32 research outputs found

    A Partial-Closure Canonicity Test to Increase the Efficiency of CbO-Type Algorithms

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    Computing formal concepts is a fundamental part of Formal Concept Analysis and the design of increasingly efficient algorithms to carry out this task is a continuing strand of FCA research. Most approaches suffer from the repeated computation of the same formal concepts and, initially, algorithms concentrated on efficient searches through already computed results to detect these repeats, until the so-called canonicity test was introduced. The canonicity test meant that it was sufficient to examine the attributes of a computed concept to determine its newness: searching through previously computed concepts was no longer necessary. The employment of this test in Close-by-One type algorithms has proved to be highly effective. The typical CbO approach is to compute a concept and then test its canonicity. This paper describes a more efficient approach, whereby a concept need only be partially computed in order to carry out the test. Only if it passes the test does the computation of the concept need to be completed. This paper presents this ‘partial-closure’ canonicity test in the In-Close algorithm and compares it to a traditional CbO algorithm to demonstrate the increase in efficiency

    Enumeration of s-d Separators in DAGs with Application to Reliability Analysis in Temporal Graphs

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    Enumeration of s-d separators in DAGs with application to reliability analysis in temporal graphs

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    Temporal graphs are graphs in which arcs have temporal labels, specifying at which time they can be traversed. Motivated by recent results concerning the reliability analysis of a temporal graph through the enumeration of minimal cutsets in the corresponding line graph, in this paper we attack the problem of enumerating minimal s-d separators in s-d directed acyclic graphs (in short, s-d DAGs), also known as 2-terminal DAGs or s-t digraphs. Our main result is an algorithm for enumerating all the minimal s-d separators in a DAG with O(nm) delay, where n and m are respectively the number of nodes and arcs, and the delay is the time between the output of two consecutive solutions. To this aim, we give a characterization of the minimal s-d separators in a DAG through vertex cuts of an expanded version of the DAG itself. As a consequence of our main result, we provide an algorithm for enumerating all the minimal s-d cutsets in a temporal graph with delay O(m3), where m is the number of temporal arcs

    A ‘Best-of-Breed’ approach for designing a fast algorithm for computing fixpoints of Galois Connections

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    The fixpoints of Galois Connections form patterns in binary relational data, such as object-attribute relations, that are important in a number of data analysis fields, including Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), Boolean factor analysis and frequent itemset mining. However, the large number of such fixpoints present in a typical dataset requires efficient computation to make analysis tractable, particularly since any particular fixpoint may be computed many times. Because they can be computed in a canonical order, testing the canonicity of fixpoints to avoid duplicates has proven to be a key factor in the design of efficient algorithms. The most efficient of these algorithms have been variants of the Close-By-One (CbO) algorithm. In this article, the algorithms CbO, FCbO, In-Close, In-Close2 and a new variant, In-Close3, are presented together for the first time, with in-Close2 and In-Close3 being the results of breeding In-Close with FCbO. To allow them to be easily compared, the algorithms are presented in the same style and notation. The important advances in CbO are described and compared graphically using a simple example. For the first time, the algorithms are implemented using the same structures and techniques to provide a level playing field for evaluation. Their performance is tested and compared using a range of data sets and the most important features identified for a CbO ‘Best-of-Breed’. This article also presents, for the first time, the ‘partial-closure’ canonicity test

    Efficient Algorithms on the Family Associated to an Implicational System

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    International audienceAn implication system (IS) on a finite set S is a set of rules called Σ -implications of the kind A →_Σ B, with A,B ⊆ S. A subset X ⊆ S satisfies A →_Σ B when ''A ⊆ X implies B ⊆ X'' holds, so ISs can be used to describe constraints on sets of elements, such as dependency or causality. ISs are formally closely linked to the well known notions of closure operators and Moore families. This paper focuses on their algorithmic aspects. A number of problems issued from an IS Σ (e.g. is it minimal, is a given implication entailed by the system) can be reduced to the computation of closures φ _Σ (X), where φ _Σ is the closure operator associated to Σ . We propose a new approach to compute such closures, based on the characterization of the direct-optimal IS Σ _do which has the following properties: \beginenumerate ıtemit is equivalent to Σ ıtemφ _Σ _do(X) (thus φ _Σ (X)) can be computed by a single scanning of Σ _do-implications ıtemit is of minimal size with respect to ISs satisfying 1. and 2. \endenumerate We give algorithms that compute Σ _do, and from Σ _do closures φ _Σ (X) and the Moore family associated to φ _Σ