68 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable component connectors

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    This thesis provides formal methods for reconfigurable component connectors.UBL - phd migration 201

    Reconfiguration of Reo Connectors Triggered by Dataflow

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    Reo is a language for coordinating autonomous components in distributed environments. Coordination in Reo is performed by circuit-like connectors, which are constructed from primitive, mobile channels with well-defined behaviour. While the structure of a connector can be modeled as a graph, its behaviour is compositionally defined using that of its primitive constituents. In previous work, we showed that graph transformation techniques are well-suited to model reconfigurations of connectors. In this paper, we investigate how the connector colouring semantics can be used to perform dynamic reconfigurations. Dynamic reconfigurations are triggered by dataflow in the connector at runtime, when certain structural patterns enriched with dataflow annotations occur. For instance we are able to elegantly model dynamic Reo circuits, such as just-in-time augmentation of single-b

    Towards an engine for coordination-based architectural reconfigurations

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    Software reconfigurability became increasingly relevant to the architectural process due to the crescent dependency of modern societies on reliable and adaptable systems. Such systems are supposed to adapt themselves to surrounding environmental changes with minimal service disruption, if any. This paper introduces an engine that statically applies reconfigurations to (formal) models of software architectures. Reconfigurations are specified using a domain specific language— ReCooPLa—which targets the manipulation of software coordinationstructures,typicallyusedinservice-orientedarchitectures(soa).Theengine is responsible for the compilation of ReCooPLa instances and their application to the relevant coordination structures. The resulting configurations are amenable to formal analysis of qualitative and quantitative (probabilistic) properties.This work is partly funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028923. The second author is supported by an Individual Doctoral Grant from FCT, with reference SFRH/BD/71475/2010

    Reconfiguration mechanisms for service coordination

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    Serie : Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, vol. 7843Models for exogenous coordination provide powerful glue- code, in the form of software connectors, to express interaction protocols between services in distributed applications. Connector reconfiguration mechanisms play, in this setting, a major role to deal with change and adaptation of interaction protocols. This paper introduces a model for connector reconfiguration, based on a collection of primitives as well as a language to specify connectors and their reconfigurations.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    ReCooPla: a DSL for coordination-based reconfiguration of software architectures

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    In production environments where change is the rule rather than the exception, adaptation of software plays an important role. Such adaptations presuppose dynamic reconfiguration of the system architecture, owever, it is in the static setting (design-phase) that such reconfigurations must be designed and analysed, to reclude erroneous evolutions. Modern software systems, which are built from the coordinated composition of loosely-coupled software components, are naturally adaptable; and coordination specification is, usually, the main reference point to inserting changes in these systems. In this paper, a domain-specific language—referred to as ReCooPLa—is proposed to design reconfigurations that change the coordination structures, so that they are analysed before being applied in run time. Moreover, a reconfiguration engine is introduced, that takes conveniently translated ReCooPLa specifications and applies them to coordination structures.(undefined

    ReCooPLa: a DSL for Coordination-based Reconfiguration of Software Architectures

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    An engine for coordination-based architectural reconfigurations

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    Master Course in Computing EngineeringIn service-oriented architectures (SOA), services are seen as loosely-coupled components interacting with each other via connection of their public interfaces. Such interaction follows a (coordination) protocol usually established at design-time. However, in an environment where change is the rule rather than the exception, several aspects may contribute to a need for change in the way these services interact. To perceive the consequences of applying these changes beforehand is an ultimate requirement for SOA design. The dissertation of this MSc project proposes a practical approach to model reconfigurations of service coordination patterns. Its main contributions are a language for coordination reconfiguration design and a reconfiguration engine. This project is the part of a broader research initiative aiming at formally modelling, reasoning and analysing reconfigurations of coordination patterns in the context of SOA and cloud-computing.Em arquiteturas orientadas a serviços (SOA), os serviços são vistos como componentes independentes que interagem uns com os outros através da ligação das suas interfaces públicas. Tal interação segue um protocolo (de coordenação) que normalmente é estabelecido durante o design. No entanto, num ambiente onde a mudança é a regra e não a excepção, vários factores podem contribuir para uma necessidade de alterar a forma como estes serviços interagem. Compreender as consequências da aplicação destas alterações com antecedência é uma exigência final para o desenho de uma SOA. Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe uma abordagem prática para modelar reconfigurações de padrões de coordenação de serviços. Para tal, as reconfigurações são especificadas (antes de serem aplicadas em tempo de execução) através de uma linguagem de domínio específico – ReCooPLa – que visa a manipulação de estruturas de coordenação de software, tipicamente utilizadas em SOA. Posteriormente, é apresentado um processador para a linguagem, construído de acordo com a abordagem tradicional para a construção de compiladores. Este processador inclui o parser, o analisador semântico e o tradutor. O principal resultado deste trabalho é um motor de reconfiguração, que usa as especificações ReCooPLa convenientemente traduzidas em código Java e aplica-as a estruturas de coordenação. Este projeto é parte de uma iniciativa de pesquisa mais ampla que visa modelar e analisar formalmente reconfigurações de padrões de coordenação no contexto de SOA e cloud-computing