72,586 research outputs found

    Design Issues and Challenges of File Systems for Flash Memories

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    This chapter discusses how to properly address the issues of using NAND flash memories as mass-memory devices from the native file system standpoint. We hope that the ideas and the solutions proposed in this chapter will be a valuable starting point for designers of NAND flash-based mass-memory devices

    Verification of NAND Flash Controller

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    NAND structure-based Flash memory-made SSDs are turning more popular than HDDs in several applications notably in consumer microelectronics devices and enterprise memory storage devices. The NAND controller is the heart of this system. It acts as a bridge for communication between the host system (usually the Personal Computer system) and the NAND Flash memory storage device. Unarguably, it can be said that it is an essential part of the NAND flash-based memory device and it helps to manage the directory containing file systems. The controller is also accountable for managing system features like wear levelling, error code correction (through ECC), and garbage data collection. With Flash memory devices growing larger in storage space and smaller in area or form-factor, the NAND controller design is converting to a smarter one and complex one, too. Notably, this outline is developed to determine a way to check the features and functionalities that the controller residing into the NAND Flash memory controller provides. To do so, the structured verification approach is used which is based on SV/System Verilog

    PIYAS-Proceeding to Intelligent Service Oriented Memory Allocation for Flash Based Data Centric Sensor Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Flash memory has become a more widespread storage medium for modern wireless devices because of its effective characteristics like non-volatility, small size, light weight, fast access speed, shock resistance, high reliability and low power consumption. Sensor nodes are highly resource constrained in terms of limited processing speed, runtime memory, persistent storage, communication bandwidth and finite energy. Therefore, for wireless sensor networks supporting sense, store, merge and send schemes, an efficient and reliable file system is highly required with consideration of sensor node constraints. In this paper, we propose a novel log structured external NAND flash memory based file system, called Proceeding to Intelligent service oriented memorY Allocation for flash based data centric Sensor devices in wireless sensor networks (PIYAS). This is the extended version of our previously proposed PIYA [1]. The main goals of the PIYAS scheme are to achieve instant mounting and reduced SRAM space by keeping memory mapping information to a very low size of and to provide high query response throughput by allocation of memory to the sensor data by network business rules. The scheme intelligently samples and stores the raw data and provides high in-network data availability by keeping the aggregate data for a longer period of time than any other scheme has done before. We propose effective garbage collection and wear-leveling schemes as well. The experimental results show that PIYAS is an optimized memory management scheme allowing high performance for wireless sensor networks

    Efficient and Reliable Task Scheduling, Network Reprogramming, and Data Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of a large number of resource-constrained nodes. The limited computational resources afforded by these nodes present unique development challenges. In this dissertation, we consider three such challenges. The first challenge focuses on minimizing energy usage in WSNs through intelligent duty cycling. Limited energy resources dictate the design of many embedded applications, causing such systems to be composed of small, modular tasks, scheduled periodically. In this model, each embedded device wakes, executes a task-set, and returns to sleep. These systems spend most of their time in a state of deep sleep to minimize power consumption. We refer to these systems as almost-always-sleeping (AAS) systems. We describe a series of task schedulers for AAS systems designed to maximize sleep time. We consider four scheduler designs, model their performance, and present detailed performance analysis results under varying load conditions. The second challenge focuses on a fast and reliable network reprogramming solution for WSNs based on incremental code updates. We first present VSPIN, a framework for developing incremental code update mechanisms to support efficient reprogramming of WSNs. VSPIN provides a modular testing platform on the host system to plug-in and evaluate various incremental code update algorithms. The framework supports Avrdude, among the most popular Linux-based programming tools for AVR microcontrollers. Using VSPIN, we next present an incremental code update strategy to efficiently reprogram wireless sensor nodes. We adapt a linear space and quadratic time algorithm (Hirschberg\u27s Algorithm) for computing maximal common subsequences to build an edit map specifying an edit sequence required to transform the code running in a sensor network to a new code image. We then present a heuristic-based optimization strategy for efficient edit script encoding to reduce the edit map size. Finally, we present experimental results exploring the reduction in data size that it enables. The approach achieves reductions of 99.987% for simple changes, and between 86.95% and 94.58% for more complex changes, compared to full image transmissions - leading to significantly lower energy costs for wireless sensor network reprogramming. The third challenge focuses on enabling fast and reliable data storage in wireless sensor systems. A file storage system that is fast, lightweight, and reliable across device failures is important to safeguard the data that these devices record. A fast and efficient file system enables sensed data to be sampled and stored quickly and batched for later transmission. A reliable file system allows seamless operation without disruptions due to hardware, software, or other unforeseen failures. While flash technology provides persistent storage by itself, it has limitations that prevent it from being used in mission-critical deployment scenarios. Hybrid memory models which utilize newer non-volatile memory technologies, such as ferroelectric RAM (FRAM), can mitigate the physical disadvantages of flash. In this vein, we present the design and implementation of LoggerFS, a fast, lightweight, and reliable file system for wireless sensor networks, which uses a hybrid memory design consisting of RAM, FRAM, and flash. LoggerFS is engineered to provide fast data storage, have a small memory footprint, and provide data reliability across system failures. LoggerFS adapts a log-structured file system approach, augmented with data persistence and reliability guarantees. A caching mechanism allows for flash wear-leveling and fast data buffering. We present a performance evaluation of LoggerFS using a prototypical in-situ sensing platform and demonstrate between 50% and 800% improvements for various workloads using the FRAM write-back cache over the implementation without the cache

    Integration of Non-volatile Memory into Storage Hierarchy

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    In this dissertation, we present novel approaches for integrating non-volatile memory devices into storage hierarchy of a computer system. There are several types of non- volatile memory devices, such as flash memory, Phase Change Memory (PCM), Spin- transfer torque memory (STT-RAM). These devices have many appealing features for applications; however, they also offer several challenges. This dissertation is focused on how to efficiently integrate these non-volatile memories into existing memory and disk storage systems. This work is composed of two major parts. The first part investigates a main-memory system employing Phase Change Memory instead of traditional DRAM. Compared to DRAM, PCM has higher density and no static power consumption, which are very important factors for building large capacity memory systems. However, PCM has higher write latency and power consumption compared to read operations. Moreover, PCM has limited write endurance. To efficiently integrate PCM into a memory system, we have to solve the challenges brought by its expensive write operations. We propose new replacement policies and cache organizations for the last-level CPU cache, which can effectively reduce the write traffic to the PCM main memory. We evaluated our design with multiple workloads and configurations. The results show that the proposed approaches improve the lifetime and energy consumption of PCM significantly. The second part of the dissertation considers the design of a data/disk storage using non-volatile memories, e.g. flash memory, PCM and nonvolatile DIMMs. We consider multiple design options for utilizing the nonvolatile memories in the storage hierarchy. First, we consider a system that employs nonvolatile memories such as PCM or nonvolatile DIMMs on memory bus along with flash-based SSDs. We propose a hybrid file system, NVMFS, that manages both these devices. NVMFS exploits the nonvolatile memory to improve the characteristics of the write workload at the SSD. We satisfy most small random write requests on the fast nonvolatile DIMM and only do large and optimized writes on SSD. We also group data of similar update patterns together before writing to flash-SSD; as a result, we can effectively reduce the garbage collection overhead. We implemented a prototype of NVMFS in Linux and evaluated its performance through multiple benchmarks. Secondly, we consider the problem of using flash memory as a cache for a disk drive based storage system. Since SSDs are expensive, a few SSDs are designed to serve as a cache for a large number of disk drives. SSD cache space can be used for both read and write requests. In our design, we managed multiple flash-SSD devices directly at the cache layer without the help of RAID software. To ensure data reliability and cache space efficiency, we only duplicated dirty data on flash- SSDs. We also balanced the write endurance of different flash-SSDs. As a result, no single SSD will fail much earlier than the others. Thirdly, when using PCM-like devices only as data storage, it’s possible to exploit memory management hardware resources to improve file system performance. However, in this case, PCM may share critical system resources such as the TLB, page table with DRAM which can potentially impact PCM’s performance. To solve this problem, we proposed to employ superpages to reduce the pressure on memory management resources. As a result, the file system performance is further improved

    High-Performance Low-Overhead Stochastic Wear Leveling of Flash Memory By Comparing Age of a Block with Age of a Randomly Selected Block

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    This publication describes systems and techniques to implement a stochastic-based wear leveling scheme for block erasures to extend the usable life of flash memory and other types of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Some existing approaches for wear leveling are resource intensive and may be merged with a file system that also attempts to distribute write operations, which impacts both the write distribution and the erasure wear leveling. In contrast, described systems and techniques can be implemented separately from file system routines, including at the hardware level. Initially, a block of a memory is identified for erasure. The erasure age of the identified block is compared to a first threshold, which is based on an average age of the blocks across the memory. A targeted block is determined using a random process. The erasure age of the targeted block is compared to a second threshold, which is based on the erasure age of the identified block. If both comparisons are positive, the data of the targeted block is moved to the identified block to promote wear leveling, the targeted block is erased, and a mapping table is updated to reflect the block-address swap. If not, block-address swapping is skipped for this erasure operation. In these manners, the described wear leveling scheme can be implemented efficiently and can approach optimum wear leveling performance

    Implementing Transparent Compression and Leveraging Solid State Disks in a High Performance Parallel File System

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    In recent years computers have been increasing in compute density and speed at a dramatic pace. This increase allows for massively parallel programs to run faster than ever before. Unfortunately, many such programs are being held back by the relatively slow I/O subsystems that they are forced to work with. Storage technology simply has not followed the same curve of progression in the computing world. Because the storage systems are so slow in comparison the processors are forced to idle while waiting for data; a potentially performance crippling condition. This performance disparity is lessened by the advent of parallel file systems. Such file systems allow data to be spread across multiple servers and disks. High speed networking allows for large amounts of bandwidth to and from the file system with relatively low latency. This arrangement allows for very large increases in sustained read and write speeds on large files although performance of the file system can be hampered if an application spends most of its time working on small data sets and files. In recent years there has also been an unprecedented forward shift in high performance I/O systems through the widespread development and deployment of NAND Flash-based solid state disks (SSDs). SSDs offer many advantages over traditional platter-based hard disk drives (HDDs) but also suffer from very specific disadvantages due to their use of Flash memory as a storage medium as well as use of a hardware flash translation layer (FTL). The advantages of SSDs are numerous: faster random and sequential access times, higher I/O operations per second} (IOPS), and much lower power consumption in both idle and load scenarios. SSDs also tend to have a much longer mean time between failure (MTBF); an advantage that can be attributed to their complete lack of moving parts. Two key things prevent SSDs from widespread mass storage deployment: storage capacity and cost per gigabyte. Enterprise level SSDs that utilize single-level cell (SLC) Flash are orders of magnitude more expensive per gigabyte than their enterprise class HDD counterparts (which are also higher capacity per drive). Because of this disparity we propose utilizing relatively small SSDs in conjunction with high capacity HDD arrays in parallel file systems like OrangeFS (previously known as the Parallel Virtual File System, or PVFS). The access latencies and bandwidth of SSDs make them an ideal medium for storing file metadata in a parallel file system. These same characteristics also make them ideal for integration as a persistent server-side cache. We also introduce a method of transparently compressing file data in striped parallel file systems for high-performance streaming reads and writes with increased storage capacity to combat rising checkpoint sizes and bandwidth requirements

    Storage Systems for Non-volatile Memory Devices

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    This dissertation presents novel approaches to the use of non-volatile memory devices in building storage systems. There are many types of non-volatile memory devices, and they usually have better performance than regular magnetic hard disks in terms of throughput and latency. This dissertation focused on two of them, NAND flash memory and Phase Change Memory (PCM). This work consisted of two parts. The first part was to design a high-performance hybrid storage system employing Solid State Drives that are build out of NAND flash memory and Hard Disk Drives. In this hybrid system, we proposed two different policies to improve its performance. One is to exploit the fact that the performances of Solid State Drive and Hard Disk Drive are asymmetric and the other is to exploit concurrency on multiple devices. We implemented prototypes in Linux and evaluate both policies in multiple workloads and multiple configurations. The results showed that the proposed approaches improve the performance significantly, and adapt to different configurations of the system under different workloads. The second part was to implement a file system on a special class of memory devices, Storage Class Memory (SCM), which is both byte addressable and also nonvolatile, e.g. PCM. We claimed that both the existing regular file systems and the memory based file systems are not suitable for SCM, and proposed a new file system, called SCMFS, which is implemented on the virtual address space. In SCMFS, we utilized the existing memory management module in the operating system to do the block management. Our design keeps address space within a file contiguous to reduce the block management software. The simplicity of SCMFS not only makes it easy to implement, but also improves the performance. We implemented a prototype of SCMFS in Linux and evaluated its performance through multiple benchmarks

    Exploring Optimization Opportunities in Non-Volatile Memory Systems

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    Modern storage systems utilize Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) to reduce the performance and density gap between memory and storage. NVMs are a broad class of storage technologies, including flash-based SSDs, Phase Change Memory (PCM), Spin-Transfer-Torque Random Access-Memory (STTRAM). These devices offer low latency, fast I/Os, persistent writes, and large storage capacity compared to volatile DRAM. However, researchers are still working on the possibility of building systems that can leverage these NVMs to deliver low latency and high throughput to applications. Conventional systems were designed to persist data on hard drives, which has higher latency than NVM devices. Hence, in this work, we intend to explore opportunities to improve performance and reliability in the NVM based systems. One class of NVM devices that are placed on the memory bus is Persistent Memory (PM). Examples of PM technologies include 3D XPoint, NVDIMMs. Applications need to be modified to use the PM devices, which requires a lot of human effort and could lead to programming errors. Hence, reliability is also necessary to build systems to utilize the PM. Additionally, as persisted data is expected to be recoverable systems in case of a crash, PM applications are responsible for providing that reliability support at the application level instead of relying on the file system. In this work, we evaluate the performance of popular key-value store RocksDB that is optimized for flash storage and also the reliability guarantees provided by recent works, which provides the testing framework for determining crash-consistency bugs in PM systems. Based on this analysis, we also present some opportunities to optimize performance and reliability in NVM systems