8 research outputs found

    A Fiber Bragg Grating—Bimetal Temperature Sensor for Solar Panel Inverters

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    This paper reports the design, characterization and implementation of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)-based temperature sensor for an Insulted-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) in a solar panel inverter. The FBG is bonded to the higher Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) side of a bimetallic strip to increase its sensitivity. Characterization results show a linear relationship between increasing temperature and the wavelength shift. It is found that the sensitivity of the sensor can be categorized into three characterization temperature regions between 26 °C and 90 °C. The region from 41 °C to 90 °C shows the highest sensitivity, with a value of 14 pm/°C. A new empirical model that considers both temperature and strain effects has been developed for the sensor. Finally, the FBG-bimetal temperature sensor is placed in a solar panel inverter and results confirm that it can be used for real-time monitoring of the IGBT temperature

    Perancangan sensor temperatur tinggi berbasis fiber bragg grating (FBG) tipe bimetal

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    Temperatur merupakan salah satu parameter fisis yang sangat penting didalam menjelaskan kondisi suatu lingkungan. Selama ini, telah banyak dikembangkan sensor temperatur baik berbasis pemuaian, resistansi bahan, maupun berbasis optik. Telah dirancang dan dibuat sensor temperatur tinggi berbasis Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) tipe bimetal. Tujuan penggunaan bimetal yang ditempel pada FBG adalah untuk meningkatkan sensitifitas dari sensor. FBG yang digunakan adalah FBG dengan bahan polymide dan panjang gelombang Bragg 1550 nm. Penelitian ini dibagi atas dua tahapan yaitu mengkarakterisasi FBG akibat pengaruh temperatur dan mengkarakterisasi sensor temperatur berbasis FBG tipe bimetal. Prinsip kerja dari kedua tahapan penelitian ini adalah mengukur pergeseran panjang gelombang Bragg


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    The research has done by using length scratch variations on the fiber optic multimode (FOM) with the intention of temperature sensor. The length scratch variations which have conducted were 5 centimeter and 7 centimeter. Some variations such length scratches would be seen by using FOM sensitivity which have sufficed temperature sensor specification. This experiment was began thought applying voltage of 12 volt from power supply to the sensor BF5RD-1-N Fiber Optic Amplifier. As per the sensor which has been resulted by laser beam. It would be transmitted to the FOM and it would be accepted again by the certain sensor which has a function as a receiver such voltage ration (dB). According to the voltage ratio, it would be calibrated with the specific temperature by using thermometer. As per the experiment, the research pointed out that there is a correlation between dB which has received by sensor and temperature’s alterations from FOM. The result of the experiment found out that if scratches become bigger from the FOM, it would make voltage ratio becomes fewer. The FOM’s linearity which has pointed out such as 0,996 and 0,989 for 5 centimeter and 0,996 and 0,965 for 7 centimeter. It can be concluded that the FOM’s sensitivity which compatible with temperature sensor is scratch along 5 centimeter

    Development of a multi-point temperature fiber sensor based on a serial array of optical fiber interferometers

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    M.Ing. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)An experimental study of a multi-point optic fibre sensor for monitoring temperature changes is presented. The multi-point optic fibre sensor is made of a serial array of weak-reflectivity identical gratings. The weak-reflectivity identical gratings form the interferometric cavities UV printed on the single mode fibre. The ability to measure temperatures changes at different cavities along the serial array is particularly interesting for the monitoring of power transformers, high temperature furnaces and jet engines. Changes in temperature in each respective cavity is measured based on the spectral shift in the phase of the light from each respective cavity. The performance of the multi-point fibre sensor system is evaluated. Further, a theoretical and experimental investigation of a serial array composed of two cavities of different lengths is conducted. This investigation is aimed at measuring the impact of the overlap of the two distinct cavities in their respective frequency domain and determining the accuracy of the measurement. The result found shows that the sensor phase response is no more linear to temperature changes. It is also found that the nonlinear response of the sensor to temperature changes increases with the magnitude of the overlap

    Estudo térmico da excitatriz estática do gerador da usina hidrelétrica derivação do Rio Jordão usando sensores a fibra ótica

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    This work aims to study the static exciter thermal behavior of the hydroelectric power plant Rio Jordão (UHEDRJ) using fiber Bragg gratings as temperature sensor. The components of the static exciter are presented, with a focus on three-phase thyristor controlled bridge rectifier. The calibration allows knowing the errors and uncertainties of the sensors and the greatest uncertainty contributions due to dispersion of the samples and adjusting the curves by the method of minimun squares. The static exciter instrumentation allows performed the tests in various operating conditions of the generating unit: starting unit, excitation empty (with the generator energized but not connected to the grid); excited and synchronized (energized and synchronized with the power grid), ramp load to rated load and the unit stopped. The tests allow to estimate the thermal behavior of the bridge rectifier, temperature variations of each thyristor in the panel and how occur the thermal dissipation.Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender o comportamento térmico da excitatriz estática da Usina Hidrelétrica Derivação do Rio Jordão (UHEDRJ), empregando redes de Bragg em fibra ótica como sensor de temperatura. São apresentados os componentes da excitatriz estática, com foco na ponte retificadora trifásica controlada a tiristores. Com a calibração pôde-se conhecer os erros e incertezas dos sensores, tendo as maiores contribuições de incerteza devidas à dispersão das amostras e ajuste das curvas pelo método dos mínimos quadrados. A instrumentação da excitatriz estática permite que sejam realizados ensaios em diversas condições de operação da unidade geradora: partida da unidade, excitação a vazio, ou seja, com o gerador energizado, mas sem estar conectado ao sistema elétrico; excitada e sincronizada, ou seja, gerador energizado e sincronizado com o sistema elétrico; rampa de carga até a carga nominal e parada da unidade. Os ensaios realizados permitem estimar o comportamento térmico da ponte retificadora, variações de temperatura de cada tiristor no painel e como ocorrem as dissipações térmicas

    NASA Tech Briefs, May 1996

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    Topics include: Video and Imaging;Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Report

    Cumulative index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1970-1975

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    Tech briefs of technology derived from the research and development activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are presented. Abstracts and indexes of subject, personal author, originating center, and tech brief number for the 1970-1975 tech briefs are presented