14 research outputs found

    A Formal Model for Information Selection in Multi-Sentence Text Extraction

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    Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units with an associated mapping between these two dimensions. This representation is then used to describe the task of selecting textual units for a summary or answer as a formal optimization task. We provide approximation algorithms and empirically validate the performance of the proposed model when used with two very different sets of features, words and atomic events

    Multiple aspect summarization using integer linear programming

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    Multi-document summarization involves many aspects of content selection and sur-face realization. The summaries must be informative, succinct, grammatical, and obey stylistic writing conventions. We present a method where such individual aspects are learned separately from data (without any hand-engineering) but optimized jointly using an integer linear programme. The ILP framework allows us to combine the decisions of the expert learners and to select and rewrite source content through a mixture of objective setting, soft and hard constraints. Experimental results on the TAC-08 data set show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance using ROUGE and signifi-cantly improves the informativeness of the summaries.

    A Review On Automatic Text Summarization Approaches

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    It has been more than 50 years since the initial investigation on automatic text summarization was started.Various techniques have been successfully used to extract the important contents from text document to represent document summary.In this study,we review some of the studies that have been conducted in this still-developing research area.It covers the basics of text summarization,the types of summarization,the methods that have been used and some areas in which text summarization has been applied.Furthermore,this paper also reviews the significant efforts which have been put in studies concerning sentence extraction,domain specific summarization and multi document summarization and provides the theoretical explanation and the fundamental concepts related to it.In addition,the advantages and limitations concerning the approaches commonly used for text summarization are also highlighted in this study

    Linguistic challenges in automatic summarization technology

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    [EN] Automatic summarization is a field of Natural Language Processing that is increasingly used in industry today. The goal of the summarization process is to create a summary of one document or a multiplicity of documents that will retain the sense and the most important aspects while reducing the length considerably, to a size that may be user-defined. One differentiates between extraction-based and abstraction-based summarization. In an extraction-based system, the words and sentences are copied out of the original source without any modification. An abstraction-based summary can compress, fuse or paraphrase sections of the source document. As of today, most summarization systems are extractive. Automatic document summarization technology presents interesting challenges for Natural Language Processing. It works on the basis of coreference resolution, discourse analysis, named entity recognition (NER), information extraction (IE), natural language understanding, topic segmentation and recognition, word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging. This study will overview some current approaches to the implementation of auto summarization technology and discuss the state of the art of the most important NLP tasks involved in them. We will pay particular attention to current methods of sentence extraction and compression for single and multi-document summarization, as these applications are based on theories of syntax and discourse and their implementation therefore requires a solid background in linguistics. Summarization technologies are also used for image collection summarization and video summarization, but the scope of this paper will be limited to document summarization.Diedrichsen, E. (2017). Linguistic challenges in automatic summarization technology. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research. 1(1):40-60. doi:10.4995/jclr.2017.7787.SWORD40601

    Automatic Document Summarization Using Knowledge Based System

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    This dissertation describes a knowledge-based system to create abstractive summaries of documents by generalizing new concepts, detecting main topics and creating new sentences. The proposed system is built on the Cyc development platform that consists of the world’s largest knowledge base and one of the most powerful inference engines. The system is unsupervised and domain independent. Its domain knowledge is provided by the comprehensive ontology of common sense knowledge contained in the Cyc knowledge base. The system described in this dissertation generates coherent and topically related new sentences as a summary for a given document. It uses syntactic structure and semantic features of the given documents to fuse information. It makes use of the knowledge base as a source of domain knowledge. Furthermore, it uses the reasoning engine to generalize novel information. The proposed system consists of three main parts: knowledge acquisition, knowledge discovery, and knowledge representation. Knowledge acquisition derives syntactic structure of each sentence in the document and maps words and their syntactic relationships into Cyc knowledge base. Knowledge discovery abstracts novel concepts, not explicitly mentioned in the document by exploring the ontology of mapped concepts and derives main topics described in the document by clustering the concepts. Knowledge representation creates new English sentences to summarize main concepts and their relationships. The syntactic structure of the newly created sentences is extended beyond simple subject-predicate-object triplets by incorporating adjective and adverb modifiers. This structure allows the system to create sentences that are more complex. The proposed system was implemented and tested. Test results show that the system is capable of creating new sentences that include abstracted concepts not mentioned in the original document and is capable of combining information from different parts of the document text to compose a summary

    Semi-extractive multi-document summarization

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    In this thesis, I design a Maximum Coverage problem with KnaPsack constraint (MCKP) based model for extractive multi-document summarization. The model integrates three measures to detect important sentences including Coverage, rewards sentences in regards to their representative level of the whole document, Relevance, focuses to select sentences that related to the given query, and Compression, rewards concise sentences. To generate a summary, I apply an efficient and scalable greedy algorithm. The algorithm has a near optimal solution when its scoring functions are monotone non-decreasing and submodular. I use DUC 2007 dataset to evaluate our proposed method. Investigating the results using ROUGE package shows improvement over two closely related works. The experimental results illustrates that integrating compression in the MCKP-based model, applying semantic similarity measures to detect Relevance measure and also defining all scoring functions as a monotone submodular function result in having a better performance in generating a summary