

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    Consider a sequential process in which each step outputs a system AiA_i and updates a side information register EE. We prove that if this process satisfies a natural "non-signalling" condition between past outputs and future side information, the min-entropy of the outputs A1,
,AnA_1, \dots, A_n conditioned on the side information EE at the end of the process can be bounded from below by a sum of von Neumann entropies associated with the individual steps. This is a generalisation of the entropy accumulation theorem (EAT), which deals with a more restrictive model of side information: there, past side information cannot be updated in subsequent rounds, and newly generated side information has to satisfy a Markov condition. Due to its more general model of side-information, our generalised EAT can be applied more easily and to a broader range of cryptographic protocols. As examples, we give the first multi-round security proof for blind randomness expansion and a simplified analysis of the E91 QKD protocol. The proof of our generalised EAT relies on a new variant of Uhlmann's theorem and new chain rules for the Renyi divergence and entropy, which might be of independent interest.Comment: 42 pages; v2 expands introduction but does not change any results; in FOCS 202

    Computing conditional entropies for quantum correlations.

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    The rates of quantum cryptographic protocols are usually expressed in terms of a conditional entropy minimized over a certain set of quantum states. In particular, in the device-independent setting, the minimization is over all the quantum states jointly held by the adversary and the parties that are consistent with the statistics that are seen by the parties. Here, we introduce a method to approximate such entropic quantities. Applied to the setting of device-independent randomness generation and quantum key distribution, we obtain improvements on protocol rates in various settings. In particular, we find new upper bounds on the minimal global detection efficiency required to perform device-independent quantum key distribution without additional preprocessing. Furthermore, we show that our construction can be readily combined with the entropy accumulation theorem in order to establish full finite-key security proofs for these protocols

    Robustness of implemented device-independent protocols against constrained leakage

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    Device-independent (DI) protocols have experienced significant progress in recent years, with a series of demonstrations of DI randomness generation or expansion, as well as DI quantum key distribution. However, existing security proofs for those demonstrations rely on a typical assumption in DI cryptography, that the devices do not leak any unwanted information to each other or to an adversary. This assumption may be difficult to perfectly enforce in practice. While there exist other DI security proofs that account for a constrained amount of such leakage, the techniques used are somewhat unsuited for analyzing the recent DI protocol demonstrations. In this work, we address this issue by studying a constrained leakage model suited for this purpose, which should also be relevant for future similar experiments. Our proof structure is compatible with recent proof techniques for flexibly analyzing a wide range of DI protocol implementations. With our approach, we compute some estimates of the effects of leakage on the keyrates of those protocols, hence providing a clearer understanding of the amount of leakage that can be allowed while still obtaining positive keyrates.Comment: Changelog: more detailed analysis of conditioning on acceptance events, implemented tighter version of fidelity constraints and replaced SDP formulation with more stable approach, updated figures accordingl

    Improved DIQKD protocols with finite-size analysis

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    The security of finite-length keys is essential for the implementation of device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD). Presently, there are several finite-size DIQKD security proofs, but they are mostly focused on standard DIQKD protocols and do not directly apply to the recent improved DIQKD protocols based on noisy preprocessing, random key measurements, and modified CHSH inequalities. Here, we provide a general finite-size security proof that can simultaneously encompass these approaches, using tighter finite-size bounds than previous analyses. In doing so, we develop a method to compute tight lower bounds on the asymptotic keyrate for any such DIQKD protocol with binary inputs and outputs. With this, we show that positive asymptotic keyrates are achievable up to depolarizing noise values of 9.33%9.33\%, exceeding all previously known noise thresholds. We also develop a modification to random-key-measurement protocols, using a pre-shared seed followed by a "seed recovery" step, which yields substantially higher net key generation rates by essentially removing the sifting factor. Some of our results may also improve the keyrates of device-independent randomness expansion.Comment: Improved threshold with more data points, discussion of conjecture in [SGP+21], correction regarding results of [MDR+19

    Nonlocal games and their device-independent quantum applications

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    Device-independence is a property of certain protocols that allows one to ensure their proper execution given only classical interaction with devices and assuming the correctness of the laws of physics. This scenario describes the most general form of cryptographic security, in which no trust is placed in the hardware involved; indeed, one may even take it to have been prepared by an adversary. Many quantum tasks have been shown to admit device-independent protocols by augmentation with "nonlocal games". These are games in which noncommunicating parties jointly attempt to fulfil some conditions imposed by a referee. We introduce examples of such games and examine the optimal strategies of players who are allowed access to different possible shared resources, such as entangled quantum states. We then study their role in self-testing, private random number generation, and secure delegated quantum computation. Hardware imperfections are naturally incorporated in the device-independent scenario as adversarial, and we thus also perform noise robustness analysis where feasible. We first study a generalization of the Mermin–Peres magic square game to arbitrary rectangular dimensions. After exhibiting some general properties, these "magic rectangle" games are fully characterized in terms of their optimal win probabilities for quantum strategies. We find that for m×n magic rectangle games with dimensions m,n≄3, there are quantum strategies that win with certainty, while for dimensions 1×n quantum strategies do not outperform classical strategies. The final case of dimensions 2×n is richer, and we give upper and lower bounds that both outperform the classical strategies. As an initial usage scenario, we apply our findings to quantum certified randomness expansion to find noise tolerances and rates for all magic rectangle games. To do this, we use our previous results to obtain the winning probabilities of games with a distinguished input for which the devices give a deterministic outcome and follow the analysis of C. A. Miller and Y. Shi [SIAM J. Comput. 46, 1304 (2017)]. Self-testing is a method to verify that one has a particular quantum state from purely classical statistics. For practical applications, such as device-independent delegated verifiable quantum computation, it is crucial that one self-tests multiple Bell states in parallel while keeping the quantum capabilities required of one side to a minimum. We use our 3×n magic rectangle games to obtain a self-test for n Bell states where one side needs only to measure single-qubit Pauli observables. The protocol requires small input sizes [constant for Alice and O(log n) bits for Bob] and is robust with robustness O(n⁔/ÂČ√Δ), where Δ is the closeness of the ideal (perfect) correlations to those observed. To achieve the desired self-test, we introduce a one-side-local quantum strategy for the magic square game that wins with certainty, we generalize this strategy to the family of 3×n magic rectangle games, and we supplement these nonlocal games with extra check rounds (of single and pairs of observables). Finally, we introduce a device-independent two-prover scheme in which a classical verifier can use a simple untrusted quantum measurement device (the client device) to securely delegate a quantum computation to an untrusted quantum server. To do this, we construct a parallel self-testing protocol to perform device-independent remote state preparation of n qubits and compose this with the unconditionally secure universal verifiable blind quantum computation (VBQC) scheme of J. F. Fitzsimons and E. Kashefi [Phys. Rev. A 96, 012303 (2017)]. Our self-test achieves a multitude of desirable properties for the application we consider, giving rise to practical and fully device-independent VBQC. It certifies parallel measurements of all cardinal and intercardinal directions in the XY-plane as well as the computational basis, uses few input questions (of size logarithmic in n for the client and a constant number communicated to the server), and requires only single-qubit measurements to be performed by the client device