1,090 research outputs found

    Min-Cost Flow in Unit-Capacity Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we give an O~((nm)^(2/3) log C) time algorithm for computing min-cost flow (or min-cost circulation) in unit capacity planar multigraphs where edge costs are integers bounded by C. For planar multigraphs, this improves upon the best known algorithms for general graphs: the O~(m^(10/7) log C) time algorithm of Cohen et al. [SODA 2017], the O(m^(3/2) log(nC)) time algorithm of Gabow and Tarjan [SIAM J. Comput. 1989] and the O~(sqrt(n) m log C) time algorithm of Lee and Sidford [FOCS 2014]. In particular, our result constitutes the first known fully combinatorial algorithm that breaks the Omega(m^(3/2)) time barrier for min-cost flow problem in planar graphs. To obtain our result we first give a very simple successive shortest paths based scaling algorithm for unit-capacity min-cost flow problem that does not explicitly operate on dual variables. This algorithm also runs in O~(m^(3/2) log C) time for general graphs, and, to the best of our knowledge, it has not been described before. We subsequently show how to implement this algorithm faster on planar graphs using well-established tools: r-divisions and efficient algorithms for computing (shortest) paths in so-called dense distance graphs

    Geometry Helps to Compare Persistence Diagrams

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    Exploiting geometric structure to improve the asymptotic complexity of discrete assignment problems is a well-studied subject. In contrast, the practical advantages of using geometry for such problems have not been explored. We implement geometric variants of the Hopcroft--Karp algorithm for bottleneck matching (based on previous work by Efrat el al.) and of the auction algorithm by Bertsekas for Wasserstein distance computation. Both implementations use k-d trees to replace a linear scan with a geometric proximity query. Our interest in this problem stems from the desire to compute distances between persistence diagrams, a problem that comes up frequently in topological data analysis. We show that our geometric matching algorithms lead to a substantial performance gain, both in running time and in memory consumption, over their purely combinatorial counterparts. Moreover, our implementation significantly outperforms the only other implementation available for comparing persistence diagrams.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures; extended version of paper published in ALENEX 201

    Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Many-To-Many Point Matching in the Plane

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