33 research outputs found

    Alternative approaches to measurement of ground vibrations due to the vibratory roller: A pilot study

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    At present, one of the primary tasks of the construction industry is to build transport infrastructure. This concerns both the construction of new bypasses of towns and the repair of existing roads, which are damaged by congestion, especially by freight transport. Whether it is a new building or a reconstruction, it is always very important to choose a suitable method of subsoil treatment. One of the most commonly used methods for soil treatment is currently compaction using vibratory rollers. This method is very effective both in terms of results and due to its low financial demands compared to other methods. Vibration is transmitted to the surrounding rock environment when compacting the subsoil using vibratory rollers. Although the intensity of these vibrations is not as pronounced as in other methods of subsoil treatment, such vibrations can have a significant effect, for example during compaction in urban areas or in an area with the presence of historical objects. Therefore, it is very advisable to monitor the effect of these vibrations on the environment during construction. This paper brings an original experimental comparative study of standard seismic instrumentation with a developed interferometric sensor for the field of monitoring vibrations generated during compaction of subsoil using vibrating rollers. The paper presents time and frequency domain results, as well as attenuation curves, which represent real attenuation of vibrations in a given rock environment. The results presented here show that a system operating on a different physical principle from the one used at present has the potential to replace the existing, very expensive, seismic equipment.Web of Science1924art. no. 542

    Development of a distributed optical fiber sensor for geological applications

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor for monitoring ground subsidence before collapse sinkholes form causing costly damage on infrastructure. Costs in excess of R1.3 billion have been incurred while dealing with sinkhole related measures in South Africa. Monitoring sinkholes and the presence of an early warning alert system can drastically reduce the impact, risk and cost caused by sudden ground collapse. A related goal was to construct a reliable collapse alert early warning system to facilitate disaster preparedness and avoid further damage from accidents. This was achieved by developing a spectroscopic shift monitoring algorithm which analysed changes in the subsurface vibration modes using ambient noise signals. For the first time to our knowledge, an optic fiber sensor with an early warning alarm, using ambient noise vibrations to detect and monitor sinkholes was developed at NMU. A polarisation-based, interferometric optical fiber seismic sensor was developed and compared to a commercial geophone. The fiber sensor exhibited superior performance in sensitivity, bandwidth, signal response and recovery times. The sensitivity of the optical fiber sensor was 0.47 rad/Pa surpassing the geophone sensitivity by 9.32%, and the bandwidth of 3.349kHz was 20 times greater for the optical fiber sensor. The fiber sensor was used to measure millisecond events as the impact duration of a bouncing ball was successfully obtained. It was used to detect sinkhole formation in the simulator model, designed. Ground collapse precursors were identified, and early warning alert was achieved using the spectral analysis algorithm, developed. The collapse precursor condition was identified as a functional combination of variations in the peak frequency, bandwidth and peak intensity. A distributed acoustic sensor was built to detect ambient noise induced subsurface signals. Vibrations were located along the 28km length of optical fiber with a relative error of 9.6%. The sensor demonstrated a frequency response range of 212.25Hz, an event distance precision of 224m with time resolution of 1.12µs, and a spatial resolution of 1km. The position of disturbance was measured within 300m of its actual point of 3.21km along the optical fiber. The results showed that distributed optical fiber sensing allows real-time monitoring of the subsurface over extended distances, using ambient noise signals.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, School of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, 202


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    Geophones have become the industry standard for seismic data collection. However, a relatively new method is gaining popularity called Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). DAS uses changes in backscattered light of a fiber-optic cable to detect strain from acoustic energy. The purpose of this project was to make a direct comparison between DAS and three component geophones, specifically in a mining setting. Experiments were done in the Underground Education Mining Center on the campus of Montana Tech. The sources used for this project were vertical sledgehammer shots, oriented shear sledgehammer shots, and blasting caps set off in both unstemmed and stemmed drillholes. Although the explosives performed the best for the geophones, the large amount of energy and its close distance from the fiber seemed to compromise the entire fiber loop. In a one to one comparison, the underground hammer shots seemed to produce data that was a rough match between the DAS traces and the geophone traces. However, the shots on the surface of the mine, specifically the shots oriented inline with the cable, seemed be close to an exact match between trace of the fiber and traces of the geophones. The data suggest that DAS is most useful when the fiber can be oriented in the same direction as particle motion from whatever source is used, whereas the three component geophones can accurately capture data from all sources

    Development of a distributed optical fiber sensor for geological applications

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    The purpose of the study was to develop a distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor for monitoring ground subsidence before collapse sinkholes form causing costly damage on infrastructure. Costs in excess of R1.3 billion have been incurred while dealing with sinkhole related measures in South Africa. Monitoring sinkholes and the presence of an early warning alert system can drastically reduce the impact, risk and cost caused by sudden ground collapse. A related goal was to construct a reliable collapse alert early warning system to facilitate disaster preparedness and avoid further damage from accidents. This was achieved by developing a spectroscopic shift monitoring algorithm which analysed changes in the subsurface vibration modes using ambient noise signals. For the first time to our knowledge, an optic fiber sensor with an early warning alarm, using ambient noise vibrations to detect and monitor sinkholes was developed at NMU. A polarisation-based, interferometric optical fiber seismic sensor was developed and compared to a commercial geophone. The fiber sensor exhibited superior performance in sensitivity, bandwidth, signal response and recovery times. The sensitivity of the optical fiber sensor was 0.47 rad/Pa surpassing the geophone sensitivity by 9.32%, and the bandwidth of 3.349kHz was 20 times greater for the optical fiber sensor. The fiber sensor was used to measure millisecond events as the impact duration of a bouncing ball was successfully obtained. It was used to detect sinkhole formation in the simulator model, designed. Ground collapse precursors were identified, and early warning alert was achieved using the spectral analysis algorithm, developed. The collapse precursor condition was identified as a functional combination of variations in the peak frequency, bandwidth and peak intensity. A distributed acoustic sensor was built to detect ambient noise induced subsurface signals. Vibrations were located along the 28km length of optical fiber with a relative error of 9.6%. The sensor demonstrated a frequency response range of 212.25Hz, an event distance precision of 224m with time resolution of 1.12µs, and a spatial resolution of 1km. The position of disturbance was measured within 300m of its actual point of 3.21km along the optical fiber. The results showed that distributed optical fiber sensing allows real-time monitoring of the subsurface over extended distances, using ambient noise signals.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, School of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, 202

    Comparative in situ study of dynamic load generated by gravel piles measured by a fiber-optic interferometer

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    Currently, all the technology used for seismic monitoring is based on sensors in the electrical domain. There are, however, other physical principles that may enable and fully replace existing devices in the future. This paper introduces one of these approaches, namely the field of fiber optics, which has great potential to be fully applied in the field of vibration measurement. The proposed solution uses a Michelson fiber-optic interferometer designed without polarization fading and with an operationally passive demodulation technique using three mutually phase-shifted optical outputs. Standard instrumentation commonly used in the field of seismic monitoring in geotechnical engineering was used as a reference. Comparative measurements were carried out during the implementation of gravel piles, which represents a significant source of vibration. For the correlation of the data obtained, the linear dependence previously verified in laboratory measurements was used. The presented results show that the correlation is also highly favorable (correlation coefficient in excess of 0.9) from the values measured in situ, with an average deviation for the oscillation velocity amplitude of the optical sensor not exceeding 0.0052.Web of Science2215art. no. 557

    TRA of DigiMon components

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    The DigiMon project aims to develop an affordable, flexible, societally embedded and smart monitoring system for industrial scale subsurface CO2 storage. For this purpose, the DigiMon system is to combine various types of measurements in integrated workflows. In this report, we describe the process of conducting the Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) of various measurement techniques. We report on the identification, description and assessment of these measurement techniques as Critical Technology Elements (CTEs) being part of the DigiMon system

    Optical Fiber Interferometric Sensors

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    The contributions presented in this book series portray the advances of the research in the field of interferometric photonic technology and its novel applications. The wide scope explored by the range of different contributions intends to provide a synopsis of the current research trends and the state of the art in this field, covering recent technological improvements, new production methodologies and emerging applications, for researchers coming from different fields of science and industry. The manuscripts published in the Special issue, and re-printed in this book series, report on topics that range from interferometric sensors for thickness and dynamic displacement measurement, up to pulse wave and spirometry applications

    Temporal integration of loudness as a function of level

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