380 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Reengineering of Model-View-Controller Application Architectures Using Linked Data

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    When a legacy system’s software architecture cannot be redesigned, implementing additional privacy requirements is often complex, unreliable and costly to maintain. This paper presents a privacy-by-design approach to reengineer web applications as linked data-enabled and implement access control and privacy preservation properties. The method is based on the knowledge of the application architecture, which for the Web of data is commonly designed on the basis of a model-view-controller pattern. Whereas wrapping techniques commonly used to link data of web applications duplicate the security source code, the new approach allows for the controlled disclosure of an application’s data, while preserving non-functional properties such as privacy preservation. The solution has been implemented and compared with existing linked data frameworks in terms of reliability, maintainability and complexity

    Uso de riscos na validação de sistemas baseados em componentes

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    Orientadores: Eliane Martins, Henrique Santos do Carmo MadeiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A sociedade moderna está cada vez mais dependente dos serviços prestados pelos computadores e, conseqüentemente, dependente do software que está sendo executado para prover estes serviços. Considerando a tendência crescente do desenvolvimento de produtos de software utilizando componentes reutilizáveis, a dependabilidade do software, ou seja, a segurança de que o software irá funcionar adequadamente, recai na dependabilidade dos componentes que são integrados. Os componentes são normalmente adquiridos de terceiros ou produzidos por outras equipes de desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, os critérios utilizados na fase de testes dos componentes dificilmente estão disponíveis. A falta desta informação aliada ao fato de se estar utilizando um componente que não foi produzido para o sistema e o ambiente computacional específico faz com que a reutilização de componentes apresente um risco para o sistema que os integra. Estudos tradicionais do risco de um componente de software definem dois fatores que caracteriza o risco, a probabilidade de existir uma falha no componente e o impacto que isso causa no sistema computacional. Este trabalho propõe o uso da análise do risco para selecionar pontos de injeção e monitoração para campanhas de injeção de falhas. Também propõe uma abordagem experimental para a avaliação do risco de um componente para um sistema. Para se estimar a probabilidade de existir uma falha no componente, métricas de software foram combinadas num modelo estatístico. O impacto da manifestação de uma falha no sistema foi estimado experimentalmente utilizando a injeção de falhas. Considerando esta abordagem, a avaliação do risco se torna genérica e repetível embasando-se em medidas bem definidas. Dessa forma, a metodologia pode ser utilizada como um benchmark de componentes quanto ao risco e pode ser utilizada quando é preciso escolher o melhor componente para um sistema computacional, entre os vários componentes que provêem a mesma funcionalidade. Os resultados obtidos na aplicação desta abordagem em estudos de casos nos permitiram escolher o melhor componente, considerando diversos objetivos e necessidades dos usuáriosAbstract: Today's societies have become increasingly dependent on information services. A corollary is that we have also become increasingly dependent on computer software products that provide such services. The increasing tendency of software development to employ reusable components means that software dependability has become even more reliant on the dependability of integrated components. Components are usually acquired from third parties or developed by unknown development teams. In this way, the criteria employed in the testing phase of components-based systems are hardly ever been available. This lack of information, coupled with the use of components that are not specifically developed for a particular system and computational environment, makes components reutilization risky for the integrating system. Traditional studies on the risk of software components suggest that two aspects must be considered when risk assessment tests are performed, namely the probability of residual fault in software component, and the probability of such fault activation and impact on the computational system. The present work proposes the use of risk analysis to select the injection and monitoring points for fault injection campaigns. It also proposes an experimental approach to evaluate the risk a particular component may represent to a system. In order to determine the probability of a residual fault in the component, software metrics are combined in a statistical mode!. The impact of fault activation is estimated using fault injection. Through this experimental approach, risk evaluation becomes replicable and buttressed on well-defined measurements. In this way, the methodology can be used as a components' risk benchmark, and can be employed when it is necessary to choose the most suitable among several functionally-similar components for a particular computational system. The results obtained in the application of this approach to specific case studies allowed us to choose the best component in each case, without jeopardizing the diverse objectives and needs of their usersDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    SIP servlets-based service provisioning in MANETs

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    Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) are a part of the fourth generation networks vision. They are new wireless networks having transient mobile nodes with no need for a pre-installed infrastructure. They are of utmost interest for the future networks owing to their flexibility, effortlessness of deployment and related low cost. They come in two flavours: standalone MANETs and integrated with the conventional 3G network. Providing value-added services is the core concept of several paradigms and has been extensively studied in legacy network. However, providing such services in MANETs is a challenging process. Indeed, MANETs are known for their heterogeneous devices, limited resources, dynamic topology and frequent disconnections/connections. New SIP based solutions for signalling and media handling in these networks are emerging. Furthermore, SIP is the primary protocol for 3G networks. Therefore, SIP servlets become a promising paradigm for service provisioning in MANETs. This thesis addresses the service provisioning aspects in both standalone MANETs and integrated 3G/MANETs. The SIP servlets framework is considered as the starting point while Multihop Cellular Networks (MCNs), the widely studied networks, are used as an example of integrated 3G/MANETs. Background information is provided, architectures requirements are derived and related work is reviewed. A novel business model is proposed for service provision in standalone MANETs. The business model defines the business roles and the relationship and interfaces between them. We also propose a service invocation and execution architecture implementing the business model. The solution is based on overlay network and a distribution scheme of the SIP servlets engine. The overlay network enables self-organization and self-recovery to take into account MANETs characteristics. As for the integrated 3G/MANETs we propose high level architectural alternatives for service provisioning in MCNs. We identify the most interesting alternatives from the network operator point of view and proposed a detailed and concrete architecture for the promising alternative. Overall architecture, functional entities and procedures are presented. During this work, we built prototypes as proof-of-concept and made preliminary performance measurements, used SPIN as protocol validation tool and adopted OPNET for simulation. The results show that we can provide services in MANETs as we do in conventional networks with reasonable performance

    Putting Teeth into Open Architectures: Infrastructure for Reducing the Need for Retesting

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    Proceedings Paper (for Acquisition Research Program)The Navy is currently implementing the open-architecture framework for developing joint interoperable systems that adapt and exploit open-system design principles and architectures. This raises concerns about how to practically achieve dependability in software-intensive systems with many possible configurations when: 1) the actual configuration of the system is subject to frequent and possibly rapid change, and 2) the environment of typical reusable subsystems is variable and unpredictable. Our preliminary investigations indicate that current methods for achieving dependability in open architectures are insufficient. Conventional methods for testing are suited for stovepipe systems and depend strongly on the assumptions that the environment of a typical system is fixed and known in detail to the quality-assurance team at test and evaluation time. This paper outlines new approaches to quality assurance and testing that are better suited for providing affordable reliability in open architectures, and explains some of the additional technical features that an Open Architecture must have in order to become a Dependable Open Architecture.Naval Postgraduate School Acquisition Research ProgramApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    SAVCBS 2004 Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems: Workshop Proceedings

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    This is the proceedings of the 2004 SAVCBS workshop. The workshop is concerned with how formal (i.e., mathematical) techniques can be or should be used to establish a suitable foundation for the specification and verification of component-based systems. Component-based systems are a growing concern for the software engineering community. Specification and reasoning techniques are urgently needed to permit composition of systems from components. Component-based specification and verification is also vital for scaling advanced verification techniques such as extended static analysis and model checking to the size of real systems. The workshop considers formalization of both functional and non-functional behavior, such as performance or reliability

    Proceedings of the RESOLVE Workshop 2002

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    Proceedings of the RESOLVE Workshop 200

    A Framework Enabling the Cross-Platform Development of Service-based Cloud Applications

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    Among all the different kinds of service offering available in the cloud, ranging from compute, storage and networking infrastructure to integrated platforms and software services, one of the more interesting is the cloud application platform, a kind of platform as a service (PaaS) which integrates cloud applications with a collection of platform basic services. This kind of platform is neither so open that it requires every application to be developed from scratch, nor so closed that it only offers services from a pre-designed toolbox. Instead, it supports the creation of novel service-based applications, consisting of micro-services supplied by multiple third-party providers. Software service development at this granularity has the greatest prospect for bringing about the future software service ecosystem envisaged for the cloud. Cloud application developers face several challenges when seeking to integrate the different micro-service offerings from third-party providers. There are many alternative offerings for each kind of service, such as mail, payment or image processing services, and each assumes a slightly different business model. We characterise these differences in terms of (i) workflow, (ii) exposed APIs and (iii) configuration settings. Furthermore, developers need to access the platform basic services in a consistent way. To address this, we present a novel design methodology for creating service-based applications. The methodology is exemplified in a Java framework, which (i) integrates platform basic services in a seamless way and (ii) alleviates the heterogeneity of third-party services. The benefit is that designers of complete service-based applications are no longer locked into the vendor-specific vagaries of third-party micro-services and may design applications in a vendor-agnostic way, leaving open the possibility of future micro-service substitution. The framework architecture is presented in three phases. The first describes the abstraction of platform basic services and third-party micro-service workflows,. The second describes the method for extending the framework for each alternative micro-service implementation, with examples. The third describes how the framework executes each workflow and generates suitable client adaptors for the web APIs of each micro-service

    API diversity for microservices in the domain of connected vehicles

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    Web services in the domain of connected vehicles are subject to various requirements including high availability and large workloads. Microservices are an architectural style which can fulfill those requirements by fostering the independence and decoupling of software components as reusable services. To achieve this independence, microservices have to implement all aspects of providing the services themselves, including different API technologies for heterogeneous consumers and supporting features like authentication. In this work, we examine the use of a service proxy that externalizes these concerns into a sidecar that provides multiple APIs and common service functionality in a platform-independent manner. We look at how different kinds of API styles and technologies solve selected classes of problems and how we can translate between API technologies. We design and implement a framework for building gateways that enables the creation and composition of reusable components, in the fashion of Lego bricks, to maximize flexibility, while reducing the effort for building gateway components. We design and implement selected components of common and reusable API functionality enabling us to build a reference setup with a service proxy as a sidecar using our framework. Finally, we evaluate the proposed solution to identify benefits and drawbacks of the approach of using our framework as a service proxy. We conclude that the examined approach provides benefits for the development of many polyglot microservices, but splitting one service into two components adds additional complexity that has to be managed.Web Services für vernetzte Fahrzeuge unterliegen unterschiedlichen Anforderungen, unter anderem einer hohen Verfügbarkeit und einem großen Datendurchsatz. Microservices sind ein Architekturstil, der diesen Anforderungen gerecht werden kann, indem er die Unabhängigkeit und Entkopplung von Softwarekomponenten als wiederverwendbare Services fördert. Zum Erreichen der Unabhängigkeit implementieren Microservices alle Aspekte der Servicebereitstellung eigenständig. Dazu gehört verschiedene API Technologien für heterogene Clients bereitzustellen und unterstützende Funktionalität wie Authentifizierung zu implementieren. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung einer Proxy Komponente vor einem Service untersucht, durch welche die Bereitstellung verschiedener API Technologien und allgemeiner unterstützender Funktionalität aus dem Service extrahiert wird. Die Lösungen verschiedener API Technologien und Stile für ausgewählte Klassen an Problemen werden verglichen und mögliche Umwandlungen der verschiedenen API Technologien werden untersucht. Es wird ein Framework konzeptioniert und implementiert, das die Erstellung von Gateways durch Kombination von wiederverwendbaren Komponenten, wie das Zusammensetzen von Legosteinen, ermöglicht. Dieses Framework sorgt für eine hohe Flexibilität, während es den Aufwand bei der Erstellung von Gateways gering hält. Es werden ausgewählte wiederverwendbare Komponenten entworfen, um eine Referenzimplementierung des Ansatzes umzusetzen, bei der allgemeine Funktionalität in einen parallel laufenden Proxy ausgelagert wird. Dieser Ansatz wird evaluiert, indem Vor- und Nachteile anhand eines mit dem Framework erstellten Proxys identifiziert werden. Das Fazit dieser Arbeit ist, dass dieser Ansatz bei Systemen mit vielen Microservices mit unterschiedlichen Programmiersprachen Vorteile bringt, aber die Trennung eines Services in zwei Komponenten eine nicht unerhebliche Komplexität einführt

    Distributed framework for a multi-purpose household robotic arm

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb l'Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica IndustrialThe concept of household robotic servants has been in our mind for ages, and domestic appliances are far more robotised than they used to be. At present, manufacturers are starting to introduce small, household human-interactive robots to the market. Any human-interactive device has safety, endurability and simplicity constraints, which are especially strict when it comes to robots. Indeed, we are still far from a multi-purpose intelligent household robot, but human-interactive robots and arti cial intelligence research has evolved considerably, demonstration prototypes are a proof of what can be done. This project contributes to the research in humaninteractive robots, as the robotic arm and hand used are specially designed for human-interactive applications. The present study provides a distributed framework for an arm and a hand devices based on the robotics YARP protocol using the WAMTM arm and the BarrettHandTM as well as a basic modular client application complemented with vision. Firstly, two device drivers and a network interface are designed and implemented to control the WAMTM arm and the BarrettHandTM from the network. The drivers allow abstract access to each device, providing three ports: command requests port, state requests port and asynchronous replies port. Secondly, each driver is then encapsulated by YARP devices publishing realtime monitoring feedback and motion control to the network through what is called a Network wrapper. In particular, the network wrapper for the WAMTM arm and BarrettHandTM provides a state port, command port, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) port and an asynchronous noti cations port. The state port provides the WAMTM position and orientation feedback at 50 Hz, which represents a maximum blindness of one centimetre. This rst part of the project sets the foundations of a distributed, complete robot, whose design enables processing and power payload to be shared by di erent workstations. Moreover, users are able to work with the robot remotely over Ethernet and Wireless through a clear, understandable local interface within YARP. In addition to the distributed robotic framework provided, a client software framework with vision is also supplied. The client framework establishes a general software shell for further development and is organized in the basic, separate robotic branches: control, vision and plani cation. The vision module supports distributed image grabbing on mobile robotics, and shared-memory for xed, local vision. In order to incorporate environment interaction and robot autonomy with the planner, hand-eye transformation matrices have been obtained to perform object grasping and manipulation. The image processing is based on OpenCV libraries and provides object recognition with Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) features matching, Hough transform and polygon approximation algorithms. Grasping and path planning use pre-de ned grasps which take into account the size, shape and orientation of the target objects. The proof-of-concept applications feature a household robotic arm with the ability to tidy randomly distributed common kitchen objects to speci ed locations, with robot real-time monitoring and basic control. The device modularity introduced in this project philosophy of decoupling communication, device local access and the components, was successful. Thanks to the abstract access and decoupling, the demonstration applications provided were easily deployed to test the arm's performance and its remote control and monitorization. Moreover, both resultant frameworks are arm-independent and the design is currently being adopted by other projects' devices within the IRI