5 research outputs found

    Taxonomias e consideraçóes metodológicas sobre testes de usabilidade em sistemas interativos multimídia

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    In this work we present a study that comes to contribute with concepts and taxonornies for the development of a methodology of structuring, implantation and application of Usability Testing on interactive multimedia systems in distance education. The used case study is the » Metodología GIM para la formación a distancia» pro ject developed by the “Grup de Recerca Escola Multimedia UPC”. Previous works such as the selection of bibliographic references and a study about modelling, evaluation and improvement of the software process of this pro ject, were used as support material. The principal discoveries of our research include (1) the proposed taxonomy, and (2) the rnethodological considerations for the proceedings of Usability Testing application in the interactive multimedia systems used in distance education. We comment on the conclusions obtained from analysing the result of this research and we put forward sorne suggestions for future works.Neste artigo apresentarnos um estudo que contribui corn conceitos e taxonomias para o desenvolvimento de urna metodologia de estruturaçdo, irnplantaçdo e aplica çao de Testes de Usabilidade ern sisternas interativos multimídia para a forma çdo a distáncia. O estudo de caso utilizado em nosso trabaiho do pro jeto »Metodología GIM para la formación a distancia» desenvolvido pelo “Grup de Recerca Escola Multimedia UPC’ Trabaihos anteriores como a seleçdo de referéncias bibliográficas e urn estudo sobre modelagem, ayaliaçJo e melhora do processo de software do citado pro jeto, forarn utilizados corno material de apoio. Os principais resultados da nossa pes quisa incluern (1) a taxonornia proposta e (2) as considera çóes metodológicas para os procedirnentos de aplicaçáo dos Testes de Usabilidade ern sistemas interativos multirnídia para a formaçáo a distáncia. Comentamos as conclusóes obtidas através desta pesquisa e as propostas para trabalhos futuros

    The fidelity of prototype and testing environment in usability tests

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    This doctoral thesis investigated what setup of a usability test can best support valid test outcomes. Several aspects of contextual fidelity were manipulated in experimental usability studies, to examine their impact on test results. The first study demonstrated that the medium of prototype presentation has effects on test outcomes, which have not been found in previous research. Using a more hypothesis-driven approach, it was shown that participants exhibited more reading activity when using a paper-based as compared to a computer prototype presented on screen. This resulted in better performance, if task success required reading a short paragraph of text. Consequently, the medium of prototype presentation needs to be considered to avoid that respective usability problems go undetected. A second study demonstrated that additional observers may cause stress for test participants, which can be measured at the physiological level. Some performance indicators were affected, but only in interaction with perceived developmental stage of the test system. A third study investigated the effects of a work or leisure context on the outcome of a usability test. No effects were found for the type of usage context, but even short response time delays proved to be relevant for performance and emotions. Relevant factors for the validity of usability test outcomes were identified and theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Keywords: Usability test; paper prototype; fidelity; observer presence; work and leisure domain; system response time; heart rate variability; validity

    A flexible approach to third-party usability

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