46 research outputs found

    Bayesian adaptive algorithm for fast coding unit decision in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard

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    The latest High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC) provides a set of new coding tools to achieve a significantly higher coding efficiency than previous standards. In this standard, the pixels are first grouped into Coding Units (CU), then Prediction Units (PU), and finally Transform Units (TU). All these coding levels are organized into a quadtree-shaped arrangement that allows highly flexible data representation; however, they involve a very high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose an effective early CU depth decision algorithm to reduce the encoder complexity. Our proposal is based on a hierarchical approach, in which a hypothesis test is designed to make a decision at every CU depth, where the algorithm either produces an early termination or decides to evaluate the subsequent depth level. Moreover, the proposed method is able to adaptively estimate the parameters that define each hypothesis test, so that it adapts its behavior to the variable contents of the video sequences. The proposed method has been extensively tested, and the experimental results show that our proposal outperforms several state-of-the-art methods, achieving a significant reduction of the computational complexity (36.5% and 38.2% average reductions in coding time for two different encoder configurations) in exchange for very slight losses in coding performance (1.7% and 0.8% average bit rate increments).This work has been partially supported by the National Grant TEC2014-53390-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Content-adaptive feature-based CU size prediction for fast low-delay video encoding in HEVC

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    Determining the best partitioning structure of a Coding Tree Unit (CTU) is one of the most time consuming operations in HEVC encoding. Specifically, it is the evaluation of the quadtree hierarchy using the Rate-Distortion (RD) optimization that has the most significant impact on the encoding time, especially in the cases of High Definition (HD) and Ultra High Definition (UHD) videos. In order to expedite the encoding for low delay applications, this paper proposes a Coding Unit (CU) size selection and encoding algorithm for inter-prediction in the HEVC. To this end, it describes (i) two CU classification models based on Inter N×N mode motion features and RD cost thresholds to predict the CU split decision, (ii) an online training scheme for dynamic content adaptation, (iii) a motion vector reuse mechanism to expedite the motion estimation process, and finally introduces (iv) a computational complexity to coding efficiency trade-off process to enable flexible control of the algorithm. The experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm achieves a consistent average encoding time performance ranging from 55% - 58% and 57%-61% with average Bjøntegaard Delta Bit Rate (BDBR) increases of 1.93% – 2.26% and 2.14% – 2.33% compared to the HEVC 16.0 reference software for the low delay P and low delay B configurations, respectively, across a wide range of content types and bit rates

    Reducing Complexity on Coding Unit Partitioning in Video Coding: A Review

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    In this article, we present a survey on the low complexity video coding on a coding unit (CU) partitioning with the aim for researchers to understand the foundation of video coding and fast CU partition algorithms. Firstly, we introduce video coding technologies by explaining the trending standards and reference models. They are High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), Joint Exploration Test Model (JEM), and VVC, which introduce novel quadtree (QT), quadtree plus binary tree (QTBT), quadtree plus multi-type tree (QTMT) block partitioning with expensive computation complexity, respectively. Secondly, we present a comprehensive explanation of the time-consuming CU partitioning, especially for researchers who are not familiar with CU partitioning. The newer the video coding standard, the more flexible partition structures and the higher the computational complexity. Then, we provide a deep and comprehensive survey of recent and state-of-the-art researches. Finally, we include a discussion section about the advantages and disadvantage of heuristic based and learning based approaches for the readers to explore quickly the performance of the existing algorithms and their limitations. To our knowledge, it is the first comprehensive survey to provide sufficient information about fast CU partitioning on HEVC, JEM, and VVC


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    This research utilised Queen Mary’s MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC grant EP/K000128/1

    Information fusion based techniques for HEVC

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    Aiming at the conflict circumstances of multi-parameter H.265/HEVC encoder system, the present paper introduces the analysis of many optimizations\u27 set in order to improve the trade-off between quality, performance and power consumption for different reliable and accurate applications. This method is based on the Pareto optimization and has been tested with different resolutions on real-time encoders

    iCUS: Intelligent CU Size Selection for HEVC Inter Prediction

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    The hierarchical quadtree partitioning of Coding Tree Units (CTU) is one of the striking features in HEVC that contributes towards its superior coding performance over its predecessors. However, the brute force evaluation of the quadtree hierarchy using the Rate-Distortion (RD) optimisation, to determine the best partitioning structure for a given content, makes it one of the most time-consuming operations in HEVC encoding. In this context, this paper proposes an intelligent fast Coding Unit (CU) size selection algorithm to expedite the encoding process of HEVC inter-prediction. The proposed algorithm introduces (i) two CU split likelihood modelling and classification approaches using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Bayesian probabilistic models, and (ii) a fast CU selection algorithm that makes use of both offline trained SVMs and online trained Bayesian probabilistic models. Finally, (iii) a computational complexity to coding efficiency trade-off mechanism is introduced to flexibly control the algorithm to suit different encoding requirements. The experimental results of the proposed algorithm demonstrate an average encoding time reduction performance of 53.46%, 61.15%, and 58.15% for Low Delay B , Random Access , and Low Delay P configurations, respectively, with Bjøntegaard Delta-Bit Rate (BD-BR) losses of 2.35%, 2.9%, and 2.35%, respectively, when evaluated across a wide range of content types and quality level

    A novel motion classification based intermode selection strategy for HEVC performance improvement

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard adopts several new approaches to achieve higher coding efficiency (approximately 50% bit-rate reduction) compared to its predecessor H.264/AVC with same perceptual image quality. Huge computational time has also increased due to the algorithmic complexity of HEVC compared to H.264/AVC. However, it is really a demanding task to reduce the encoding time while preserving the similar quality of the video sequences. In this paper, we propose a novel efficient intermode selection technique and incorporate into HEVC framework to predict motion estimation and motion compensation modes between current and reference blocks and perform faster inter mode selection based on three dissimilar motion types in divergent video sequences. Instead of exploring and traversing all the modes exhaustively, we merely select a subset of candidate modes and the final mode from the selected subset is determined based on their lowest Lagrangian cost function. The experimental results reveal that average encoding time can be downscaled by 40% with similar rate-distortion performance compared to the exhaustive mode selection strategy in HEVC