39 research outputs found

    A fast and effective heuristic for the feedback arc set problem

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    Let G=(V, A) denote a simple connected directed graph, and let n=|V|, m=|A|, where nt-1≤m≤(n2) A feedbackarc set (FAS) of G, denoted R(G), is a (possibly empty)set of arcs whose reversal makes G acyclic. A minimum feedbackarc set of G, denoted R∗(G), is a FAS of minimum cardinality r∗(G); the computation of R∗(G) is called the FASproblem. Berger and Shor have recently published an algorithm which, for a given digraph G, computes a FAS whose cardinality is at most m/2t-c1m/Δ1/2 where Δ is the maximum degree of G and c1 is a constant. Further, they exhibited an infinite class of graphs with the property that for every Gϵ and some constant c2, r∗(G)≥m /2t-c2m/Δ1/2. Thus the Berger-Shor algorithm provides, in a certain asymptotic sense, an optimal solution to the FAS problem. Unfortunately, the Berger-Shor algorithm is complicated and requires runni ng time O(mn). In this paper we present a simple FAS algorithm which guarantees a good (though not optimal) performance bound and executes in time O(m). Further, for the sparse graphs which arise frequently in graph drawing and other applications, our algorithm achieves the same asymptotic performance bound that Berger-Shor does

    Hierarchical self-organization of non-cooperating individuals

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    Hierarchy is one of the most conspicuous features of numerous natural, technological and social systems. The underlying structures are typically complex and their most relevant organizational principle is the ordering of the ties among the units they are made of according to a network displaying hierarchical features. In spite of the abundant presence of hierarchy no quantitative theoretical interpretation of the origins of a multi-level, knowledge-based social network exists. Here we introduce an approach which is capable of reproducing the emergence of a multi-levelled network structure based on the plausible assumption that the individuals (representing the nodes of the network) can make the right estimate about the state of their changing environment to a varying degree. Our model accounts for a fundamental feature of knowledge-based organizations: the less capable individuals tend to follow those who are better at solving the problems they all face. We find that relatively simple rules lead to hierarchical self-organization and the specific structures we obtain possess the two, perhaps most important features of complex systems: a simultaneous presence of adaptability and stability. In addition, the performance (success score) of the emerging networks is significantly higher than the average expected score of the individuals without letting them copy the decisions of the others. The results of our calculations are in agreement with a related experiment and can be useful from the point of designing the optimal conditions for constructing a given complex social structure as well as understanding the hierarchical organization of such biological structures of major importance as the regulatory pathways or the dynamics of neural networks.Comment: Supplementary videos are to be found at http://hal.elte.hu/~nepusz/research/supplementary/hierarchy

    Stress-Minimizing Orthogonal Layout of Data Flow Diagrams with Ports

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    We present a fundamentally different approach to orthogonal layout of data flow diagrams with ports. This is based on extending constrained stress majorization to cater for ports and flow layout. Because we are minimizing stress we are able to better display global structure, as measured by several criteria such as stress, edge-length variance, and aspect ratio. Compared to the layered approach, our layouts tend to exhibit symmetries, and eliminate inter-layer whitespace, making the diagrams more compact

    Learning Joint Nonlinear Effects from Single-variable Interventions in the Presence of Hidden Confounders

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    We propose an approach to estimate the effect of multiple simultaneous interventions in the presence of hidden confounders. To overcome the problem of hidden confounding, we consider the setting where we have access to not only the observational data but also sets of single-variable interventions in which each of the treatment variables is intervened on separately. We prove identifiability under the assumption that the data is generated from a nonlinear continuous structural causal model with additive Gaussian noise. In addition, we propose a simple parameter estimation method by pooling all the data from different regimes and jointly maximizing the combined likelihood. We also conduct comprehensive experiments to verify the identifiability result as well as to compare the performance of our approach against a baseline on both synthetic and real-world data.Comment: Accepted to The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 202

    ShapeFit and ShapeKick for Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion

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    We introduce a new method for location recovery from pair-wise directions that leverages an efficient convex program that comes with exact recovery guarantees, even in the presence of adversarial outliers. When pairwise directions represent scaled relative positions between pairs of views (estimated for instance with epipolar geometry) our method can be used for location recovery, that is the determination of relative pose up to a single unknown scale. For this task, our method yields performance comparable to the state-of-the-art with an order of magnitude speed-up. Our proposed numerical framework is flexible in that it accommodates other approaches to location recovery and can be used to speed up other methods. These properties are demonstrated by extensively testing against state-of-the-art methods for location recovery on 13 large, irregular collections of images of real scenes in addition to simulated data with ground truth

    Structuring Wikipedia Articles with Section Recommendations

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    Sections are the building blocks of Wikipedia articles. They enhance readability and can be used as a structured entry point for creating and expanding articles. Structuring a new or already existing Wikipedia article with sections is a hard task for humans, especially for newcomers or less experienced editors, as it requires significant knowledge about how a well-written article looks for each possible topic. Inspired by this need, the present paper defines the problem of section recommendation for Wikipedia articles and proposes several approaches for tackling it. Our systems can help editors by recommending what sections to add to already existing or newly created Wikipedia articles. Our basic paradigm is to generate recommendations by sourcing sections from articles that are similar to the input article. We explore several ways of defining similarity for this purpose (based on topic modeling, collaborative filtering, and Wikipedia's category system). We use both automatic and human evaluation approaches for assessing the performance of our recommendation system, concluding that the category-based approach works best, achieving precision@10 of about 80% in the human evaluation.Comment: SIGIR '18 camera-read

    RPNCH: A method for constructing rooted phylogenetic networks from rooted triplets based on height function

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         Phylogenetic networks are a generalization of phylogenetic trees which permit the representation the non-tree-like events. It is NP-hard to construct an optimal rooted phylogenetic network from a given set of rooted triplets. This paper presents a novel algorithm called RPNCH. For a given set of rooted triplets, RPNCH tries to construct a rooted phylogenetic network with the minimum number of reticulation nodes that contains all the given rooted triplets. The performance of RPNCH algorithm on simulated data is reported here

    Modeling the emergence of modular leadership hierarchy during the collective motion of herds made of harems

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    Gregarious animals need to make collective decisions in order to keep their cohesiveness. Several species of them live in multilevel societies, and form herds composed of smaller communities. We present a model for the development of a leadership hierarchy in a herd consisting of loosely connected sub-groups (e.g. harems) by combining self organization and social dynamics. It starts from unfamiliar individuals without relationships and reproduces the emergence of a hierarchical and modular leadership network that promotes an effective spreading of the decisions from more capable individuals to the others, and thus gives rise to a beneficial collective decision. Our results stemming from the model are in a good agreement with our observations of a Przewalski horse herd (Hortob\'agy, Hungary). We find that the harem-leader to harem-member ratio observed in Przewalski horses corresponds to an optimal network in this approach regarding common success, and that the observed and modeled harem size distributions are close to a lognormal.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, J. Stat. Phys. (2014

    Global network structure of dominance hierarchy of ant workers

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    Dominance hierarchy among animals is widespread in various species and believed to serve to regulate resource allocation within an animal group. Unlike small groups, however, detection and quantification of linear hierarchy in large groups of animals are a difficult task. Here, we analyse aggression-based dominance hierarchies formed by worker ants in Diacamma sp. as large directed networks. We show that the observed dominance networks are perfect or approximate directed acyclic graphs, which are consistent with perfect linear hierarchy. The observed networks are also sparse and random but significantly different from networks generated through thinning of the perfect linear tournament (i.e., all individuals are linearly ranked and dominance relationship exists between every pair of individuals). These results pertain to global structure of the networks, which contrasts with the previous studies inspecting frequencies of different types of triads. In addition, the distribution of the out-degree (i.e., number of workers that the focal worker attacks), not in-degree (i.e., number of workers that attack the focal worker), of each observed network is right-skewed. Those having excessively large out-degrees are located near the top, but not the top, of the hierarchy. We also discuss evolutionary implications of the discovered properties of dominance networks.Comment: 5 figures, 2 tables, 4 supplementary figures, 2 supplementary table