14 research outputs found

    Scalable Task-Based Algorithm for Multiplication of Block-Rank-Sparse Matrices

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    A task-based formulation of Scalable Universal Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (SUMMA), a popular algorithm for matrix multiplication (MM), is applied to the multiplication of hierarchy-free, rank-structured matrices that appear in the domain of quantum chemistry (QC). The novel features of our formulation are: (1) concurrent scheduling of multiple SUMMA iterations, and (2) fine-grained task-based composition. These features make it tolerant of the load imbalance due to the irregular matrix structure and eliminate all artifactual sources of global synchronization.Scalability of iterative computation of square-root inverse of block-rank-sparse QC matrices is demonstrated; for full-rank (dense) matrices the performance of our SUMMA formulation usually exceeds that of the state-of-the-art dense MM implementations (ScaLAPACK and Cyclops Tensor Framework).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted to IA3 2015. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0504

    A distributed-memory package for dense Hierarchically Semi-Separable matrix computations using randomization

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    We present a distributed-memory library for computations with dense structured matrices. A matrix is considered structured if its off-diagonal blocks can be approximated by a rank-deficient matrix with low numerical rank. Here, we use Hierarchically Semi-Separable representations (HSS). Such matrices appear in many applications, e.g., finite element methods, boundary element methods, etc. Exploiting this structure allows for fast solution of linear systems and/or fast computation of matrix-vector products, which are the two main building blocks of matrix computations. The compression algorithm that we use, that computes the HSS form of an input dense matrix, relies on randomized sampling with a novel adaptive sampling mechanism. We discuss the parallelization of this algorithm and also present the parallelization of structured matrix-vector product, structured factorization and solution routines. The efficiency of the approach is demonstrated on large problems from different academic and industrial applications, on up to 8,000 cores. This work is part of a more global effort, the STRUMPACK (STRUctured Matrices PACKage) software package for computations with sparse and dense structured matrices. Hence, although useful on their own right, the routines also represent a step in the direction of a distributed-memory sparse solver

    Elemental: A new framework for distributed memory dense matrix computations

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    Abstract Parallelizing dense matrix computations to distributed memory architectures is a well-studied subject and generally considered to be among the best understood domains of parallel computing. Two packages, developed in the mid 1990s, still enjoy regular use: ScaLAPACK and PLAPACK. With the advent of many-core architectures, which may very well take the shape of distributed memory architectures within a single processor, these packages must be revisited since it will likely not be practical to use MPI-based implementations. Thus, this is a good time to review what lessons we have learned since the introduction of these two packages and to propose a simple yet effective alternative. Preliminary performance results show the new solution achieves considerably better performance than the previously developed libraries

    High performance dense linear algebra on a spatially distributed processor

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    As technology trends have limited the performance scaling of conventional processors, industry and academic research has turned to parallel architectures on a single chip, including distributed uniprocessors and multicore chips. This paper examines how to extend the archtypical operation of dense linear algebra, matrix multiply, to an emerging class of uniprocessor architectures characterized by a large number of independent functional units, register banks, and cache banks connected by a 2-D on-chip network. We extend the well known algorithm for matrix multiplication by Goto to this spatially distributed class of uniprocessor and describe the optimizations of the innermost kernel, a systolic-like algorithm running on a general purpose uniprocessor. The resulting implementation yields the first demonstration of high-performance in an application executing on the TRIPS processor hardware, a next-generation distributed processor core. We show that such processors are indeed capable of substantial improvements in single threaded performance provided their spatial topography is taken into account

    Cooperative high-performance computing with FPGAs - matrix multiply case-study

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    In high-performance computing, there is great opportunity for systems that use FPGAs to handle communication while also performing computation on data in transit in an ``altruistic'' manner--that is, using resources for computation that might otherwise be used for communication, and in a way that improves overall system performance and efficiency. We provide a specific definition of \textbf{Computing in the Network} that captures this opportunity. We then outline some overall requirements and guidelines for cooperative computing that include this ability, and make suggestions for specific computing capabilities to be added to the networking hardware in a system. We then explore some algorithms running on a network so equipped for a few specific computing tasks: dense matrix multiplication, sparse matrix transposition and sparse matrix multiplication. In the first instance we give limits of problem size and estimates of performance that should be attainable with present-day FPGA hardware

    Scaling Simulations of Reconfigurable Meshes.

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    This dissertation deals with reconfigurable bus-based models, a new type of parallel machine that uses dynamically alterable connections between processors to allow efficient communication and to perform fast computations. We focus this work on the Reconfigurable Mesh (R-Mesh), one of the most widely studied reconfigurable models. We study the ability of the R-Mesh to adapt an algorithm instance of an arbitrary size to run on a given smaller model size without significant loss of efficiency. A scaling simulation achieves this adaptation, and the simulation overhead expresses the efficiency of the simulation. We construct a scaling simulation for the Fusing-Restricted Reconfigurable Mesh (FR-Mesh), an important restriction of the R-Mesh. The overhead of this simulation depends only on the simulating machine size and not on the simulated machine size. The results of this scaling simulation extend to a variety of concurrent write rules and also translate to an improved scaling simulation of the R-Mesh itself. We present a bus linearization procedure that transforms an arbitrary non-linear bus configuration of an R-Mesh into an equivalent acyclic linear bus configuration implementable on an Linear Reconfigurable Mesh (LR-Mesh), a weaker version of the R-Mesh. This procedure gives the algorithm designer the liberty of using buses of arbitrary shape, while automatically translating the algorithm to run on a simpler platform. We illustrate our bus linearization method through two important applications. The first leads to a faster scaling simulation of the R-Mesh. The second application adapts algorithms designed for R-Meshes to run on models with pipelined optical buses. We also present a simulation of a Directional Reconfigurable Mesh (DR-Mesh) on an LR-Mesh. This simulation has a much better efficiency compared to previous work. In addition to the LR-Mesh, this simulation also runs on models that use pipelined optical buses

    Efficient Node Proximity and Node Significance Computations in Graphs

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    abstract: Node proximity measures are commonly used for quantifying how nearby or otherwise related to two or more nodes in a graph are. Node significance measures are mainly used to find how much nodes are important in a graph. The measures of node proximity/significance have been highly effective in many predictions and applications. Despite their effectiveness, however, there are various shortcomings. One such shortcoming is a scalability problem due to their high computation costs on large size graphs and another problem on the measures is low accuracy when the significance of node and its degree in the graph are not related. The other problem is that their effectiveness is less when information for a graph is uncertain. For an uncertain graph, they require exponential computation costs to calculate ranking scores with considering all possible worlds. In this thesis, I first introduce Locality-sensitive, Re-use promoting, approximate Personalized PageRank (LR-PPR) which is an approximate personalized PageRank calculating node rankings for the locality information for seeds without calculating the entire graph and reusing the precomputed locality information for different locality combinations. For the identification of locality information, I present Impact Neighborhood Indexing (INI) to find impact neighborhoods with nodes' fingerprints propagation on the network. For the accuracy challenge, I introduce Degree Decoupled PageRank (D2PR) technique to improve the effectiveness of PageRank based knowledge discovery, especially considering the significance of neighbors and degree of a given node. To tackle the uncertain challenge, I introduce Uncertain Personalized PageRank (UPPR) to approximately compute personalized PageRank values on uncertainties of edge existence and Interval Personalized PageRank with Integration (IPPR-I) and Interval Personalized PageRank with Mean (IPPR-M) to compute ranking scores for the case when uncertainty exists on edge weights as interval values.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201