508 research outputs found

    Integral sliding-mode controller for maximum power point tracking in the grid-connected photovoltaic systems

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    The output power generated in the photovoltaic modules depends both on the solar radiation and the temperature of the solar cells. To maximize the efficiency of the system, it is required to monitor the maximum power point of the photovoltaic system. For this purpose, monitoring the maximum power point (MPPT) of photovoltaic systems should be as quick and accurately as possible for increasing energy production, which ultimately increases the cost-efficiency of the photovoltaic system. This paper proposes a new approach for MPPT) using the concept of the integral sliding mode controller (ISMC) to ensure fast and precise monitoring of the peak power. The performance of the ISMC is significantly influenced by the choice of the sliding surface. To assess the reliability ISMC control, the results have been compared with those of a PI controller. The results obtained are used to evaluate the performance of the ISMC strategy under different climatic conditions. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed solution is confirmed using simulations in PSIM tools and experimental results were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Multi-Input Single-Inductor MPPT Regulator with Sliding-Mode Controller

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    abstract: A Multi-input single inductor dual-output Boost based architecture for Multi-junction PV energy harvesting source is presented. The system works in Discontinuous Conduction Mode to achieve the independent input regulation for multi-junction PV source. A dual-output path is implemented to regulate the output at 3V as well as store the extra energy at light load condition. The dual-loop based sliding-mode MPPT for multi-junction PV is proposed to speed up the system response time for prompt irradiation change as well as maximize MPPT efficiency. The whole system achieves peak efficiency of 83% and MPPT efficiency of 95%. The whole system is designed, simulated in Cadence and implemented in PCB platform.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    Cascade sliding mode maximum power point tracking controller for photovoltaic systems

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    Introduction. Constant increases in power consumption by both industrial and individual users may cause depletion of fossil fuels and environmental pollution, and hence there is a growing interest in clean and renewable energy resources. Photovoltaic power generation systems are playing an important role as a clean power electricity source in meeting future electricity demands. Problem. All photovoltaic systems have two problems; the first one being the very low electric-power generation efficiency, especially under low-irradiation states; the second resides in the interdependence of the amount of the electric power generated by solar arrays and the ever changing weather conditions. Load mismatch can occur under these weather varying conditions such that maximum power is not extracted and delivered to the load. This issue constitutes the so-called maximum power point tracking problem. Aim. Many methods have been developed to determine the maximum power point under all conditions. There are various methods, in most of them based on the well-known principle of perturb and observe. In this method, the operating point oscillates at a certain amplitude, no matter whether the maximum power point is reached or not. That is, this oscillation remains even in the steady state after reaching the maximum power point, which leads to power loss. This is an essential drawback of the previous method. In this paper, a cascade sliding mode maximum power point tracking control for a photovoltaic system is proposed to overcome above mentioned problems. Methodology. The photovoltaic system is mainly composed of a solar array, DC/DC boost converter, cascade sliding mode controller, and an output load. Two sliding mode control design strategies are joined to construct the proposed controller. The primary sliding mode algorithm is designed for maximum power point searching, i.e., to track the output reference voltage of the solar array. This voltage is used to manipulate the setpoint of the secondary sliding mode controller, which is used via the DC-DC boost converter to achieve maximum power output. Results. This novel approach provides a good transient response, a low tracking error and a very fast reaction against the solar radiation and photovoltaic cell temperature variations. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in the presence of environmental disturbances.Вступ. Постійне збільшення енергоспоживання як промисловими, так і індивідуальними користувачами може призвести до виснаження запасів викопного палива та забруднення навколишнього середовища, тому зростає інтерес до чистих та відновлюваних джерел енергії. Фотоелектричні системи виробництва електроенергії відіграють важливу роль як екологічно чисте джерело електроенергії для задоволення майбутніх потреб в електроенергії. Проблема. Усі фотоелектричні системи мають дві проблеми; по-перше, дуже низька ефективність вироблення електроенергії, особливо в умовах низького опромінення; друга полягає у взаємозалежності кількості електроенергії, що виробляється сонячними батареями, та постійно мінливих погодних умов. У цих погодних умовах, що змінюються, може відбутися невідповідність навантаження, так що максимальна потужність не буде витягнута і передана в навантаження. Ця проблема є так званою проблемою відстеження точки максимальної потужності. Мета. Було розроблено безліч методів визначення точки максимальної потужності за будь-яких умов. Існують різні методи, здебільшого засновані на відомому принципі збурення та спостережень. У цьому методі робоча точка коливається з певною амплітудою, незалежно від того, досягнуто точку максимальної потужності чи ні. Тобто це коливання залишається навіть у стійкому стані після досягнення точки максимальної потужності, що призводить до втрати потужності. Це значний недолік попереднього способу. У цій статті для подолання вищезазначених проблем пропонується каскадне керування відстеженням точки максимальної потужності в режимі ковзання для фотоелектричної системи. Методологія. Фотоелектрична система в основному складається з сонячної батареї, перетворювача постійного струму, що підвищує, каскадного контролера ковзного режиму та вихідного навантаження. Дві стратегії проєктування керування ковзним режимом об'єднані для побудови пропонованого контролера. Алгоритм первинного ковзного режиму призначений для пошуку точки максимальної потужності, тобто для відстеження вихідної опорної напруги сонячної батареї. Ця напруга використовується для управління уставкою вторинного контролера ковзного режиму, який використовується через перетворювач постійного струму, що підвищує, для досягнення максимальної вихідної потужності. Результати. Цей новий підхід забезпечує хорошу перехідну характеристику, низьку помилку відстеження та дуже швидку реакцію на сонячне випромінювання та коливання температури фотогальванічного елемента. Результати моделювання демонструють ефективність пропонованого підходу за наявності збурень довкілля

    A Review of Control Techniques for Wind Energy Conversion System

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    Wind energy is the most efficient and advanced form of renewable energy (RE) in recent decades, and an effective controller is required to regulate the power generated by wind energy. This study provides an overview of state-of-the-art control strategies for wind energy conversion systems (WECS). Studies on the pitch angle controller, the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller, the machine side controller (MSC), and the grid side controller (GSC) are reviewed and discussed. Related works are analyzed, including evolution, software used, input and output parameters, specifications, merits, and limitations of different control techniques. The analysis shows that better performance can be obtained by the adaptive and soft-computing based pitch angle controller and MPPT controller, the field-oriented control for MSC, and the voltage-oriented control for GSC. This study provides an appropriate benchmark for further wind energy research

    A New Modified MPPT Controller for Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive with Variable Irradiance and Variable Temperature

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    Due to the increase in power demand and the earth natural resources are depleting day by day, renewable energy sources have become an important alternate and solar energy is mainly used. In order to track the radiations from the sun in an efficient manner the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is used. But the existed MPPT controllers were developed based upon the ideal characteristics of constant irradiation and temperature. To overcome the above problem a practical data is considered for designing of MPPT controller which is based upon variable irradiance under various temperatures. The output obtained from the MPPT is given to the boost converter with an inverter to find the performance of an indirect vector controlled induction motor drive under different operating conditions. For inverter control, a SVM algorithm in which the calculation of switching times proportional to the instantaneous values of the reference phase voltage. It eliminates the calculation of sector and angle information. The torque ripple and the performance of induction motor drive with ideal and practical data MPPT controllers are compared under different operating conditions. An experimental validation is carried out and the comparison is made with the simulation results. Keywords: maximum power point tracking, variable irradiance, indirect vector controlled, total harmonic distortions, space vector modulation, induction motor drive and torque ripple

    Hybrid MPPT Control: P&O and Neural Network for Wind Energy Conversion System

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    In the field of wind turbine performance optimization, many techniques are employed to track the maximum power point (MPPT), one of the most commonly used MPPT algorithms is the perturb and observe technique (PO) because of its ease of implementation. However, the main disadvantage of this method is the lack of accuracy due to fluctuations around the maximum power point. In contrast, MPPT control employing neural networks proved to be an effective solution, in terms of accuracy. The contribution of this work is to propose a hybrid maximum power point tracking control using two types of MPPT control: neural network control (NNC) and the perturbation and observe method (PO), thus the PO method can offer better performance. Furthermore, this study aims to provide a comparison of the hybrid method with each algorithm and NNC. At the resulting duty cycle of the 2 methods, we applied the combination operation. A DC-DC boost converter is subjected to the hybrid MPPT control.  This converter is part of a wind energy conversion system employing a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The chain is modeled using MATLAB/Simulink software. The effectiveness of the controller is tested at varying wind speeds. In terms of the Integral time absolute error (ITAE), using the PO technique, the ITAE is 9.72. But, if we apply the suggested technique, it is smaller at 4.55. The corresponding simulation results show that the proposed hybrid method performs best compared to the PO method. Simulation results ensure the performance of the proposed hybrid MPPT control.

    Numerical experimental validation of a proposed MPPT algorithm with dynamic hysteresis for PV systems

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    In the last decades, the renewable energies have had a highly positive effect on the daily life. This due to the necessity of reducing the common fuel energies that have negatively impacted the environment. Among all the available renewable energies, the solar energy is one of the most common. This energy is obtained through Photovoltaic (PV) systems. Thus, in previous years, new techniques of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) to raise the quality of the energy provided by PV panels have been proposed. Since the energy provided by the PV cells depends on the external environmental conditions, as temperature or sun irradiance, the MPPT methods should be adequate to deal with these external changes by maintaining the desired power level. Hence, this paper proposes a recent hysteretic dynamic technique to extract the maximum power from a PV panel array by employing a Boost DC/DC converter to supply energy to an inductive load. Here, a comparative study between the results obtained with the well known Perturb and Observer (P&O) algorithm and by using our dynamic hysteretic MPPT method is analyzed, specifically when the PV panel is submitted to fast variations in temperature and irradiance. It will be proved through numerical experiments realized in MatLab/Simulink that our hysteretic MPPT algorithm provides a better achievement of the maximum power of the PV panel in comparison to the conventional Perturb and Observer method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Photovoltaic Panel: A Review and Experimental Applications

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    This article contains a review of essential control techniques for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to be applied in photovoltaic (PV) panel systems. These devices are distinguished by their capability to transform solar energy into electricity without emissions. Nevertheless, the efficiency can be enhanced provided that a suitable MPPT algorithm is well designed to obtain the maximum performance. From the analyzed MPPT algorithms, four different types were chosen for an experimental evaluation over a commercial PV system linked to a boost converter. As the reference that corresponds to the maximum power is depended on the irradiation and temperature, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used as a reference generator where a high accuracy was achieved based on real data. This was used as a tool for the implementation of sliding mode controller (SMC), fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and model predictive control (MPC). The outcomes allowed different conclusions where each controller has different advantages and disadvantages depending on the various factors related to hardware and software.This research was funded by the Basque Government through the project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), by the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA), through the project CONAVANTER, and by the UPV/EHU, through the project GIU20/063

    Passivity-based Rieman Liouville fractional order sliding mode control of three phase inverter in a grid-connected photovoltaic system

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    Photovoltaic (PV) system parameters are always non-linear due to variable environmental conditions. The Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is difficult under multiple uncertainties, disruptions and the occurrence of time-varying stochastic conditions. Therefore, Passivity based Fractional order Sliding-Mode controller (PBSMC) is proposed to examine and develop a storage function in error tracking for PV power and direct voltage in this research work. A unique sliding surface for Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control (FOSMC) framework is proposed and its stability and finite time convergence is proved by implementing Lyapunov stability method. An additional input of sliding mode control (SMC) is also added to a passive system to boost the controller performance by removing the rapid uncertainties and disturbances. Therefore, PBSMC, along with globally consistent control efficiency under varying operating conditions is implemented with enhanced system damping and substantial robustness. The novelty of the proposed technique lies in a unique sliding surface for FOSMC framework based on Riemann Liouville (R-L) fractional calculus. Results have shown that the proposed control technique reduces the tracking error in PV output power, under variable irradiance conditions, by 81%, compared to fractional order proportional integral derivative (FOPID) controller. It is reduced by 39%, when compared to passivity based control (PBC) and 28%, when compared to passivity based FOPID (EPBFOPID). The proposed technique led to the least total harmonic distortion in the grid side voltage and current. The tracking time of PV output power is 0.025 seconds in PBSMC under varying solar irradiance, however FOPID, PBC, EPBFOPID, have failed to converge fully. Similarly the dc link voltage has tracked the reference voltage in 0.05 seconds however the rest of the methods either could not converge, or converged after significant amount of time. During solar irradiance and temperature change, the photovoltaic output power has converged in 0.018 seconds using PBSMC, however remaining methods failed to converge or track fully and the dc link voltage has minimum tracking error due to PBSMC as compared to the other methods. Furthermore, the photovoltaic output power converges to the reference power in 0.1 seconds in power grid voltage drop, whereas other methods failed to converge fully. In addition power is also injected from the PV inverter into the grid at unity power factor

    A novel modified sine-cosine optimized MPPT algorithm for grid integrated PV system under real operating conditions

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    This research work presents a modified sine-cosine optimized maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for grid integration. The developed algorithm provides the maximum power extraction from a photovoltaic (PV) panel and simplified implementation with a benefit of high convergence velocity. Moreover, the performance and ability of the modified sine-cosine optimized (MSCO) algorithm is equated with recent particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony algorithms for comparative observation. Practical responses is analyzed under steady state, dynamic, and partial shading conditions by using dSPACE real controlling board laboratory scale hardware implementation. The MSCO-based MPPT algorithm always shows fast convergence rate, easy implementation, less computational burden and the accuracy to track the optimal PV power under varying weather conditions. The experimental results provided in this paper clearly show the validation of the proposed algorithm