1,151 research outputs found

    Fingerprint Verification Using Spectral Minutiae Representations

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    Most fingerprint recognition systems are based on the use of a minutiae set, which is an unordered collection of minutiae locations and orientations suffering from various deformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling. The spectral minutiae representation introduced in this paper is a novel method to represent a minutiae set as a fixed-length feature vector, which is invariant to translation, and in which rotation and scaling become translations, so that they can be easily compensated for. These characteristics enable the combination of fingerprint recognition systems with template protection schemes that require a fixed-length feature vector. This paper introduces the concept of algorithms for two representation methods: the location-based spectral minutiae representation and the orientation-based spectral minutiae representation. Both algorithms are evaluated using two correlation-based spectral minutiae matching algorithms. We present the performance of our algorithms on three fingerprint databases. We also show how the performance can be improved by using a fusion scheme and singular points

    3-D Face Analysis and Identification Based on Statistical Shape Modelling

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    This paper presents an effective method of statistical shape representation for automatic face analysis and identification in 3-D. The method combines statistical shape modelling techniques and the non-rigid deformation matching scheme. This work is distinguished by three key contributions. The first is the introduction of a new 3-D shape registration method using hierarchical landmark detection and multilevel B-spline warping technique, which allows accurate dense correspondence search for statistical model construction. The second is the shape representation approach, based on Laplacian Eigenmap, which provides a nonlinear submanifold that links underlying structure of facial data. The third contribution is a hybrid method for matching the statistical model and test dataset which controls the levels of the model’s deformation at different matching stages and so increases chance of the successful matching. The proposed method is tested on the public database, BU-3DFE. Results indicate that it can achieve extremely high verification rates in a series of tests, thus providing real-world practicality

    Facilitating sensor interoperability and incorporating quality in fingerprint matching systems

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    This thesis addresses the issues of sensor interoperability and quality in the context of fingerprints and makes a three-fold contribution. The first contribution is a method to facilitate fingerprint sensor interoperability that involves the comparison of fingerprint images originating from multiple sensors. The proposed technique models the relationship between images acquired by two different sensors using a Thin Plate Spline (TPS) function. Such a calibration model is observed to enhance the inter-sensor matching performance on the MSU dataset containing images from optical and capacitive sensors. Experiments indicate that the proposed calibration scheme improves the inter-sensor Genuine Accept Rate (GAR) by 35% to 40% at a False Accept Rate (FAR) of 0.01%. The second contribution is a technique to incorporate the local image quality information in the fingerprint matching process. Experiments on the FVC 2002 and 2004 databases suggest the potential of this scheme to improve the matching performance of a generic fingerprint recognition system. The final contribution of this thesis is a method for classifying fingerprint images into 3 categories: good, dry and smudged. Such a categorization would assist in invoking different image processing or matching schemes based on the nature of the input fingerprint image. A classification rate of 97.45% is obtained on a subset of the FVC 2004 DB1 database

    Asynchronous processing for latent fingerprint identification on heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems

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    Latent fingerprint identification is one of the most essential identification procedures in criminal investigations. Addressing this task is challenging as (i) it requires analyzing massive databases in reasonable periods and (ii) it is commonly solved by combining different methods with very complex data-dependencies, which make fully exploiting heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems very complex. Most efforts in this context focus on improving the accuracy of the approaches and neglect reducing the processing time. Indeed, the most accurate approach was designed for one single thread. This work introduces the fastest methodology for latent fingerprint identification maintaining high accuracy called Asynchronous processing for Latent Fingerprint Identification (ALFI). ALFI fully exploits all the resources of CPU-GPU systems using asynchronous processing and fine-coarse parallelism for analyzing massive databases. Our approach reduces idle times in processing and exploits the inherent parallelism of comparing latent fingerprints to fingerprint impressions. We analyzed the performance of ALFI on Linux and Windows operating systems using the well-known NIST/FVC databases. Experimental results reveal that ALFI is in average 22x faster than the state-of-the-art algorithm, reaching a value of 44.7x for the best-studied case